Crimson Instinct

Chapter 246: No need to wait that long

Chapter 246: No need to wait that long



Luo Zhiqiang and Liao Huifang bid goodbye to the couple.

Now that everything was over, she felt a little nervous. She didn't know what to talk about.

"Oh, yes!"

Luo Zhiqiang looked at her. "What?"

"What is Qi Qiang doing?"

"Hm? Didn't I say that he is working with our team to collect evidence from FriendsChat and crack more of the dark web sites that do illegal things?"

"O-oh yes. Ahaha, I forgot," she coughed.

"Xin Zhen has also decided to offer him a position in the IB in the cybersecurity unit after his graduation if he is interested."

Now, she widened her eyes in shock. "What!? I mean, wow! This is great news! Qi Qiang would faint in happiness. Of course, he would be interested. He might even cry tears of joy. From college to the IB! That's such a big leap and a rare chance."

He smiled.


Luo Zhiqiang asked, "What will you do after graduation? Join an art agency?"

They kept their pace slow as they walked. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She clasped her hands. "Actually...I am thinking of changing my stream."

He raised his brow.

"I will complete my degree in arts, but instead of pursuing painting as my career, I will take the psychology course for helping the emotionally and mentally troubled people."

Luo Zhiqiang kept quiet. He knew where she was coming from.

Her eyes stung in tears as she spoke, "I couldn't help my sister. I couldn't do anything for her, and I know that there are many people out there like her who want to socialize but couldn't. They are shy, quiet, and introverted, which isn't bad at all, but it could put emotional stress on that person, considering how many people are outgoing."

"Sometimes, they look down on such people and despise them for staying alone or out of the group. So, I thought a lot and decided that I want to be there for these people to let them know that being quiet and introverted is fine too. I want to help them get more confidence in themselves. They don't have to change themselves for others and try to match their pace, and neither they are underserving and incapable of having love and friendship. But they get drowned in their complex and feel inferior. And I want to counsel them, talk to them and laugh with them to make them stop thinking that way anymore."

She sulked. "Even though I tried my best to tell sis that she was fine the way she was, maybe I still lacked somewhere. That's why...she got so easily attracted to Duan Deming and fell into his trap. Maybe she wanted to prove that she can get love too, and I failed to uproot that complex from her. I don't want any other person like sis to do that."

Luo Zhiqiang smiled and softly said, "That is really admirable. Liao Chuntao must be feeling so proud of you in heaven."

She felt a little embarrassed. "Really?"

"En. And don't say that you lacked somewhere or you didn't help her enough. You did your best you could, considering that you are young yourself and nobody understands such things fully and so accurately related to mind and emotions. Yet you helped her the best you could as her sister and stood with her. Be proud of that, not guilty because I am sure that your sister must be thinking the same."

Tears trickled down her cheeks, and she sniffled. "E-en...Thank you"

He slowly nodded. Then his lips curved into a smile. " could be a great asset to the IB too."


"Yup. You know what kind of cases we handle. After we put the criminal in jail or die in an encounter, the one who suffers the most next in line is his/her family. Emotional, societal, psychological pressure; all hits them hard. That person might have been a criminal, but families are innocent. Sometimes they don't even know that one of their members does illegal and criminal things. So, they suffer a lot. At times like these, counseling helps a lot."

She understood his point and slowly nodded.

"So, maybe...I can give you a call if I need your expertise someday."

Liao Huifang froze and blushed.

That means we will stay in touch

She felt so relieved hearing that. She thought that after everything wrapped up, they wouldn't have any chance or reason to meet again.

"S-sureBut i-it will take time. There is a long way to go for me to become a good psychologist."

"Hm, that is true... But we don't have to wait for that day."

Liao Huifang blinked her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Luo Zhiqiang squinted his gaze at her. He slowly took a step towards her and stood closer to her than before.

Her heart suddenly lept in her chest as the distance closed in, and she felt goosebumps tingle on her skin in anticipation.

He said nothing but just gently cupped her face in his palms, leaned in, and pressed his lips on hers.

She froze. Her breath got stuck in her throat, and she failed to react at all. She even wondered if she was dreaming with open eyes.

Luo Zhiqiang moved and traced his lips slowly and gently like a calm breeze. After a few seconds, he parted and let her go.

Liao Huifang was staring at him for so long unblinkingly that her eyes began to water. Her head was in a complete mess, and she felt a little delirious as if she had drunk alcohol.

He kissed me...He kissed me

Her face furiously flushed beet red.

Luo Zhiqiang chuckled and softly flicked on her forehead. "This way, we don't have to wait. We can meet every day if we get together."

She kept blankly, staring at him.

"As a couple, if you have any doubts about that."

" me?" Her voice was almost a whisper.

"Luo Zhiqiang lovingly smiled. "Yes. I like you. I like you a lot."

She trembled, and her heart skipped a beat.

He held her hands in his and asked, "Liao Huifang. Will you give me the honor to be your boyfriend?"

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