Creation System: Reborn As A Fantasy Worldsmith

Chapter 355 Rocks Adventurer’s Tavern (CHAPTER 354)

Chapter 355 Rocks Adventurer's Tavern (CHAPTER 354)


However, the guard didn't give up, abruptly falling down onto Lyrian's feet.

"Lord! Please forgive this fool for his crimes! My superiors cannot know about this! I should have never underestimated your intelligence! Please, I beg of you! I have a family, please have mercy."

He grabbed tightly onto Lyrian's feet as he cried. The other guard didn't move an inch, but his eyes lowered to look at his friend, 'A stupid attempt... the representative of Anaviotis has already clearly caught on to our act. I rue the day I ever made friendship with this fool!' Tears nearly trickled down his face.

"Oh? Yeah," Lyrian said, 'Huh... I guess it was easier to get in than I thought. These people were scamming others huh... I couldn't care less about that right now. I need to quickly get to my mission spot.'

"You're forgiven, now move aside," he said out of nowhere.

"NO LORD! PLEASE RECONSIDER!" The soldier cried, gripping his feet with all his strength.

Onlookers were bewildered by what they were currently seeing. They were utterly puzzled as to who this alluring figure in the old-looking cloak was.

"Wait... what?" The guard said, realizing that Lyrian had just forgiven him. He stood up, facing the hooded student with his hands clasped together, "You forgive me? Are you telling the truth?"

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"Yes, now get out of my way. I don't have time to be staying here." Lyrian used a more authoritative tone, realizing his status here.

"Y-yes! Yes lord!" The guard quickly moved aside as Lyrian began walking forward.

"Haha..." The guard felt his body go limp, "Hahaha..." He began to laugh in a daze, having his life suddenly saved.

"Whohoo!" He and the other guard began to celebrate as Lyrian made his way past the open gateway and into the kingdom. Through the middle, he had to pass across the barrier from before, but this time was allowed to do so without being stopped.

As soon as he stepped inside, Lyrian verified that the architecture of the buildings was indeed very different. He began following his map forward into the bustling street that lay ahead of him as he noticed the buildings. Many looked like nothing more than giant rocks with windows and doors in them. Other buildings had sloped roofs and square foundations, and some others were round.

All these institutions were packed together densely, and as he entered farther into this street, all around him were markets and street vendors. In the distance, skyscrapers rose up beautifully. This was far better than what he could have ever imagined.

With each person passing by him, he could sense their very body language was different from what he was used to.

Before long, Lyrian finally arrived at where the map said was his final destination. It was a building that looked like a sharp-edged, sloped rock. However, it had many windows and an entrance at the front.

As people passed by him, Lyrian stopped in the middle of the street and read what was above this entrance door. A sign that read, "Rocks Adventurer's Tavern" was displayed big and eye-catching.

'Huh... I guess this is the place.' Although he was still confused as to what his mission was, he entered the front door.

As soon as he took a step inside, he was met with an interior that was vastly larger than what he had expected. Drunken laughter sounded in the distance, the warm smell and feel of booze swam in the air, and bustling conversations muffled everything else.

'I guess the bar table is where I should go for information,' he mused inwardly, beginning to walk there as a few curious eyes gazed at him.

He took out his letter of approval, holding it in his hand just in case. The bartender, who was currently wiping glass clean with his white rag, also gazed at the boy, slightly intrigued himself.

At that moment, however, he noticed a few listing posters on a bulleted wall to the left which caught his attention. He remembered seeing something similar to this in the Adventurers Guild building a while back when he went for his Magia Affinity testing. There, he began to check out some of the listings. However, he was quickly disappointed with what he saw.

"Slay 15 goblins in Moist Creek. Reward: 5 Silver. Description: You must head to the---" He didn't care to read any more of that one and moved to the next.

At that moment, a young man who seemed to be in his early twenties stepped next to him a few feet away. He was donned in red knight's clothing, seemingly gazing at the listings along with Lyrian.

At that moment, the sound of glass cracking reverberated through the building, as most of the sound of laughter and conversation stopped.

Everyone faced one corner of the room where a young man, who was no older than the age of 19, abruptly stood up--pushing his table back. More glasses slipped and fell from there as he did this.

"You cheating bitch! Why did you wait for this long to tell me that you were sleeping with him this entire time!"

He yelled at the top of his lungs, neck veins popping, at a young female and another male sitting next to her--no older than the young man who was yelling.

The young woman rose up from her seat, "What the hell is wrong with you!? I already told you that It was a mistake, there is no reason for you to make such a scene!"

Before the young man could even respond, the young lady exclaimed, "See, this is why it's hard even being with someone like you! You take things to the extreme and let anger overtake you!"

"What the hell did you say bitch!? Don't try to make it seem like this is my fault damn it! I am mad because of you, it's all your fault!"

"No one is at fault here!" The young woman screamed back, "I said it was a mistake!"

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