Chapter 118

118 Our Destiny

As soon as BaiYing regained consciousness, everyone prepared to return to the capital, and even though the mayor of LiuYang had invited him to stay in his mansion, LuoXiang didn’t pay any attention to it, at the time, he didn’t want his precious times with BaiYing just passed like that. After examining BaiYing, Physician Wan stood up to salute the Crown Prince.

“Congratulations Your Majesty, the poison in Concubine Hua’s body is gone, now only the recovery progresses.”

Physician Wan’s words made LuoXiang frown, even though it was what he really wanted, more than anything at this time, however, he remembered last night BeiYau and his guards didn’t manage to find an antidote in the city and had to look for it around the forest, they hadn’t even found it, and while BaiYing was just taking the medicine that healer Wan always gave him.

He thought he would lose the boy because last night he could barely hear his pulse, so LuoXiang had to channel his inner strength into him.

“YingYing, you can’t die, you heard me, you can’t leave me” shouted LuoXiang who was already sitting cross-legged behind BaiYing who was positioned by him, took off his back clothes and channeled the heat energy from his palms, all his internal energy, whatever it was for BaiYing’s sake.

If it weren’t for the exhaustion of having all his energy drained, the Crown Prince couldn’t have fallen asleep so soundly just now.

“Hehehe your face is fresh again Ying’er” said concubine Fu, BaiYing smiled, the two maids looked at him with teary eyes couldn’t hold back their emotions, not to mention seeing aYa smiling near Lan’er, the princess also came? This was very strange, he had been asleep for so long that he didn’t realize what was happening around him.

“Ems, thank God, Your Majesty,” said BaiYing’s maids can’t hold their tears.

Whatever it is, the Crown Prince didn’t care, now, the most important thing was that BaiYing was awake, and he did look much better, his face was shining again, eyes full of life, a wide laugh that graced his sweet lips. Unconsciously he approached the bed, concubine Fu and his two maids who were sitting on the edge of the bed couldn’t help but be happy to see BaiYing awake, had to step aside so that the Crown Prince could have spaces.


“Your Majesty, you look tired,” BaiYing said looking at the shabby face of the Crown Prince, who since BaiYing had been unconscious and had not had time to take care of himself, fine hair grew around his jaw and chin.

“Hehe, I’m not tired, all this, it’s nothing.” He grabbed BaiYing’s hand, looked at the young man’s face, and couldn’t stop smiling.

“Hey, are you hungry? Yan and Bi have already prepared food for us, but according to the physician you shouldn’t eat anything heavy other than porridge.”

BaiYing pursed his lips.

“Owh Your Majesty, I really want to eat the fish soup made by sister Yan, I feel so hungry.”

LuoXiang flicked BaiYing’s chin lightly.

“You wake up because of the smell of the soup, that’s great.”

BaiYing laughed until his eyes disappeared.

“Hehehe indeed, it smells really good”


Late afternoon.

“Your Majesty, Senior Advisor YueWang would like to see you, he is already waiting outside,” said BeiYau who entered the Crown Prince’s room.

LuoXiang who was sitting on the edge of the bed accompanying BaiYing to eat, replied casually, he held the bowl of porridge for BaiYing in his left hand.

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“Then? Can’t you see I’m busy Bei?”

Hearing the Crown Prince’s answer, BeiYau lowered his head deeply.

“Forgive servant for being presumptuous, Your Majesty, ”

Casually, the Crown Prince spooned the porridge in front of BaiYing who looked at him with big eyes, the young man stretched out his hand.

“Let me feed myself, Your Majesty, or my maids can help me”

But LuoXiang lowered his hand.

“Just open your mouth, it’s not much left, after this take some medicine and rest”

BaiYing pulled his lips, he really couldn’t go against the Crown Prince’s will.

After a while, longer than expected, even after BaiYing’s food was finished the Crown Prince was still waiting for him to drink his bitter medicine.

“This is so bitter Your Majesty”

“You have to drink it all the way down, this medicinal root is very difficult to find, it took Bei’s men all night to find it, don’t waste it, just finish it” persuaded the Crown Prince.

BaiYing covered his mouth with his hand.


“This kid, hurry up open your mouth”


Towards dark, the Crown Prince just came out of the room into the living room where his guest was waiting, since the sun was bright till it’s dark.

YueWang immediately stood up when he saw the Crown Prince arrive.

“Greetings Your Highness the Crown Prince”

LuoXiang sat on his chair, he was very lazy to meet the old man, he wished he would leave earlier so he was deliberately stalling for time, but, how dare he do it? The Crown Prince waved his hand asking the old man to straighten up and invite him to sit down.

“Senior Advisor Yue, sorry to keep you waiting, Concubine Hua is not in such a condition that I need to make sure he eats and takes medicine before going out, that kid is so stubborn”

YueWang chuckled.

“Hehehe I understand Your Majesty, waiting a while is not a problem at all for Your Majesty’s sake, uh, this villa, is quite old, how about, Your Majesty and entourage visit my official residence to rest, it will definitely be a little more comfortable than here”

The Crown Prince lifted his teacup, stirred it slowly, until he took a small sip, the tea leaves specially brought by his servants because they all knew it was his favorite tea, slowly put it back on the coasters before continuing his words.

“It’s not so bad adviser Yue, I got what I needed here, after all, concubine Hua’s condition doesn’t allow for moving, he gets tired easily so we’ll stay here until it’s time to return to the capital, so, advisor Yue has arrived in this city, since last week? How is the dam project progressing?” he asked.

YueWang chuckled again.

“Report Your Majesty, it is still in the dredging stage, it is hoped that with the speed of work it will be completed no later than the day after tomorrow, I personally go to the field to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

The Crown Prince nodded.

“Erm, so, where is the project? If I’m not mistaken, east of the city? Bordering of the Deep forest?”

YueWang nodded his head.

“Well that’s right Your Majesty, the area there is easier for water to flow from the forest, so water from the rainforest will be stored in a dam that can flow to the edge of the city, it is hoped that it can irrigate the fields and gardens of the residents during a long drought like this, according to the scheme from the Emperor.”

The Crown Prince nodded again.

“Hemh, when YingYing gets better I might go there.”

YueWang lowered his head in salute.

“Yes Your Majesty, I will make sure it will be finished before Your Majesty returns to the capital.”

After speaking thus the old man glanced at the room whose door was tightly closed.

“What do you see advisor?” LuoXiang asked noticing the direction of the old man’s wrinkled eyes, after according to the story of his two servants that during the celebration BaiYing almost fell and the man caught him.

BaiYing was very attractive and catch all eyes on him, of course, the Crown Prince must know every second of the kid’s activities, wherever he is, including ordering His personal maid explained in detail everything that happened, and realized what the man who was known to be far more perverted than his father was thinking. This was ridiculous, how could someone beat his father’s levels on lewdness? But that person does exist. Imagining that the Crown Prince’s heart heats up, how could his dirty hands touch YingYing, is this what YingYing meant as possessive? The Crown Prince thought.

“Forgive this servant, Your Majesty, for being presumptuous to want to know how Her Majesty Concubine Hua is doing”

Yeah, the Crown Prince restrained himself because he was really bothered by the old advisor’s question, he clenched his fists.

“Ehem concubine Hua is fine, he just needs to rest, once his condition improves and can continue our journey, we will return to the palace”

YueWang lowered his head.

“This is very good news Your Majesty, may concubine Hua always be well”

The Crown Prince waved his hand, he pulled his lips a little.

“Well, thanks advisor Yue, if you don’t mind, it’s late and I haven’t slept for two nights here, I’ll take a rest,”

YueWang stood bowing as he saw the Crown Prince rise from his seat.

“Of course Your Majesty, Forgive this servant for taking your time”

“Bei, please escort the guests”

“Yes, Your Majesty” replied BeiYau who had been standing behind the Crown Prince.

Without saying much, LuoXiang headed back to the room, the old man would usually just interrupt, he grumbled inwardly.

YueWang straightened up when the Crown Prince had entered the room and the maid closed the door tightly from the outside, the old man still had a wide smile on his face as BeiYau ushered him towards the door.

“Please Advisor.”

However, behind his friendly face that often smiled, the old advisor clenched his fists tightly behind his waist, occasionally still glancing at the door of the room where the Crown Prince had disappeared, with sharp eyes full of malice, it was obvious.


Morning came quickly.

The whole night LuoXiang slept on his stomach hugging BaiYing beside him, hooked his fingers over BaiYing’s chest, and slept looking at his face until the sky slowly started to lighten.

LuoXiang smiled seeing the young man open his eyes, saw that, with the deep gaze of a pair of beautiful eyes that he never got tired of seeing, every day those eyes would always give new and different reflections that made his world very beautiful, a pair of clear eyes with a reflection of himself in there.

LuoXiang raised his hand to caress BaiYing’s cheek gently.

“Morning, did you sleep well?” he asked in a soft voice.

BaiYing raised his hand which the young man had been holding on to all night until he was sweating.


“Your Majesty, are you awake?”

LuoXiang smiled, he lifted his head resting on his hand to see BaiYing’s face from a very close distance and touched the tip of the young man’s nose with his finger.

“Em, I lost my drowsiness when I saw your face, I feel like I want to see more.”

LuoXiang brushed the hair that fell on BaiYing’s forehead, lifting his body to kiss the young man’s forehead.

“How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?”

BaiYing held LuoXiang’s big hand on his chest, he had probably been unconscious long enough to make the always confident Crown Prince look very tired, he lifted his hand to caress the cheek of the handsome man who was now looking at him with his deep sunken eyes.

“Your Majesty, sorry to make you worry, Your Majesty looks very tired.”

LuoXiang smiled, he lifted BaiYing’s finger and kissed it.

“It’s nothing, it’s like, any tiredness doesn’t feel when YingYing isn’t around, heh this poor Crown Prince is ready to chase you to the ends of the world if you want to leave, remember that, I will never let you go”

BaiYing pulled his lips, he couldn’t stop smiling.

“How can Your Majesty catch up to me? The road, it must be very far.”

LuoXiang lowered his head, seeing BaiYing’s eyes which now also saw him, raised his hand, gently caressing BaiYing’s cheek.

“I will, and when I find you, I will give you the harshest punishment because YingYing has violated your own decree.”

BaiYing chuckled.

“Hehe, Your Majesty is vindictive”

He stopped his laughter, seriously looking at the face of the Crown Prince who saw him silent. BaiYing also didn’t want their story to end tragically like in dramas, but, could he control HuaBaiYing’s destiny? The destiny of the young man that has been written since he was a child, always experiences misfortune, loses everyone he loves, betrayed, becomes a target for assassination, even though, his luck changes when he gets to know the Crown Prince, when they haven’t realized that they both need each other, BaiYing who was saved by LuoXiang, and LuoXiang whose life was saved by BaiYing when they were younger, they were intertwined, like chains that connected each other. BaiYing caressed LuoXiang’s cheek, fate, indeed brought two people who were almost unthinkable to be together, will, destiny also separate them from each other someday? If that time comes, what can they do?


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