Chapter 142

142 What is the Fair Competition?

In the evening, back at the Plum Pavilion.

BaiYing sat absentmindedly looking at the candle on the table in front of him, propping his chin with his two hands with his thoughts drifting away. Once a while the young man took a deep breath and pursed his lips in thought until his brows furrowed.

“Heh” the sound of his breath even sounded out the door of his room, the two servants could only look at each other without being able to do anything.

BaiYing thought, this family matter, was getting further and further away from what he had previously imagined, how he could suddenly have a mother who was none other than the Princess of a country that he had never even heard of, and, what about the order plaque for his mother’s murder? also from WahYe? What, that means, the person who killed his mother was, possibly from the Imperial family? Why did they do it? What was his mother’s fault that someone from his own family killed her? He never saw how his mother died because of the injuries he suffered during the incident that made him unconscious for almost half a month, and when he woke up, everyone said that his mother was gone.

“Mother! Huks hu, where’s Mother?” Little BaiYing cried so hard that he tried to lift his weak little body, tried to hug his father who was also crying until his eyes were swollen. The man lifted BaiYing’s small and weak body and hugged him tightly.

“Ying’er, thank God, Ying’er”

BaiYing took another breath, his chest hurting, thinking about it made his chest to the point of pain from holding back the sadness he was trying to bury so deeply, even though, sometimes it still felt, how could he forget it? No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn’t forget it.

BaiYing raised his hand, fiddled with the flame on the candle with his index finger,

“Heh, this is getting more and more confusing, ohh how did things get this messed up, feel like want to running away” he shouted in annoyance,


“Running from what?” The sound from the door startled BaiYing, he was really shocked that his hand accidentally touched the candle holder, and instantly the melt from the hot candle hit his hand.

“Ah!” The heat from the still melting wax instantly made him scream loudly.

The person who was none other than aYa immediately approached him.

“Ying’er, what are you doing?” the girl panicked and raised BaiYing’s hand which was already red from the hot wax. The young man moaned and bit his lip.

“Ah hot”


“Akh it hurts, take it easy aYa” BaiYing kept moaning as AYa rubbed the ointment on his red palm, almost all of them were red by the hot wax.

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“It is, don’t move much”

“Oh, what’s so unlucky”

AYa bowed her head blowing BaiYing’s red hand to reduce the heat, BaiYing was really unlucky, he thought, this is like getting a second-degree burn, how can he always hurt himself?

While aYa was still busy applying ointment, from the door, LuoXiang came in quickly approaching.

“YingYing!” His eyes widened at the sight of the young man’s red hands.

“How did you get hurt like this? Princess aYa what have you done to him?” LuoXiang’s eyes stared intently at aYa, the princess looked back at him and stood up from her seat.

“What does Your Majesty mean?”

BaiYing stuttered, LuoXiang suddenly came and seemed to accuse her and AYa also didn’t want to talk much until the two of them glared at each other.

“Eh Y-Your Majesty, that’s not it, Th-it’s my own fault that I accidentally hit the hot wax”

The Crown Prince grabbed BaiYing’s injured hand, causing the boy to moan even louder.

“Ackh be careful Your Majesty, it’s hurt”

“How can you hurt yourself like this, I just left for half a day, you guys, what else are you doing? quickly call Physician Wan!” LuoXiang exclaimed looking at BaiYing’s two maids, the two maids who were bowing their heads deeply nodded quickly.

“Yes Your Majesty”

LuoXiang carried BaiYing’s hand towards the bed, but aYa’s voice stopped him.

“Servant who came first, let me treat the wound, it’s not that bad I have an ointment that can heal burns quickly”

The Crown Prince pulled BaiYing down on his bed, then straightened his body looking at AYa who as usual always looked at him with sharp eyes.

“Then? Why should you bother taking care of him? You can give the medicine to the maids and let the maids take care of BaiYing’s wounds, after all, YingYing is my concubine, I don’t like other people touching him here and there.”

BaiYing held LuoXiang’s hand which he thought was too hard on the princess.

“Your Majesty,” he whispered.

AYa just swallowed hard, she still didn’t move from her place until LuoXiang who didn’t want to wait much for her turned towards BaiYing again.

“Are there other parts that are injured? How did you get hit by hot wax? How ridiculous.”

BaiYing looked up at LuoXiang who was standing very close to him.

“It’s an accident”

LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing’s hand and blew on it.

“Fhuh, it looks bad”

“Let’s have a fair competition!”

Suddenly there was an exclamation from aYa, for a moment LuoXiang didn’t want to pay attention to it, that stubborn girl, from the beginning she forced her way back into the palace actually he didn’t really like it, but considering how many times she had saved BaiYing, he agreed, but, why the girl is getting so outrageous?

The Crown Prince turned his head, he pulled his lips into a smirk, he was about to get closer to the girl but BaiYing’s hand grabbed his clothes.

“Your Majesty”

LuoXiang slowly let go of the young man’s grip, and approached the princess who saw him with big round eyes, clenching her fists tightly at her sides, he could see that the girl was trembling, but, she had the courage that came from nowhere, very determined and refrain from not crying.

“Hehe, fair competition, what does that mean?”

AYa looked at BaiYing, the young man wanted to interfere but for sure the Crown Prince would scold him, this is very strange, BaiYing thought to himself while biting his nails.

“Servant, I want to propose a duel,” aYa continued.

The Crown Prince was silent for a moment, trying to adapt to what the girl meant, until he smirked.

“Hehe, duels? You mean, Princess aYa duel with me? That’s interesting, hmm.”

BaiYing finally couldn’t help himself, he stood up from his seat and approached.

“Aya what are you talking about” LuoXiang’s hand held the young man behind him.

AYa gulped down her saliva, seeing LuoXiang’s gaze waiting for her response.

“Duel, if I win, give me a full day with Ying’er.”

AYa’s words made LuoXiang pursed his lips, looking at the girl for a long time.

“Hey, a day with YingYing? Full day? Hehe, what makes you think you deserve to ask that? A full day with my concubine? What do you want to do?”

AYa didn’t change her gaze, she finally lowered her head, unable to accept the Honorable Crown Prince’s gaze.

“What if you lose? Oh, well, good idea, if you lose, you have to pack all your things and go home as soon as possible to your country. I think this is a good deal” continued LuoXiang, BaiYing tugging at LuoXiang’s sleeve.

“Your Majesty, don’t be like that, Your Majesty chased her away again” BaiYing whispered.

“Just watch it, does she still dare? Who does she think she is to compete in a fair manner with the Crown Prince” said LuoXiang, BaiYing saw the look on AYa’s face that was filled with doubt, her eyes were red, her hands were tightly clenched.

“Your Majesty, but Your Majesty has promised not to be so mean to her” BaiYing whispered again.

LuoXiang took a breath, he was very annoyed, the girl in front of him really take high praise on herself, but it was true what BaiYing said, after all, that girl had no evil intentions other than wanting to always be close to his YingYing, even though, it was already bothering him a lot.

“Okay, if you lose, stay away from YingYing and never greet him again, as long as, um, how about a week?” Crown Prince exclaimed, BaiYing wanted to tug on LuoXiang’s clothes again, that young man was too much.

“Your Majesty”

But aYa raised her head.

“Okay, I agree!” she exclaimed, daring to meet LuoXiang’s gaze.

“Well! Totally agree!”

Finally, a fair duel began, that morning on the Peony field in the archery arena, aYa was already standing in front of the arena holding a bow ready in her hand, several field supervisors ready on either side of the field.

While LuoXiang sat leisurely enjoying his tea, of course with BaiYing not far beside him, there was also FuLan who was watching that morning, she was the most excited.

“Wow, this is very exciting, does she’s know that our Highness the Crown Prince is the first winner in all fields of dexterity, archery, he can do it with his eyes closed, especially with his eyes open, that girl really doesn’t know who the opponent is,” said FuLan chuckling, she brought her snacks to enjoy the show that dispelled her boredom, this was really very exciting, she screamed in her heart.

BaiYing held his breath, looking at the Crown Prince who was very leisurely enjoying his tea, that person too, only wants to prank the girl, of course aYa won’t be able to beat the Crown Prince whose prowess exceeds the sky, what does an aYa mean to him? He just wanted to have fun.


And sure enough, it didn’t take long, a one-on-one match in archery of course it was predictable who won, aYa hit all of her own arrows in five shots, but LuoXiang, he hit all of his arrows blindfolded, like what FuLan said.

“Yeah great, Your Majesty is really great!” FuLan exclaimed, BaiYing put his chin on his hand, what’s so great about it, that’s what he’s used to, isn’t it? Then where else lies the greatness? It’s so boring, like watching a professional athlete beat a newcomer, the Crown Prince just wants to prank Princess aYa.



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