Crimson Instinct

Chapter 158: Reliving that fateful night (1)

Chapter 158: Reliving that fateful night (1)


*Bai Li*

Before we left for Dongcheng to find the culprits, Kang Yuan suggested the exposure therapy for me to complete one session.

Xin Zhen and Luo Zhiqiang brought the necessary VR equipment after our discussion, and Xin Lei said she would help Kang Yuan check the software with Qi Qiang.

I heard Qi Qiang's voice. "Everything is ready."

I was standing at a corner, trying to become one with the wall so that nobody could see me. Now I was feeling to run away from all this. I wasn't sure if I could face the moment again when my bullet killed Tan Ye.

I heard some soft steps coming towards me, and I listened to the familiar robotic voice. "Nervous?"

Xin Lei's sweet smell wafted through my nostrils, and I felt a little better. Just her presence was enough.

I pursed my lips. "A little."

Fuck little! I was already feeling as if I was riding a rollercoaster. I was going to face something akin to a nightmare for me.

I felt her taking my hands in hers, and I sensed a soft sensation on the back of my knuckles as her lips touched them. I could feel my lips curling up in a smile.

Even this small gesture made my heart flutter. Now I felt even better.

How does she always manage to do this? Ease my tension. It must be magic.

I felt her slowly open my fist, and she moved my fingers in sign language. I could sense the letters and words she was making.

"Don't be. It is just a simulation. Yuan will stop if you feel too uncomfortable."

I knew she must have understood my anxiousness. "En. Kiss me again, and I will feel much better to face it." I shamelessly said.

I imagined her to be giggling right now and grinned. "Your kiss is my lucky charm."

I heard her type on her phone. "Is this really the first time you are dating? Your flirting seems experienced."

Good point but

I smiled and placed my lips on her forehead. "Love teaches you many things, including sweet talk."

I felt her placing her hands on my shoulders. She tiptoed, and once again, I felt the soft sensation of her lips on mine. I kissed her back as I moved my lips across hers. It was a short and gentle but firm kiss through which I felt her assuring me.

"En. Now I got the strength to do it."

"Xin Lei, it's done," I heard Kang Yuan's voice.

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Xin Lei held my hand and guided me towards my seat. Kang Yuan put the headset around my head and ears.

After a moment, he said, "Okay, everything is set up. Bai Li."


"At my instruction, Qi Qiang will switch on the program. You will hear the familiar sounds of the time when you were at that container terminal. All the obstacles and things are exactly placed as you had said. You will start to feel the similar sensations you had at that time. The chase, the situation, and everything. I aim to make you experience it again so that even if a little bit, it may start to have less effect on you."

I nodded.

"Don't worry. It is a controlled environment. That night is not happening again. There could be a time when you feel confused about it. If you feel it's out of your capacity to bear, then tell me immediately. I will stop."


"Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath. I shut my eyes and imagined Xin Lei tightly holding my hands. I thought of all our times together. I remembered her trust in me.

I opened my eyes and said, "I am ready."

"Okay. Qi Qiang. Do it."

I felt a buzz in my head, and just like Kang Yuan said, I could feel the similar sensations I had when I was in that terminal.


I froze.

Cocoa... Cocoa! After so long

Even if it was just a simulation, it shook my heart to hear my buddy's voice. Then I felt something nudge my leg.

"It's Cocoa in the VR." Kang Yuan said.

I instinctively lowered my arm to touch him, but I felt nothing. I didn't feel his furry head and ears. My hand froze in mid-air, and I clenched my fist.'s VR. It's only VR.

"It's alright, Bai Li. I understand how you might be feeling about Cocoa."

I slowly nodded.

"Do you want to go ahead?"


"Good. Now try to navigate the same path you did when you were present that night, trying to catch Rodey."

Alright, here it begins.

I shut my eyes for a moment to map out the place.

I entered the terminal through the west gate. Then it was a straight path for a minute as Cocoa led me through the place. It was a little windy, and just like that night, I felt a cold sensation brushing past my face as I walked through. Somehow, even the ground felt the same.

This VR was damn impressive. It felt as if I was really back that night.


I felt Cocoa nudge me to go right. I had set up my plan to capture him at the northwest corner.

Then I had heard some footsteps. I stopped. It was Rodey. As planned, he fell for it and came.

"Hide," I said to Cocoa.

He guided me to a corner. I raised my hands and felt the storage containers stacked on top of one another. I nodded, satisfied to know that I wasn't in the view.

The footsteps grew closer and closer, and I sensed Rodey just a few yards away from my hiding spot. I could faintly smell the smoke of a cigarette that he might be using.

I knew Rodey must be gauging the place too. I shifted a little back. We had to corner him from the front and the back.

"Cocoa, cover from the back."

And I sensed Cocoa swiftly leaving my side. I knew the direction and angle at which Rodey was standing in relation to me, so it was better to send Cocoa to cover the backside to capture him.

I waited a while more before I was sure to confront him.

"Don't waste my time, you shit."

First, I had to dismantle the gun away from him. As expected, I heard the faint clank of his gun. That sound made me understand where his hand was.

I quickly aimed at that angle.




I heard the sound of the gun drop on the ground.


I smiled and slowly stepped out, raising my hand and pointing my gun in his direction. Judging our similar heights, it would be aiming at his face.

"Nice to meet you, Rodey - the boss's most important and the right-hand man."

"Hoo, it's youthe blind soldier. I see, a set up aye? Interesting."

I slightly narrowed my eyes.

How does he know I am blind?

I said, "I don't think we have met before."

I heard him chuckle. "Yes, we haven't. But I wanted to. And here we are. Finally, I got the honor to meet the capable and outstanding soldier, Major Bai Li."

"How do you know my rank and name?"

"I have my methods and connections, too, Major, just like you have them. Isn't that how you got to know about me?"

I knew he was trying to throw me off balance, and this wasn't a time to get distracted by it. One mistake and I could lose him.

I said, "You cannot run anywhere, Rodey. Better to turn yourself in before my bullet talks to you."

I heard him laugh. "You cannot catch me, Major. Even if this were a setup, I would still go unharmed and uncaught."

"Quite the confidence you got there."

"Of course. Though, I must admit that you managed to trap Rodey. I am impressed. But your heroic deed ends here."

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps coming in our direction.

"Hello...Who are you- Aah!!"

That was him. Tan Ye.

"Y-you...who are you two? You have guns...who are you? Why are you here?"

I stopped my movements in the VR. My heart thudded faster as Tan Ye entered the scene.

This was ita few minutes later, I would kill Tan Ye. My bullet would pierce through his head, and he would die. I felt sweat trickle down my forehead.

"Bai Li. You are going great," I heard Kang Yuan say to me. "I will pause for a moment and ask. Do you want to continue?"

I clenched my pants and nodded. "I-I am fine."


I was back at the VR. Tan Ye sounded terrified. 

I quickly asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Nobody is supposed to be in this terminal. Get out of this place right now!"

"W-what? But I was called here for a delivery."

"Impossible! Don't waste time and leave."

Then I heard Rodey's sinister chuckle. "Too bad, it's late now, Major Bai Li."

And like how I remembered, I heard Tan Ye's scream a moment later.


"Drop your gun, Major, or I have my dagger ready to slash his neck any moment."

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