Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Back to Palace

Finally, the entourage entered the Palace courtyard.

The vast courtyard with many guards guarding every corner, the flags, and banners of the Great YueYang nation that fluttered against the sky in the dominating color of red and gold, roared bravely against the wind with their sturdy staff so high that they were clearly visible from afar.

Large guards, not an ordinary person but young, chosen men with strong martial arts and strength who must always need to train every day to secure every corner of the palace, without exception, however, the infinite area of ??the palace with the number of people living in it also makes anyone could be there, the royal family, officials, high-ranking bodyguards, servants, eunuchs, even some guests who came from outside, anyone could be there.

The Crown Prince’s big tall horse and entourage walked a very beautiful stone path along the way to the great palace hall which located at the very front after entering the gate, BaiYing who was sitting on a saddle with LuoXiang opened his eyes wide in awe of the beautiful scenery of the main palace, he had not had time to saw it before in person because he entered unconsciously the first time and the second time he was through the side door of the Western palace where the Crown Prince was, and it turns out, this is the imperial palace is so beautiful and enchanting, it is not an ordinary palace.

“Waahh this is amazing, Your Majesty.”

The group looked so small walking side by side in a huge field where usually the soldiers would line up during annual events or other official events.



The sound of the gong rang so loud that it echoed into the hall.

“The Crown Prince is here!” exclaimed the soldier at the great door of the hall.

Inside the Emperor and other important officials were waiting for the presence of The Crown Prince, and also the Second Prince who apparently came together. BaiYing can’t help but have to come in, where else can he go? The first site when they enter the Emperor’s palace is this Dragon Hall.

Shortly thereafter, the meeting ended, there was not much conversation for BaiYing to follow, nothing more than politics and various strategies that were far above his head, he did not really understand all of it, maybe only the part where the Emperor touched on the case of the massacre of the Hua family, which caught his attention for a moment, however, he couldn’t even keep up so much.

The Queen approached LuoYan who was standing behind the Emperor who was talking to LuoXiang, the Queen nudged LuoYan’s arm who had not taken his eyes off from BaiYing who was sitting alone almost bored in the chair in the middle of the room.

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“Yan’er, how? What did you find? ” whispered the Queen, LuoYan who was waving his fan turned his head to his mother, raising an eyebrow.

“Em, what do you mean, Mother?”

The Queen was about to raise her hand to pinch her son in exasperation.

“Ich this Yan’er, didn’t you leave the palace to find out about the Hua family massacre? So how? What did you find? ” she can’t wait to hear the news that shocked the palace.

LuoYan thought, frowning deep in thought.

“Em that ..”

Some time ago at an inn outside the city of SanPo.

LuoYan stared at Pang who was kneeling in front of him with sharp eyes, lowered his teacup onto its saucer, and placed it on the table.

“Pang, you know what you have to do, if your men leak Concubine Hua matter to anyone, I hope you will punish them, otherwise I will cut off your head myself.”

Pang lowered his body to his knees even deeper.

“I understand, Your Majesty, we know nothing, servant will confirm that!”

LuoYan took a deep breath, closing his fan in front of his mother.

“Um, nothing, the entire Hua family was killed in the incident and no one was left alive but their pets, currently Xiang’er has sent people to fix the house and even take care of animals that are very important to concubine Hua, other than that, nothing else, which like it’s been said, Mother heard it yourself ”

The queen bit her lip, her eyes rolled to think of something.

“Hmm, why are those people targeting concubine Hua? There’s nothing special about that girl, she’s even too thin to be able to bear offspring for Xiang’er, mother is suspicious that there is something hidden from us ”

“Mother, what are you thinking of? Concubine Hua is indeed an ordinary girl, maybe it just so happens that robbers want to attack her house, it’s an unlucky day for the Hua family, I think this can happen to anyone, mom, Yan’er will go there accompanying concubine Hua who has been lonely ”

Queen will only continue his words when LuoYan is no longer there.

“That kid”

While at the side of LuoXiang and the Emperor.

The emperor touched his chin, his eyes rolled too deep in thought until his wrinkled forehead was clearly visible.

“Hemh, the Valley of the Black Water, it is so strange that they carry out attacks on people closely related to the Palace, because as far as I know the group always tries to lower their heads so that they do not appear to the surface and not offend anyone in high power,” said the Emperor, LuoXiang nodded.

“Yes, that’s is Father, I thought it’s also so strange, usually they will not be so reckless, tomorrow morning I will go to the prison to ask directly the man who locked up Concubine Hua for a few days, the young man was a close family of Hua’s family who killed the whole family with his accomplice, they must be looking for something so important from concubine Hua and her family. ”

The emperor stroked his beard, glanced at BaiYing who was sitting alone enjoying the foods on the table.

“Um, that poor kid, eh Xiang’er, do you need help with your concubine? Father is willing to help in any way, is she still in shock about what happened to her family? Father’s newly built garden beside the pavilion is quite nice, how about if she stays there for a while? ”

LuoXiang raised an eyebrow.

“What does Father mean? Xiang’er will take concubine Hua home to our room, there is no reason to go to Father’s pavilion, she’s going home with me”

“Well you can go home alone, your concubine can stay here”

LuoXiang restrained himself, his Father with his dirty mind, how can he do that, that person is crazy, LuoXiang does not want to respond, he can be emotional to his own father later, that flirtatious man might be so great about the country and government, political science and diplomacy, he has no opponents, that’s also including the level of pervertedness, it is not surprising that in his old age the man is still very fit, the number of his new concubines continues to increase every day.

LuoXiang excuses himself and will take BaiYing back to their palace, it’s late too.

Meanwhile by BaiYing’s side.

He just lifted his chopsticks to take the shrimp in front of him when someone was already ducking and fetching it before him, the person who slowly then sat beside him and thrust the shrimp in front of BaiYing’s mouth with a big smile on his face.

“Eh Your Highness”


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