Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 345 Impact

Chapter 345 Impact

The examiners were at a loss for words. Never had they expected Lyrian Theageld out of all to be the one to win this battle.

"It just doesn't make sense." One said, denying to believe it.

He faced the orb with furrowed brows and a confused expression.

"I know... he comes as a nonnoble." Another examiner added.

"No... not just that, but the boy doesn't even come from the kingdom. He comes from the outskirts. From day one, he was mysterious."

The entire day had been a doozy for them.

Some examiners, however, grinned in celebration and joy.

"I wish to see where he goes in the future." 

"An interesting lad."

These included the likes of Julius, Rerth, and Granweid.

Jalls, however, seemed a bit more out of wack. As if he was irritated or discouraged by something.

He bit the inside of his lip as he looked at the orb, as if nervous or uncomfortable.

Julius noticed this, 'He must be upset that Glis didn't even try...' He mused, looking at Lyrian through the orb.

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'But you can't blame her. Lyrian showcased today that he is on another level compared to other students. Hell... I don't even know if what he showed today was his full potential. Now, even I want to duel him.' 

Julius' eyes lit up slightly as he thought of this possibility.

At that moment, Rerth suddenly exclaimed, "You want to test him yourself don't you?" He spoke out loud, but rhetorically to himself.

"I don't know how he gained power that quickly, even with the cultivation technique he has." Granweid couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Just like the examiners, those watching their orbs at home had similar mixed reactions.

As soon as Lyrian defeated Linus, and declared himself to be the winner, Brakaan clenched his fist in anger.

His wife couldn't help but be infuriated as well.

"Eliminate... I'll have to eliminate him in some way." Brakaan mused to himself, "Before he can become any stronger, I'll crush him like a bug."

Near Brakaan's abode, Galvian Greystone, father of Cedric Greystone, was close to throwing a temper tantrum.

"What!? What is this absurdity!" He couldn't fathom Lyrian winning.

Cedric, however, couldn't help but smile.

'Good job Lyrian.' He mused inwardly, proud of Lyrian's accomplishment.

Other onlookers grinned wide.

Grasus and Bralar's Theageld celebrated in joy.

Grasus stood up, two hands high in the air to show just how ecstatic he was right now.

Bralars laughed joyfully, as Rosa couldn't help but break down into tears of joy.

Her heart was divided. On one side, she was happy for her son and what he had achieved, but on the other side, she missed him dearly.

It had been months since she last saw him face to face, and it ached her heart each time she thought of when he first left.

'You're doing amazing, my love... but please return soon. I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing your face.' She thought to herself endearingly, placing her hand on her heart.

All in all, Lyrian Theageld had undoubtedly left a mark on the three kingdoms after this.

Whether it be shock, joy, or even anger, Lyrian had impacted almost every person within Yaltas, Yuun, and Veridrake.

Returning to the exam, Lyrian noticed a golden aura begin to emanate from the arena he stood on.

'It's the same stuff that covered the map,' He thought, already having an idea as to what was going to happen next.

Everyone looked in awe as the golden aura filled the marking around the arena, and stretched toward the passageway to the treasure room.

As soon as it reached that passage, it climbed up and surrounded the doorway.

As soon as it completed its journey around it, the golden aura from the arena reached up from the floor and enveloped Lyrian in a thin layer.

After looking at his hands, Lyrian promptly hopped off the arena and walked over to the passage.

As he walked, he chugged a few potions to heal himself from his fights. Mostly, he needed to regain his mana quickly.

Everyone decided to follow him until he made it inside the passage, where they all stopped and looked.

'This golden aura makes me eligible to cross I suppose...' Lyrian mused, as he walked through the passage without any trouble.

His feet still lit up with purple inscriptions on the ground, but no force propelled him back like the first kid who attempted to cross the passage.

"Hey!" Drake walked forward, calling out to Lyrian.

Lyrian turned and saw Drake, who was still clutching his now bandaged side.

With a smirk, Drake exclaimed, "I don't know how many items you can carry back, but get something good for me."

Lyrian scoffed at his request, 'Shameless,' He mused, 'But I wouldn't hesitate to do the same.'

He swiftly answered, "Why would I help my own rival? Didn't you say you were going to get revenge on me?" 

Lyrian turned around and continued walking forward, as Drake retorted, "Bastard..." With a slight smirk.

After only one second of pause, the entire crowd of students erupted into a loud and obnoxious choir of people asking for things for themselves.

"Hey! Let me get something!"

"Please! I'm not your rival!"

"Can I please get something? Anything!? It doesn't even have to be good, in fact, it can be the worst thing in there!"

This last kid was none other than Jiller...

As soon as Lyrian passed through the passage, all sound from the outside was suddenly erased.

"Oh... how fortunate. My ears nearly started bleeding." He teased, getting a first look at everything inside.

The room stretched about 50 feet forward but stretched sideways a good bit longer.

He noticed blocks of stone the size of large chairs placed 5 feet apart from each other.

On top of these pedestal-like blocks were different treasures mounted atop.

All of the items gleamed with various colored auras, giving dim lighting to the dark room.

Lyrian's eyes quickly began to Scan the area, as a smile slowly formed on his face.

'All of this... is mine?'

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