Crimson Instinct

Chapter 232: Escaped but not unscathed

Chapter 232: Escaped but not unscathed


*Xin Lei*

I rushed out of the ward as soon as I heard what Dr. Kim said.

Bai LiI am coming to your side. 

I was so focused on going to where Bai Li was that I didn't notice a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Lei Lei!"

I stopped and slowly looked back. 


Bro and Shi Ruiling arrived too.

Dad pulled me into a hug. "Lei Lei. Where were you going? You are still weak."

I said nothing.

"Lei Lei...we heard what Zhang Xiulan said."

I felt his hands shaking as they patted my head. I heard him softly gasping.

"You spoke. My daughter talked. My Lei Lei can talk now"

I trembled.

"When your brother and I heard what the doctor said, we were afraid for a long time. You suddenly spoke, and we didn't know if it would affect you in a bad way. I was happy but at the same time scared shitless too. What if you damaged your throat beyond repair? And you even got unconscious after you spoke for the first time."

I felt him hug tighter, and with it, I felt his vulnerable side for the first time.

I felt his fear for me.

"I felt that we lost you. But you know? Dr. Kim said that you are fine. Your throat hurts, but it will be alright in a few days. You will recover. And then...then you will be able to talk."

He held my face with his trembling fingers and looked at me with tears trickling down his cheeks.

"Do you know how happy I am?"


I looked at bro, but he wasn't looking at me. His back was to me. Shi Ruiling was by his side, smiling at me.

I knew at that moment.

Bro didn't want me to see his eyes wet with tears.

Bro will always be bro. Never likes to show his emotional side.

But now, seeing my family beside me was when I truly felt that the ordeal was over. When Dad hugged me was when I realized that it was a new day. 

Last night was over.

Fu Meili, Liao Chuntao, and numerous innocent people got the justice they deserved.

The battle ended.

And Zhang Ning too.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

My eyes teared


I felt him stiffen. At first, he looked at me shocked, and then he slowly said, "Say that again"

I smiled and wiped my tears. "DadI am...back"

He was silent for a long time.

"Dad. You called me Dad. Zhen! Did you hear! Lei Lei spoke! She called me Dad. Hahaha!"

That just brought more tears to his eyes. He hugged me again.

Bro said, "I guess I am not that important to Xin Lei after all."

He felt like a child sulking in a corner.

I saw Shi Ruiling nudging and glaring at him.

That was, bro, always competing with Dad.

I walked up to him, but he still didn't look at me.


I saw him slightly stiffen, but he still didn't turn. I tugged his shirt.


No response.

Suddenly, Dad smacked on his head.

"Hey! Your sister is calling you. Don't force her to talk again and again when her throat is hurting, stupid fool!"

Bro finally turned and glared at us.

"Shut it, old man!"

"Zhen!" Shi Ruiling said, "Don't talk like that."

Bro's expression was really not good. He seemed frustrated for some reason.

Dad nodded. "Yes, yes. Learn something from her. Don't be jealous just because Lei Lei called me first."


Was that it?

Bro looked at me and patted my head. His eyes were a little red.

I jumped in his hug. "Bro... sorry...f-for making... you worry."

"Yeah, yeah, stop talking already."

Even though he seemed all cold and unaffected, but I knew that he was happy.

Bro snorted as he looked at Dad. "And you don't have any reason to rejoice because, in reality, she said Bai Li's name first."

I froze.

Bai Li

That's right. I was going to Bai Li.

Bro said, "I know what you are thinking, and I will take you to him, but I will advise you to rest first."

I shook my head.

"No...I want to...see Bai Li"


The silence felt terrifying to me.

"What's wrong? What...are you hiding...from me?"

My heart raced in fear. Dad, Bro, and Shi Ruiling, all three looked deadly serious.

"Bai Li...he is safe, right?"

Tears escaped my eyes.

"Tell me...he came out...of the building, right?"

Dad slowly nodded. 

"He did and so did Cocoa. They both escaped the building."

Relief washed over me. In that instant, my chest felt a lot lighter.

Thank God that they could escape. But then, why were they still looking so serious?

"But, he didn't escape unscathed."

I froze.

"We will take you to him."

I just followed them in a daze. My mind was only focused on Dad's last words.

He didn't escape unscathed.

He escaped, but he is still in danger? HowBai Li escaped so he should be safe. Then what was wrong?

They stopped in front of the Operation Theatre.

I felt goosebumps crawl on my skin as I got a bad feeling.

Why did we stop here? This was the surgery room. Major General Shi Jianguo, Su Weiyuan, and Lin Zihao were also there.


I snapped out of my stupor as I heard the familiar bark. I saw Cocoa wagging his tail at me, and I trembled.

I bent and hugged him hard and cried as he jumped towards me at the same time.

Cocoa is here safe and sound. There were a few bruises and bandages, but he seemed fine.

"Arf!" He licked my cheek.

I ruffled his fur. " I am so happy"


I looked up at Dad, who seemed a little hesitant.

He said, "We came here because Bai Li is inside the operation theatre."

I just kept blankly staring at him.

"He escaped the building, but not the blast completely. The impact from the blast exploded a lot of debris, and sharp objects in all directions and a few of them did strike Bai Li... particularly his face and eyes, and that's why he is in a critical condition."

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