Crimson Instinct

Chapter 220: The final showdown (16)

Chapter 220: The final showdown (16)

*Xin Lei*

Bai Li dragged Bloodygame up and dumped him on the same spot where Fu Meili breathed her last. Even though the place was different, the feel was just the same.

He tried to fight back, but Bai Li kicked him straight in the jaw. Two of his teeth broke, and his mouth began to bleed.

Cocoa bit his other hand, and now both of his hands were useless.

"Xin Lei. Tie his wrists together at the back."

I thought back.

Just like Fu Meili was.

I saw one dagger lying around and narrowed my eyes. 

Just the perfect weapon

I picked it up and handed it to Bai Li.

He smiled and raised it in front of Bloodygame, twirling in his hand. "A fine dagger, isn't it? Does it ring a bell?"

Just like his name, his face and hands were all bloody and messed up now.

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He looked up towards the dagger.

"Does this situation remind you of something?"

He violently struggled at his place. "You bastard! You will pay for this! I will kill you! I will kill you!"

I rolled my eyes.

Bai Li sighed. "You still don't understand the situation, don't you?"

He pointed the tip of the dagger in his arm, stabbed it, and began to tear it apart as he slid down.


He frowned. "I should make you understand the situation even better."

Bai Li pulled out the dagger, went back to the starting point across the wound, and tore through the same line again, this time stabbing even deeper."

Bloodygame's eyes seemed as if they popped out of his sockets.


"Sshh! Why are you screaming so loudly? What's wrong? Don't you like to play with knives? I am playing your favorite game. You should be happy."

He didn't respond. His body slumped and tilted to the side, his brows tightly furrowed on his forehead.

I sneered.

Finally, this bastard was finally paying for his sins. It wasn't nearly enough, but he was going there... slowly and painfully towards his end.

He gritted his teeth and glared at us. " stabbed fucker, you are so dead!"

"Xin Lei. He still doesn't seem to understand. What should I do?" Bai raised his head in my direction.

I chuckled.

I took the dagger from his hand, and this time, I stabbed it in his gut, but I made sure that I didn't hit any vital organ for instant death. He had to suffer, after all.

Bloodygame puked some blood and collapsed on the floor, his body twitching and writhing like crazy.

I shut my eyes and thought of Fu Meili. Her tears, her begging, her cries, her frightened expression, and the desperation to go back to her parents.

I felt my veins throb and blood pump in a fury. My grasp tightened on the handle, and gnashing my teeth; I twisted the dagger clockwise inside his gut.


I heard the sounds of all kinds of tissues and muscles tearing apart. Blood splattered from his wound, dyeing the floor crimson.

"Stops-stop hurts"

Bai Li said, "A little girl was pleading just like this to let her go. She kept crying and crying, but nobody listened."

Bloodygame was panting hard. His eyes were rolling backward.

I pulled out the dagger in a flash that tore apart more cells and tissues on the way. Blood splashed even more.

He took a sharp gasp, and it seemed as if he wanted to cry and scream in pain, but he didn't find his voice. He could only whimper and groan.

"I can sense you trembling and shivering. This is how terrified she must have felt when she was surrounded by crazy fuckers like you. No way to run. No way to hide. Tied helpless at this spot but still hoping to get free of this hell."

Tears gushed out of his eyes. "Pl-please spare me... don't kill me, please...I don't want to die"

I scoffed.

Bai Li smiled. "Fu Meili and the countless other victims didn't want to die either. They wanted to live. Did anybody listen to them?"

Bloodygame took a sharp gasp again.

"You know this is the end. You are going to die here and not an instant one. How does it feel to be at the same place as Fu Meili? Do you remember her now? Because you are begging just like she did."

He just shut his eyes and said nothing for a moment. When he opened them again, I saw it. I saw the fear in his gaze.

The arrogance that he had just a few minutes was nowhere to be seen. Fear, unease, alarm was as clear as day.

Tears gushed out of his eyes, but he couldn't even cry. He was already getting dizzy and tired.

"Please...nodon't kill me...let me go"

"Fu Meili cried the same way. But she died anyway. And so will you."

Bai Li took the bloody knife from me. He clutched his hair and pulled it hard.

"You slit her throat and left her like that, struggling in her last breaths. She could only bear the pain and do nothing else. You only laughed at her. Now, it's your turn."

He placed the tip of the blade on his neck. Bloodygame slowly widened his eyes and vigorously shook his head.

"N-No! P-please*cough* don't"

In one strike, Bai Li slashed the knife across his neck. Blood, once again, splattered, and some of it splashed on our clothes.

He gasped and wiggled in his place. He furiously flailed his body, and the more he did, the more blood flowed out of his arm and gut. His movements grew slower, and he stopped struggling, trying to breathe. His face was a mess of tears and snot.

"Now, you will know how much Fu Meili suffered and how pain she was in when she took her last breaths. Every second you will feel life slipping out of you, the more blood you lose. So, congratulations on a painful death. Have a happy time dying."

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