Cross Dressing In A Fantasy World Full Of Magic

Chapter 64 Dawn Forest Day Three (Part V)

The boss, this time, was a flying stingray. I never thought a water monster would fly in the air, not needing water to survive.

Shooting electrical and poisonous attacks at once, Isabelle used her walls to block the attack. The combination of the stingray was horrifying. She then made a platform for us so the electricity would not affect us when we were in the water.

Just by being hit by it, electricity would poison us. We had to be cautious against it and find a way to defend against it, I don't know if any of us have any medical knowledge, but I wasn't here to find out.

This was the first third-rank boss that we had found. It was undoubtedly the strongest monster that we had faced here.

Tina had begun her attack and summoned some insect to attack it, she hadn't fully recovered, but it was still enough for her to use her magic.

The stingray cloaked itself with electrical power, stopping any insects from attacking. Isabelle then expanded her magic, making our platform much wider for us to attack it from all sides.

Standing apart, we began to barrage the boss with magic attacks. Isabelle sent a golden rod trying to pierce it, Riley attempted to push the stingray away from us, and Tina used her bugs to distract it.

With all that happening, I made multiple lances trying to penetrate its skin. Before I launched my attack, the stingray used an electrical discharge, trying to harm all of us at once. I used my armor at the maximum capacity, entirely nullifying the attack.

Isabelle manage to block it with her wall, Tina wasn't hit luckily, and Riley deflected the attack. Citrus was the unlucky one since she couldn't dodge it on time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Citrus was pained by shocked by the boss's attack. I don't know if the poison affected her, but we had to end this battle quickly.

Riley began to go to Citrus and check on her condition. She could not do anything to the stingray, so she went to protect Citrus.

With the stingray electrical discharge gone, I made up more lances shooting at the boss. My lance had landed against the stingray, all my attacks had landed, but it wasn't strong enough to break through the skin. Although the attack couldn't go through it, my attack was still effective in harming it.

The boss was angered by my attack. Seeing that I did it, the boss sent magic to me. I couldn't evade the attack, so I defended it with my magic armor.

"Tina! Try to distract it for a few seconds." I said, preparing to launch a big attack. Tina, who saw that I was up to something, had no choice but to agree.

Isabelle joined in and shot her attack at the back of the stingray. The attack didn't hurt the stingray, but the attempt to attack seemed to annoy it.

I began to condense my mana in a singular point since I masked my mana into a minor attack. The boss wouldn't notice it. I learned last time that they could interrupt me if they knew what I would do.

Both Isabelle and Tina were still attacking the third-rank boss. I was almost done charging my beam.

After finish charging, I unleashed my condensed beam at the stingray, used my beam above it, and moved my beam down, hitting the boss. My beam had cut the stingray in half like it was butter. With the boss dead, we were finished with this floor.

All of us sighed in relief, seeing the boss die. Citrus looked like she was in critical condition, and the rest of us were tired from using a lot of mana.

"What is the situation looking like for Citrus?" Isabelle asked Riley to see if she was alright. Riley looked a bit downcast, seeing Citrus's condition.

"We don't have anything to cure her poison. We've to leave right away to cure her." I didn't know how to react to that. Right now, we're not in a suitable condition to descend to the next floor.

"I could heal her," Tina said, looking at Citrus.

"Are you sure you could heal her?" Isabelle didn't want to take responsibility when something could happen to her.

Tina nodded confidently that she could heal her. Seeing that Tina didn't look worried, Isabelle sighed, "If you're so confident, then you would be responsible for what happens to her."

Tina didn't object when she heard Isabelle's response. It was her who wanted to heal Citrus. Tina began to summon her insects, and I saw them enter Tina's body using them. Everyone who saw this skin crawled, creeped out by the situation.

"Is it necessary to do that?" Riley asked, looking uncomfortable.

Tina didn't respond to that question and touched Citrus concentrating her magic inside it. We couldn't tell if Citrus was feeling better or not. She was paling even more, but her expression looked relieved.

Was her blood begin drained along with the poison? Man, I wouldn't know how to feel if I got poisoned. Seeing Tina finished with her work, she recalled her bugs.

"Her poison is gone, but we would need to rest for a while to continue to the next floor." Tina then began to take out a red pill from her storage bag. She then proceeded to feed it to Citrus and began to rest. Citrus's pale face was starting to regain some light, but she was still tired.

"How long do you think the monsters in this dungeon would come back?" I asked them since I didn't know when they were in the dungeon before, so they looked like they had a possible answer.

"From the looks of it, it would be the minimum of eighteen hours." I nodded, thanking her for an answer.

"Then let's rest for the day and continue tomorrow." All of us agreed to that choice. With Citrus down, it would be hard for us to leave her here.

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