Crimson Instinct

Chapter 235: A surprise

Chapter 235: A surprise

*Xin Lei*

It was almost three hours when the surgery got over. It was quite a delicate surgery since it concerned Bai Li's eyes.

His surgery was a complete success! Bai Li was out of danger!

The scar would remain for a long time, but the threatening part of his condition was successfully treated.

Ah, I couldn't wait for Bai Li to wake up!

But I was still amazed as I thought back to seeing Long Hu at work.

He really deserved to be called an excellent doctor. I could see why he was so famous now. His movements during the surgery were so light and fluid as if he wasn't putting any pressure at all, yet everything was happening just the right way.

I felt as if my assistance wasn't even needed as he had asked. Even with his left arm alone, he could have flawlessly done the entire surgery.

Long Hu wasn't just talented, but he was a gem in the medical field.

I stitched the scar on Bai Li's face while Long Hu concentrated on the part where the scar crossed his eyes. It was difficult and extremely delicate at the same time.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the door open. I saw Long Hu taking off his mask and gloves.

"Hey," he smiled, "Good job."

I shook my head. "I should say that to you. I had a hard time believing... when you said that you could manage with your left arm alone, but you actually did it."

"Not without your capable assistance, Dr. Xin Lei."

"I really doubt that tooBut thank you so much. It would have been impossible without you. I hope Bai Li wakes up soon! I am so excited!"

I sincerely felt grateful to him. He was really like an angel who came to save Bai Li.

He chuckled. "Yup. I hope he wakes up soon to find the surprise."

I blinked my eyes.

"What surprise?"

Long Hu looked at me as if he was hiding something from me, but there was an amusing smile on his lips.

"Haha! You saw me operating his eyes, right?"

"Of course, I did."

"Then just wait for the magic to happen after he wakes up. Hahaha!"

I furrowed my brows.

Even during the surgery, I felt a time or two that he wanted to say something to me, but he stopped himself from speaking. I wasn't as specialized as he was in the ophthalmology field, so I could only guess what Long Hu was doing.

And now he was saying these mysterious things. The only important thing for me was that Bai Li was safe and out of danger.

But I couldn't help but wonder

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What must be the surprise?


Over the next hour, Bai Li's condition slowly got more stable, and in four more hours, he seemed to be waking up as I saw his finger twitch.

I immediately got on my feet and checked his pulse. The reading on the ECG was stable. I texted Long Hu to come to his ward quickly.

A minute later, he came in.

"Long Hu. Bai Li is waking up."

He nodded.

We saw Bai Li slowly moving his head and his movements growing more visible.


Long Hu leaned towards him and softly spoke, "Bai Li. Can you hear me?"

" it?"

"My name is Long Hu."

He was quiet for a moment.

"Who Long Hu? And where am I?"

Then his nose twitched as he seemed to be sniffing the air, and we saw him touching the bedsheet.

"This smell, this sheet, and then I hear some machine softly beeping...Am I in a hospital?"

I silently chuckled.

His mind was so sharp even though he just woke up.

Long Hu said, "Yes, you are. That was really great. Other patients take a while to realize where they are, but you already figured it out. Your brain worked just perfectly fine."

"Of course. The army teaches you a lot of skills. One of which is to stay alert of your surroundings. Always."

Long Hu looked at me, seemingly amazed, and I could only chuckle again.

It was just like Bai Li.

Long Hu asked, "Do you remember what happened?"

"As soon as I knew that I am in a hospital, I already backtracked as to why I was here. Imperial High School. I went with Xin Zhen, Zhang Xiulan, and Zhu Yusheng and invaded their base. We killed all the men there. We got out Xin Lei and the people trapped there. Zhang Ning detonated a bomb at the last moment, and we ran to escape. The school blasted. The last thing I remember is that Cocoa and I also escaped from the building, but I got injured and then fell unconscious."


Now, even I was dumbfounded.

In just hardly one second, he already remembered everything.

Long Hu gasped. "You are amazing."

Bai Li shrugged. "Nothing much. For a soldier, this is everyday life. Ex-soldier in my case."

Then he quietly asked, "How is Cocoa? Did he get injured?"

His fingers were nervously twitching, and I felt how anxious he was.

"He is fine. There are some minor bruises, but he is as healthy as a bull."

I saw his fingers relax. "That's good. And...Xin Lei?"

Once again, I saw him tense up.

I had an urge to speak right now, to say that I was right here, but I wanted to give him a surprise, so I stayed quiet. 

"She is fine too. They escaped in the nick of time. By the way, she has a surprise to give you."



I narrowed my eyes at him, and he winked. "Well, you will have to wait for that. But first, let me give you a surprise."

"You are giving me a surprise too?"

"Actually, it's you giving surprise to everyone else. Come on. I will help you get up."

Bai Li sat on the bed, leaning on the pillow.

"I will open the dressing around your eyes now."

"Alright." He sighed. "Ah, once again, the blast got my eyes. I guess my eyes have made some serious enemies," he joked.

I rolled my eyes.

But now I was curious to see what Long Hu had to show.

He mysteriously smiled. "But it happened for your good this time."


He gently removed the cotton balls from his eyes.

"Now, slowly open your eyes."

Bai Li did. He blinked several times, and his brows furrowed as if he seemed in confusion.

"What is this? This light?"


I didn't understand.

It took a few minutes before he completely opened them.

He seemed to be in a daze, and then his sight fell at me.

I blinked my eyes.

Why does it feel as if he is really looking at me?

"You...Xin Lei?"

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