Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 335 The Battles Begin

Chapter 335 The Battles Begin

After what he said, the crowd of students had a mixed reaction. Many confidently stepped forward, wanting all those artifacts for themselves.

Others didn't seem to care, and finally, most actually took a step back. They had some pride in themselves but also knew their boundaries.

Trying to go against an MVP wasn't a foolish endeavor. Some were just too weak, and others feared punishment if they fought a high-status noble.

"Wait a second... let me get this straight." Masvidal's blue-robed friend, Cillion, stepped forward. He spoke with a slightly confused tone in his voice. All the eyes darted to him, as Lyrian also turned to face him.

"I don't think I'm hearing this right, because if I am, then you're telling me that you are challenging everyone in this arena right now?" Cillion sounded bewildered.

"Yeah... that's exactly what I'm doing." Lyrian confidently retorted.

"Pah!" Cillion suddenly scoffed, looking around at the faces of the other students. 'Surely... everyone sees the lunacy of this just like me, right?'

He mused to himself as he smirked. However, most of what he saw were just plain expressions staring back at him.

Even Drake, one of the royals present at that moment, looked at him without any emotion on his face.

'What? How are they not surprised at what this fool is saying.' Cillian had already gotten a bad impression of Lyrian by what Masvidal had explained to MVP to be like to him.

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'Fine...' Cillion mused, stepping forward.

"To challenge royals and many high-ranking nobles such as myself... you are in over your head. Clearly, you are just an arrogant fool who doesn't care about death."

Cillion spoke harshly, making his way to the stage.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I'll show you that life isn't that easy. You can't just come up and challenge everyone, and think you will beat them all."

As Cillion made his way to the arena, everyone was silent. Drake looked up at Lyrian who was in the platform and crossed his hands.

"Hey... although I don't really agree with Cillion over here, challenging everyone isn't fun..." Drake said as Lyrian turned toward him.

Cillion furrowed his brows at that moment, 'He doesn't agree with me!? What is he talking about? Is there something I'm missing here?'

"I was thinking more of a tournament, what do you say about that?" Drake exclaimed, and Lyrian didn't hesitate to answer.

"I thought of that too, but why divide the fun? This way, I can beat everyone, and also do it in the least time." Lyrian said with a smirk.

"Huh..." Drake pushed the bottom of his lip out with his tongue.

Stepping back he said, "We'll see about beating everyone... for now, just try and beat this guy. He isn't too weak."

As Drake said this, many were surprised. They didn't expect him to actually allow such a thing to happen.

Now, those who were shocked looked at Lyrian. They weren't just shocked that the battle of everyone versus Lyrian was actually happening, but also of how easily Drake allowed it.

It was almost as if... it wasn't even the royal's say in the matter.

'Lyrian... who really is this guy? He's speaking to Drake so casually, and even seems to have a higher say than the lord.'

A few kids began to think to themselves in slight disbelief.

'Even if he is an MVP... can he talk to Drake like that?'

Cillion jumped onto the stage, as Lyrian stepped back to the opposite side.

'Perfect... I'll end this exam off with a bang, and show everyone who is the strongest student in Anaviotis. More than that, I can test out my powers on everyone.'

Lyrian grinned slightly, as Cillion unsheathed his straight blade.

"You need a humbling." The high noble exclaimed.

"No, I'd say you need one. But, you are way too ignorant to know what I'm talking about." Lyrian retorted quickly, slightly confusing Cillion.

"Don't talk nonsense. Take out your blade!" Cillion exclaimed as the anticipation in the room grew.

Outside of the exam, many were also waiting at the edge of their seat to see these battles take place. Julius exclaimed, "Orion... that crude old bastard. He made this graveyard in such a way that it forced those who entered it to fight..."

"I can't help but applaud him for it. Haha!" Rerth exclaimed, happy with the outcome of the exam. Clearly, he was excited to see the fights, as was everyone else.

In the midst of the excitement, Lyrian said, "No."

Cillion's eyebrows immediately raised in surprise as he heard this. "What did you say?" He retorted without hesitation. The crowd was also taken aback.

To refuse to even unsheathe your sword against another swordsman was one of the greatest forms of disrespect.

"Fine... do as you wish. You truly are too arrogant." Cillion firmed his stance as he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.

"No... you are just so weak that you don't even deserve to grace the presence of my blade." Lyrian said with a smirk.

On hearing this, Cillion clenched his teeth in slight anger, lunging forward at once with his blade. Cillion closed the distance between him and Lyrian in a mere second, but Lyrian was already out of harm's way by the time he got here.

The two had now switched places, as Lyrian was where Cillion started from. "Woah! The match hasn't even started, buddy!" Lyrian shouted, as Cillion slowly turned back around.

"The match started when you refused to draw your sword."

He dashed forward once again, as Lyrian closed his eyes. Time felt as though it slowed down, as Lyrian activated Smithing, and concentrated on activating his Panda Kung-Fu.

"Panda Kung-Fu; Third Form: Monkey." He whispered under his breath, quickly kneeling down to assume the monkey's stance.

At that moment, Cillion's sword brushed past his hair, nearly slicing his head off.

However, his ducking down was enough to dodge the attack by chance, sending a wave of astonished gasps through the crowd.

'The form... of the unpredictable.' Lyrian mused as his eyelids flew open.

He swiped his leg across the floor, catching his opponent off guard.

 Cillion swiftly stumbled over his leg, falling face flat on the ground at that instant.

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