Crimson Instinct

Chapter 250: Treading into a dangerous territory

Chapter 250: Treading into a dangerous territory

Ying Yue finally somehow managed to drag Rodey away from Bai Li.

"You seem to be quite smiling at that bastard, heh!"

He was so pissed off that he wanted to punch a hole somewhere.

She said, "I was just polite. He helped us after all."

"What help! He didn't do anything worthwhile."

She shook her head. Then she thought of what Bai Li had said.


Her heart skipped a beat. She peeked at him.

Rodey shot a glare at her. "What?"

She tried not to, but her lips were automatically curving into a smile. "Were you jealous?"

Rodey stopped and then angrily laughed. A vein popped on his forehead. "Say what?"

"Did you not like me smiling at Bai Li? You were jealous, right?"


Just then, a man passed behind Ying Yue's back and bumped into her.

She softly gasped as she tripped. Rodey easily and swiftly caught her in his arm. He dangerously narrowed his eyes at that man. "Oye. You need me to teach you how to walk?"

The young man was a new intern in the hospital but quite arrogant.

"What? It's not my fault. Why is standing like a freaking pole in the middle of the corridor? Is she an idiot? Or blind?"

The dark aura around Rodey multiplied ten folds. 

The young man's gaze fell upon Ying Yue. "But hey, aren't you pretty?"

Ying Yue just dryly looked at him.

He approached her. "Hey, are you a patient here too? Oh, of course, you are" he said as he looked up and down at her. His gaze made her uncomfortable. "Why don't you come with me? I will show you the way around."

"No. Thank you."

"Oh, come on. You don't need to be shy. While we are at it, I will also take a look at your injuries if it needs another dressing," he smiled and tried to hold her arm, but in an instant, he was suddenly spun around, and he didn't even realize when he got hit in his stomach.

His eyes popped out of his sockets, and he clutched his stomach as an excruciating pain shot up in it.

The man finally saw a blurry knee in front of him and slowly raised his head to see Rodey, who had kicked him hard.

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"You... dare you...hit a doctor?" He gritted his teeth. 

He was afraid as hell as he felt his chilly gaze that ran even up to his bones. It was enough for anybody to piss in their pants with the way Rodey so ferociously glared at them.

Rodey sneered. "Like this."

And he jabbed another knee uppercut at the same spot on his stomach.

That man almost coughed blood, and he collapsed on his knees. This hit was even more brutal than the one before.

"You say I hit a doctor? Where is the doctor? I cannot see him. What I see is a bastard who lost his way from a host club to the hospital."

Rodey clutched his hair and dragged him up. Then he smashed his head on the wall.

"Quite the nerve you got to hit on her, aye?"

Everything was spinning for the man. A deafening sound rang in his ears.

Ying Yue urged. "Rodey, forget it. Let him go."

"Sure I will. After I teach him something."

Rodey clenched his fist and landed a sharp punch straight on his face, particularly his eyes.


The man fell on the ground with a thud.

"I hope you got the message not to look at her ever again with your filthy eyes. Next time, I will gouge them out."

The nurses and other doctors gathered where the commotion was.

"Hey, what is happening?"

"Sir! Why did you hit him so badly?"

They quickly helped the intern get up.

"Oh my God! You are hurt so much!"

Ying Yue wanted to speak, but Rodey raised his hand. He grabbed the neck of the other doctor who was trying to help the intern.

"Hey, shithead. Tell your management to hire proper doctors, not freaking men from some host club."

The doctor panicked when he suddenly grabbed him to strangle him. "S-sir...what are you doing? We don't understand."

"Of course you won't. If you can hire trash like him, then what should I expect?"

Rodey threw that doctor away. He squinted his gaze at the intern. "Hey, you fucker. Apologize to her. NOW."

Ying Yue quickly said, "Rodey, forget it. I don't need his-"

"You stay out of it!"


The intern coughed. "What...the hell. Y-you hit me first...why should I...say sorry?"

Rodey tilted his head. Things were going from bad to worse as far as his temper was concerned.

"I think I need to refresh your memory," and he took one threatening step towards him.

The others tried to stop him but in the end, who could?

Rodey grabbed his arm and sharply twisted it on his back.


Hsi elbow bone got dislocated in an instant.


"Remember something?" 

Rodey didn't release his hand and kept on pressing his arm.

"Ahh..ahhhh! Help me"

Rodey smirked. "Help yourself by apologizing to her."

The intern gnashed his teeth.

The other nurses quickly said, "Just apologize already! Do you want to worsen your condition?"

He hatefully looked at Ying Yue and said, "I am s-s-sorry"

"I didn't quite hear it."


Rodey threw him away like garbage, making him yelp in pain.

"Remember. I gauge your eyes out if I see you near her again."

He grabbed Ying Yue's hand and left.

She said, "We could have just ignored him. No need-"

Rodey pulled her and pinched her chin. "I do things my way, babe. Ignorance is not in my dictionary."

"So you admit you were jealous of him? Otherwise, why will you get so mad at him because of me?"

He froze.

"Don't get so ahead of yourself!"

Ying Yue didn't get the answer she wanted, but she was still happy.

Rodey was already pissed off with that intern trying to flirt with her, and now she was asking useless questions to him.


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