Chapter 145

145 Not an very Old Shaman


The sound of tea pouring out of the teapot filled the teacups on the table beside the Crown Prince’s seat, casually, LuoXiang lifted the cup that was already half full of his favorite tea and blew it gently until the hot smoke disappeared, then slowly took a sip.

His visitor that afternoon, an old man who was almost stooped, walked with the help of a long wooden stick taller than his body, two eyes whose black color had turned white due to an old disease he suffered, causing the old man to be unable to see clearly, his eyesight which might fade due to old age, if LuoXiang wasn’t mistaken, from old man FuYa’s explanation, the old man in front of him seventy years ago was around thirty-five years old, since he is still alive today, imagine how old he is.

LuoXiang put his cup back on the table, the old man’s ears moved from it. The Crown Prince knew very well that the old man in front of him still had a very keen hearing, his smiling face, an aura that seemed very calm around him, not even his body could be seen trembled at all because of his age, even less afraid of the Crown Prince, who ordered his men to bring an old man who was known to live in the interior of the forest west of YueYang very close to the old city of SuiLian, one of the major cities in WahYe’s golden age which had become its capital, although now, it was nothing more than an ordinary small town that was no more special than any other city in the vicinity.

The old man should have been very nervous and worried about what the Crown Prince of YueYang Palace was going to do to him, however, that person looked too calm.

“Heh” The Crown Prince pulled his lips into a smirk, his grin could be heard clearly by the old man, the man raised his hand in salute to the Crown Prince.

“Please forgive this servant, Your Majesty, what so important, that made His Majesty the very great invite this poor old vagabond servant to your palace, in fact, I do not deserve to sit in this very beautiful chair” the old man’s deep voice.

LuoXiang smirked, finally after a long silence the old man spoke as well.

“Heh, you are very humble, General Shin, if I’m not mistaken, general ShinLei is one of the four honorable generals of WahYe great empire.”


The old man seemed to be surprised by LuoXiang’s words, but he tried to cover it up.

“Hehehehe Your Majesty is really flattering me, what’s with General, servant now, nothing more than an old man looking for firewood in the middle of the forest to exchange for bread and noodles, this servant’s body, like an old rattan that refuses to break too, has to lower his body, here and there to survive, hehehe really I have forgotten what is called a general, hehehe”

The Crown Prince looked at the man who seemed to be looking at him, with a face that often smiled and was very clever at playing with words.

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“Heh, I’ll just get straight to the point, old man Shin, I suspect that an underground group that might be from the WahYe grand palace, is slowly re-emerging to the surface, even committing murders everywhere, one big family was wiped out overnight, this, is not without reason related to WahYe which has not existed for a long time right?”

Old man Shin lowered his head.

“My majesty, but, I might say that I don’t understand Your Highness the Crown Prince’s intentions at all, the WahYe kingdom has been gone for a long time, even the last generation of the royal family is unknown where they are now, servant, doesn’t have much of a story to share.”

The old man spoke in a very calm and tidy voice, although his voice was heavy due to his old age he still didn’t let his heart’s strength diminish.

LuoXiang took a deep breath.

“What are you hiding? If the WahYe Palace doesn’t exist anymore, what are you afraid of, old man.”

Old man Shin lowered his head, he still had a smiling face that made his wrinkled cheeks round.

“Really forgive this servant, Your Majesty, I don’t understand Your Majesty’s means at all”

The Crown Prince clenched his fists, he restrained himself from exploding with anger, the old man in front of him seemed to be playing with him, from the beginning he just spinning around.

“Old man, I don’t have time to play around”

LuoXiang gritted his teeth, holding back his anger, the old man’s face that always smiled so calmly could really make him go crazy, the questions he asked seemed to be answered back with riddles, this would never end, LuoXiang sighed heavily, until he ordered his men to escort the old man to the detention room.

Along the way out of the Eagle Pavilion, the old man was led out by several young guards with high martial skills with his feet and hands shackled, even though General ShinLei was famous for very high martial arts, as well as mystical abilities, that the state called him a magic shaman, even though while in the custody of the YueYang Palace, they had crippled his martial strength, but it was not impossible that the man who was still alive at the age of one hundred years still possessed other enormous hidden abilities.

While the Crown Prince was standing at the door of the Eagle pavilion watching the old man being led out, BeiYau approached him.

“Your Majesty, what is Your Majesty planning to do to that man? He doesn’t seem to be of much use either, just like what official Fu said, that person is very stubborn.”

LuoXiang took a deep breath.

“Heh, we’ll let that fellow ponder Bei, see tomorrow, when YingYing is here, maybe that kid can persuade him.”

The Crown Prince was about to turn his body back towards his desk when a voice came from outside the Eagle pavilion door.

“Your Excellency!”


“Insolent! What are you doing? How dare you touch Her Highness, Concubine Hua!”

The guard’s voice and concubine Hua’s name was called, hearing that, LuoXiang immediately turned back towards the door and rushed out.

Arriving outside the pavilion gates, LuoXiang saw BaiYing standing in the middle of the path with his servants, and the bodyguards who were standing guarding him as old man Shin lowered his body very low briefly touched BaiYing’s feet.

“YingYing!” without thinking twice LuoXiang approached BaiYing who was surprised.

Old man Shin, kneeling at BaiYing’s feet with slowly changing eyes, LuoXiang’s eyes widened as he saw the color of the old man’s eyeballs which had been white slowly turning back to its color, a pair of healthy eyes that were now looking at BaiYing intently, almost burst into tears, the old man lowered his head deeply until it completely touched the ground.

“Your Highness Prince, you are back, respectfully Your Highness Prince, this is truly a stroke of luck”

LuoXiang swallowed his saliva, his hand pulled BaiYing behind his body away from the old man, the young man was holding the Crown Prince’s clothes tightly confused by what had just happened, he was even just about to head to the Eagle pavilion when that person suddenly shouted startling him.

“Eh, Your Majesty, who is that?” he whispered.

LuoXiang gripped BaiYing’s hand tightly, then led him towards the pavilion.

“Bring him back in,” cried the Crown Prince to his men who were holding the old man.

“Ready, Your Majesty,”

And BaiYing, pulled towards the pavilion, still saw the old man who was still kneeling as he entered the entrance.

Shortly after, it returned to the Crown Prince’s study in the pavilion.

BaiYing sat beside LuoXiang, while the old man sat back in his chair, still unable to turn his gaze all the time from BaiYing, even though he didn’t dare to look at his face but it still annoyed LuoXiang.

All guards and maids were ordered to stand guard outside while inside were only Bei and BaiYing’s two loyal servants, who naturally wouldn’t say anything to outsiders regarding BaiYing’s top-secret personal matters.

“Old Man, why do you call BaiYing His Highness Prince? How can you just say that when you’ve never met him before.”

Old Man Shin, whose eyes could now see very clearly clenched his fists in front of his head in salute.

“Servant recognize him Your Majesty, the successor of the WahYe Palace family, my eyes recognize him”

BaiYing who didn’t really understand the problem in front of him just sat back enjoying his snack, he should have been more considerate because this was a family matter, but, there was the Crown Prince who made him feel, this wasn’t just his personal matter.

“BaiYing is the son of a merchant HuaLie, even though his mother is Princess WahYe, the third generation, however, WahYe’s blood is barely so thick on him, how can you be so sure? Also, his mother was the third generation of King YenHui, so not a pure royal lineage because the male side is from commoners.”

While biting his grape BaiYing nodded, that’s right, he is no longer one of the descendants of WahYe’s royal patrons, so the burden would not be his, no matter how hard he tried.

Old man Shin lowered back his head, he smiled.

“Your Majesty, the aura of Prince WahYe, the descendant of King WahYe does not arise from blood or lineage, even anyone who is in the bloodline of the royal family, even the slightest can have it, this is WahYe’s way of finding the next supreme ruler, not from blood but from the radiance of aura, and His Highness the young Prince, possessing a powerful aura, so strong that it can break magic in my eyes, servant, is ShinYa, the third generation of General ShinLei, General ShinLei, is my grandfather, and he has been passed away since thirty last year because of old age”

LuoXiang’s eyes widened wide, so did BaiYing when he saw the old man standing up, straightening his body, and pulling the skin off his face, it was not his real facial skin, the old man was nothing more than a young man in his age who might not be much different from LuoXiang who had a smooth face and clear eyes, as well as long shiny black hair, which waved gently when he pulled the wig off.

LuoXiang was speechless, the young man lowered his body to his knees in front of BaiYing who almost choked on the fruit that had already entered his mouth.


The young man looked quite handsome, he looked at BaiYing with a smiling face.

“Greetings, Your Majesty the Prince, servant is ShinYa, the third generation of powerful Shaman, ShinLei, ready to serve as your servant, what an honor to finally find His Majesty back”

LuoXiang stood up from his seat, unable to see the old man who had now transformed into a young man stared deep at BaiYing, he stood in front of BaiYing blocking him.

“Ahem, young man, please step back”


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