Chapter 102

102 a Good Day to Take a Walk

The girl was no less surprised, she almost slashed the young man’s face who suddenly appeared from nowhere, quickly held her hand so that she only cut a bit of the long hair of the young man who was now standing as if he was not afraid to die.

“Are you crazy? Tired of living already?” cried the girl drawing her sword and putting it back in its scabbard.

BaiYing was afraid of the sword, but he couldn’t bear to see the bloodshed before his eyes.

While the girl was busy serving BaiYing, from behind one of the fallen male colleagues pushed the girl’s body forward hard.


Using that opportunity to let his comrade escape.


Uncontrollably the girl was pushed towards BaiYing, even though the young man tried to hold the girl’s body that fell hard on him and hit him so that both of them fell down with BaiYing’s position on the bottom with the girl’s body on top, right above him until their lips met, they’re kissing!

“Hooh” Yan and Bi held their breath, all of them stopped where they were not moving, including BaiYing who didn’t realize what just happened, who he knew now that his two hands were holding onto something so soft on the little girl’s chest, who was now on top of him, the girl widened his eyes, he immediately got up from the fall.



BaiYing’s two maids immediately approached BaiYing who was still not aware of what just happened, what he knew, he fell hard enough and his body a little sore.

“Young Master, are you all right?” the two exclaimed, helping BaiYing to his feet.

BaiYing wiped his lips, it looked like he hurt himself. It was slightly bleeding.

“Ah, it hurts a little,” he groaned.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The girl looked at BaiYing with big eyes, holding back the anger that had reached the top of her head make her face red. That pretty face was not as cute as her behavior, which was very scary. All the wanderers who had gathered earlier ran away quickly.

“Insolent, who are you to dare to meddle in my business, you want to die?”

The girl stepped forward quickly aiming the tip of her sword at BaiYing, Yan and Bi immediately stood in the way.

“Don’t touch our young master!” Bi exclaimed, challenging the young girl.

The girl looked at BaiYing with big round eyes, she wiped her lips which for a moment touched the young man in masked lips.

“Insolent! Show yourself, don’t just hide behind your servants!” cried the girl.

BaiYing tried to stand up, struggling, he felt his legs buckled when he fell so hard to stand up, Yan helped him, he smiled at the cute girl who looked at him with teary eyes as if she was about to cry, but that gaze was very fierce filled with a murderous aura that was ready to attack anyone at this time, her anger was indeed reaching its peak.

“Eh sorry miss, but, you shouldn’t have killed someone just because he made a small mistake, you can give him another lighter punishment”

BaiYing’s voice as he spoke made the girl gulp, a very soft voice, full of calm and make her angered instantly subsided, the girl slowly lowered her sword.

The face of the young man in front of him was not clear because he wore a mask up to his mouth, but his lips were very attractive, red and full, so soft when she touched it, there was a sweet mole on the corner of the young man’s lips that was faint and almost invisible and make him sweeter. When he smiled broadly and showed his white teeth that were lined up very neatly, he was not an ordinary young man, his clothes were also beautiful, especially the two maids standing nearby.

While the girl was still staring at BaiYing from the street, several men came running and came with their flock.

“There she is! That girl is so insolent!” exclaimed one of the men at the front, there were quite a number of people, maybe more than ten people, Bi thought seriously, she immediately pulled BaiYing’s hand away so as not to get involved with the riots that would arise.

“Young master let’s go”

But BaiYing was still stunned in his place, the girl was alone and didn’t seem like she was going to give up against a large number of people, without thinking he grabbed the girl’s hand and ran with her.

“Come on Miss, we have to run.”

When the girl was still standing, she was ready and didn’t expect that the stranger would drag her away.

“Hey! Let go of my hand!”

But BaiYing’s wide arms held her and didn’t let go, they ran together towards the busy street.

“Chase them!” exclaimed one of the men at the front, finally the street that was already quite busy became more and more crowded with the pursuit of so many people against BaiYing and the girl.

“Come on, young master!” Yan did not stop running.


Not long after, in one of the stalls on the side of the road, after successfully escaping from the men’s pursuit BaiYing and his two servants who were exhausted after running so far finally sat on the edge of the shop selling fresh fruit drinks, the sun was already above them and starting to get hotter.

“Is Young master tired?” Yan opened the fan to give a tired BaiYing wind to reduce the heat that make the sweat dripped down his forehead and neck, BaiYing shook his head, even though they ran quite a distance but this was quite fun, he had not felt sweat dripping like this in a long time.

“Hoh hoh hoh they aren’t chasing anymore are they?”

BaiYing asked glancing at the end of the road, it seemed that the people were also tired of chasing them, up and down the bridge, around the restaurant, in and out of the alley, really making people dizzy. For BaiYing and his two lively servants it was nothing, but, the girl’s eyes, the girl who’s BaiYing couldn’t help but pull because he couldn’t bear to see her against those lots of people, now looked at him in silence, don’t know what she was thinking.

“Sis, why has she been looking at me since earlier? Did I do something wrong? BaiYing whispered to Bi, Bi and Yan nodded. The girl sitting not far in front of them crossed her arms, while still holding her white long sword with a serious face slightly angry towards them, the girl was a bit scary.

“Your Majesty, I think, because of that, um, when she fell, Young master accidentally, em kissed her” Bi whispered, hearing that BaiYing’s eyes widened, what? Kiss her? Why didn’t he notice it? Is it true? This is a big mistake.

“Ow, then, should we just run away, Sis, she seems so fierce” whispered BaiYing, Yan, and Bi who glanced at the girl nodded slowly.

“That’s the best, young master.”

BaiYing stood up from his seat.

“Come on, we still have a lot of other things to do, there are still many things we haven’t bought yet.”

But, just one step away the girl was already standing in front of him, so quickly she was there blocking his way.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

The beautiful girl didn’t seem to be merciful to BaiYing, knowingly or unknowingly the young man had to be held accountable.

“Em sorry miss, um, we still have a lot of business to do, um, let’s just separate here okay, let’s just say we’re strangers”

But the girl didn’t move her feet, even her tiny body could block BaiYing’s way because she couldn’t possibly push him, after all, from the movement of the girl’s body, she was not an ordinary girl, who must have quite strong martial arts, compared to him who could not do anything.

“I don’t care, you have to take responsibility for what you’ve done, you think you can just run away like that?” exclaimed the girl as she drew the tip of her scabbard at BaiYing.

Bi forward.

“Sorry miss, but, our young master is still very young, let’s just say it was just a simple misunderstanding.”

“What’s the misunderstanding? You can’t, you, at least, um, have to...” the girl stuttered, thinking about what punishment would be the most appropriate for the young man in front of her.

The sound of her screams attracted the attention of many other passersby as if it was a fairly exciting young husband and wife household quarrel.

“Wow, what’s wrong with that girl?” the voices of curious citizens gathered.

“Yeah, that’s pretty fierce.”

The girl stuttered, couldn’t continue her words, she was so annoyed that she couldn’t speak anymore, she aimed her palm to hit BaiYing because of her anger.

“Idiot you don’t know who you’re dealing with!”

But the young man dodged quickly until the girl’s tiny hand only hit the tip of his mask, instantly the mask fell off.

“Oh!” Yan and Bi were surprised not expecting the girl to make that move until the little mask fell to the ground.

“Young master!”

Like slow-motion, BaiYing turned his head back to the girl who was stunned to see him.

“Wooh” the admiring voices of the residents who gathered when they saw BaiYing’s face without his mask now, a pair of big round eyes with a very beautiful light brown color, the proportions were so fitting for the shape of his face that it attracted the attention of anyone who now saw him, even the girl was stunned in place, swallowed her saliva around seeing a young man too handsome like the sun that briefly blinded her eyes, she couldn’t move, even her lips were numb.


Yan and Bi immediately pulled BaiYing towards them while Yan took the mask back from the ground.

Just as the girl was about to clear her sight from the crowd, several people dressed as bodyguards were approaching fast.

“Princess!” exclaimed one of them.

The girl tried to look at BaiYing’s face which was covered by his maids, her annoyance had disappeared, so curiosity after seeing the very attractive face of the young man, she was about to shift the two girls in front of her but the person who appeared from the crowd was already approaching her.


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