Cross Dressing In A Fantasy World Full Of Magic

Chapter 134 Post Scavenger Hunt

With the event over, I searched for Livie, Ruby, and Gold. Ruby and I still had a bet that needed to be taken care of.

Looking around, the first person I found was Gold. "Gold, do you see Olivia and Ruby around?"

I had called out to Gold, but she had jumped upon hearing my voice. Was Gold that scared of me? Or was she not expecting someone to call her out?

Gold then shook her head and said, "I haven't seen them. We should be able to see them if we keep searching."

I nodded, understanding what needed to be done. "Olivia, Ruby!"

With many students around, I shouted Livie's and Ruby's names out in the crowd.

It didn't take long for both Gold and I to find Livie and Ruby. Having the four of us grouped, we left the crowd and went to a place less crowded.

"How did the event go for the three of you?" I had directly asked, genuinely wondering how well they did.

Looking at everyone's reaction, I could tell that everyone except Ruby did well in this scavenger hunt.

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"Ruby, do you want to surrender now? You ain't looking too hot right now." I smirked at her, making her pissed.

"Just because I didn't get anything good doesn't mean you win!" What I liked about Ruby was her honest personality. She made it easy to read her.

"What a poor sore loser." I made her even angrier with my words.

"Charlie, stop egging her." Livie tried to intervene, stopping me from pissing Ruby off. Since it was Livie, I wouldn't mind giving Ruby a little breather.

"Fine, Fine. Gold, Olivia seeing how the both of you are relaxed, how did it go for the both of you?" Unlike Ruby, who thinks she did it severely, Livie and Gold seem to do pretty well.

"I didn't think I would do so well." Livie had started being confident in herself. It was rare for her to do so, which is good for her to keep doing.

"I think I did decently..." Gold then looked at Ruby when saying that. Gold didn't want Ruby to feel bad.

The four of us then went to the adventure guild to check our artifacts. Since the last time Livie and I came.

"Would the four of you like an artifact appraisal check?" Some students had already come in and checked before us, so what the receptionist said wasn't too alarming.

"Yes, but how did you know?" Ruby, you're a special kind of being.

"Some other students had already arrived checking their artifacts." The receptionist answered Ruby.

Ruby noticed our stare and wondered why we were. I could see Gold was a bit embarrassed by this interaction.

"Please follow me to get your artifact checked." The receptionist had us follow her to a room to check our artifacts.

"Ruby, want to go first? You probably don't have much anyways." While I didn't try to mean on purpose this time, Ruby had grumbled angrily, hearing me say that.

Ruby had only taken out three artifacts from her pouch. I knew she did poorly, but I didn't think she would do that badly.

The red dragonewt found three artifacts—a pair of gloves and two gemstones. There wasn't anything rare coming from the three of them.

"Ruby, your luck is even worse than mine." While my luck this time was good, my usual luck was shitty.

Appraising Ruby's three artifacts, I was surprised at what she got. The pair of gloves strengthened the user's attack and speed.

What was terrifying was the two gemstones that Ruby had found. Both gems were bombs that could kill rank three magicians and hurt rank fours.

When you insert a large amount of mana, they are insanely destructive. I wish I hadn't pissed Ruby too much for her to use it on me.

Seeing what the two gemstones could do, Ruby was instantly happy with what she had obtained from the event.

Now that Ruby had finished appraising her artifacts, it was now Livie, Gold, and I left. I looked at both of them to see who would go next.

Gold, who said nothing, decided to go next. She had taken out eight artifacts from her storage bag.

I don't know the average number of artifacts one could get, but getting eight was pretty good for the number of students that had entered.

Gold had found three weapons, two armor, two rings, and a miscellaneous artifact. From the eight artifacts that she saw, one of them should be rare, right?

The first artifact is a steel plate starting from the armor that Gold had obtained. While it didn't look good to wear, the effects of the steel armor plate were terrific.

It could block physical damage considerably, and while it was terrible on magic defense, most students in Avaris used physical attack.

Since Gold had already appraised an armor, she then picked the other armor for appraisal. Unlike heavy steel armor, this one was a black suit used for men.

The most notable effect of the suit was the ability to raise the charm of the user. At the same time, the rest of them didn't do much at all.

Next was the ring. The first ring was fragile-looking, made from some string. Getting to appraise the ring could trap a user depending on the amount of mana used.

Anybody could use something like this. The ring was almost like second magic. Once used correctly, it would change the outcome of a duel.

The next ring wasn't as good as the last. It only had the power to boost the speed of one magic by a few.

Half of the artifacts were already appraised, and the things Gold had obtained were far more remarkable than Ruby's share.

Next was the weapons, and Gold had two spears and one axe. I wondered if any of these weapons would be rare.

It would be a shame if the axe were the best one found. An axe is generally the most disliked weapon due to its slowness.

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