Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 349 Learning About The Deployment

Chapter 349 Learning About The Deployment

'Central Ascenion Rank? What is that? The next rank after the Genesis Layers?' Lyrian mused curiously, highly impressed by what he was seeing.

'So that means that the others are even higher than this huh...' He paused, switching to thinking, 'From what it looks like, I can read about double my strength in terms of stats. But... that's not really a thing. Even someone with 10 stat points higher than another can decimate that person as if they are twice as strong. Granweid is far stronger than double my strength...'

With this, Julius addressed the crowd of students once again, "Students, you will now be explained of your deployment. Are you already!" He shouted with a smile.

The students erupted into valiant cheers. They couldn't wait to learn about this.

Just as Julius was about to continue speaking, Lyrian couldn't help but notice the eyes of the three on the throne observing him as well.

'I'll have to make a name for myself during this deployment.' he mused, as Julius finally continued.

"You only have this night to prepare, and tomorrow, you will all be sent on your own journies outside of this academy."

A low grumble of slightly impressed noises sounded from the students. Some 'oh's and 'ah's.

"You won't just be going a few cities away but will be sent to different places across the three kingdoms. But do not think it will be random. No... understand that we have specifically chosen these tasks for you based on criteria that we have come up with on our own."

The surprised groans became slightly louder. The crowd in the stands also reacted a bit this time, as this was the first time they had heard about the details of this deployment as well.

"As your Hunting Class teacher must have already explained, you will be performing a select mission in this new city. However, you will only learn about this mission during your travel over there. Until then, you have no way to prepare, so... do everything to prepare in the meantime."

He paused, as the students understood what was coming next. The thing that they had all been waiting for.

Just how long was this deployment going to be?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"This deployment will last... until the start of your second grade in Anaviotis. That's right, you will spend several months completing your allotted mission."

As Julius said this, an astonished and amused gasp waved through the crowd in the stands.

The students had a similarly stunned reaction. Although Lyrian and a few others had already thought of this to be a possibility, it wasn't quite as gripping.

Still, now that Lyrian understood that it wasn't just a theory, he was slightly taken aback by it.

'That long away from the mana alcove? That won't be great.' He said, slightly disappointed.

"However!" Julius suddenly exclaimed at that moment, "If you manage to finish your mission before you have to return... you are free to do what you like! Roam the kingdom, go on quests, and far more awaits you. Or, you could just spend your time in bath houses. It's all up to you!" He said with a smile on his face, as though he had read Lyrian's mind.

'Oh? Then that's perfect! I'm sure I can find something even better than a mana alcove out there in the real world. Right now, in this academy, I don't have the best resources to grow in power. I imagine that the inner academy will have those aspects. However, this deployment itself is like a resource for me.'

Lyrian thought to himself, much more hopeful now.

"Although I make it sound as though you can just waste around, that is not entirely true. To show your status as a student of Anaviotis, you must serve each city that you reside in."

Julius' tone suddenly turned more serious and sterner.

"Understand that you are not random students. You are deemed as high nobility in the eyes of normal citizens. As cadets of Anaviotis, Academy of Magia, you must complete hunting quests at the local Adventurer's guild."

The students replied with a collective, "Yes!" As Julius finished his speech.

This was it... what they needed to know had been given to them.

All that was left now was to return and prepare for the big day tomorrow.

Before they left, however, Julius exclaimed, "You all are finished here today. But, before you leave, let's pledge our loyalty to this grand academy!"

A cheer resounded from the crowd and from the students, as they all stood up.

They did this only on large special occasions, such as the entrance ceremony and such.

So, they already knew what to do. Each one of them placed their hands on their hearts and straightened their posture.

At that moment, Julius began to proclaim,

"We, as a body of curiosity, interest, prestige, and power, are all beads thrung onto a single thread, a thread of magia. The origin, ending, and all of fate resides within the glory of mana, all of which we shall uphold."

By the end of his pledge, every single person except for the higher noble officials and representatives of the throne had joined in.

After a short pause, Julius spoke again, "Power!"

The crowd roared back instantly with pride, "Power!"

Without any waste of time, a flutter of cheer and applause reverberated through the crowd of this stadium.

As the kids were led out by a teacher, leaving to a standing ovation, nobles, and other important figures also began to exit the coliseum building.

The representatives of the crowns still sat where they were, however.

Yesan turned to face the other two slightly, "What do you think of that boy? He defeated Silvus, you know?"

Atlas was the first to say, "I do not respect a termite because he crushed an ant. He has yet to prove anything." He said with a harsh and stern tone.

Drafos was next to speak, "He is interesting, to say the least."

At that instant, a figure suddenly appeared behind all three of them.

"What are you all chatting about up here? Anything fun, or boring as usual?" Julius exclaimed, walking toward the thrones with a playful smirk on his face.

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