Chapter 629

629 I am The King

Bi Yeng clenched his fists seeing the face of the young man who looked far more arrogant than him. With his head high and his chest swelled wide, and from his smile, he didn’t look ordinary. Bi Yeng was just about to step forward and continue his rage when the gate was opened from the inside.

Bi Yeng and the Son Wa soldiers gave way, seeing their King’s big horse coming out with his two advisers.

“Father!” exclaimed Bi Yeng, as he approached his father.

Shi Shen glanced at his men behind him.

“Prepare all the documents, we will submit them to the main adviser before the night ends,” he said. The young soldier nodded.

“Ready sir”

Bi Yeng still managed to glance at Shi Shen with his sharp eyes before he finally got on his horse and caught up with his father. While inside the gate, the old advisor Pai and Su Lang send King Bi Lou and the others off.

“Thank you for the visiting, Your Majesty the King,” said Old advisor Pai.



Meanwhile. The Eagle Hall which was once bustling turned into a tranquil one. A dinner was still held to celebrate the Viceroy and Crown Prince’s return to the Palace, and everything went very orderly. No one even dared to make a loud sound from the spoon meeting the bowl and even chewed softly, barely audible.

Luo Xiang looked at Bai Ying who although looked cheerful as usual but was actually very scary. The kid can become very assertive in a very short time. He shovelled prawns into Bai Ying’s bowl while thinking about what the boy had done this afternoon.

Bai Ying straightened up with his hands behind his waist. Walked away from King Bi Lou who was trying to get up with the help of his two advisors. The king didn’t even know what to say, all his anger seemed to dissipate and he turned into a complete fool in no time.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Eh, Y-Your Highness the Viceroy, you, have come”

Bai Ying glanced at Shi Shen and the others.

“Mr Shi, it’s getting late, and the palace will no longer receive guests from outside after sunset, please escort King Bi Lou out, and don’t forget to give him all the country’s regulations to learn. Tell them, if King Bi Lou really wants to become a citizen of Xin Hua, all Son Wan tribesmen, without exception, must follow the rules made by the Palace. And, oh well..” Bai Ying turned his head to King Bi Lou who was looking at him without blinking, it obviously irritated Bai Ying even more.

Bai Ying turned back to Shi Shen and Feng Han.

“Master Feng, please prepare scrolls of state regulations and distribute them to all chiefs, without fail. And tell them, if I am their King, whether they like it or not they will obey the rules I made, not the other way around.”

Shi Shen and Feng Han along with the other ministers who were lined up lowered their heads in unison.

“Ready, Your Majesty the King!”

“And..” Bai Ying looked back at King Bi Lou who was trying to stand up straight even though his knees were still so hurt and weak from being thrown so hard earlier.

“Tell them, if anyone has any objections please come personally to me, King Xin Hua to convey their objections.” Bai Ying held out his palm.

“Maybe we need to get to know each other more closely”

Back to the dining table.

Crown Prince scooped up a lot of food into Bai Ying’s bowl until it was full. For a moment the young man just looked at his bowl and didn’t know what to eat it. He raised his head to see the Crown Prince who had put so much food in his mouth that it swelled up.

“Your Highness, how could I eat like this? This is too much.”

Luo Xiang only glanced for a moment and took another side dish for himself. At the table were he, Bai Ying, Princess Wu Lan and also Chen Ming, while the others, including Bei Yau and Xiao Hong, sat at another table not far from them.

Princess Wu Lan suppressed a smile seeing Bai Ying’s slightly irritated face.

“Just eat it all, what’s the problem?” asked the Crown Prince.

“Well, it’s a problem, which one should I eat first, everything piles up like this, grandma, grandma, look at how His Highness the Crown Prince treats Ying er, he is always arbitrary,” Bai Ying said in a spoiled tone to his grandmother.

Wu Lan finally couldn’t hold back and chuckled. The old lady saw Bai Ying’s adorable face and the Crown Prince’s glaring eyes at him, while everyone thought the Viceroy was a ruthless King but in reality, he was just a young kid who was still very spoiled by his grandmother.

Seeing and hearing that, the old officials and the Junior Minister who had been taking the food very slowly so as not to make a sound finally didn’t hesitate anymore. In an instant, the hall that had been silent became crowded with laughter and the sound of plates and chopsticks clashing.

“Hehehe the weather has been good lately, we can start construction on the east side of the palace,” said one of the old officials. The other old officials sitting at the table with him, including old adviser Pai nodded and chuckled.

“Hehehe yeah, that’s true, the harvest has also started to give very abundant results. The temperature in Pai Hua valley is quite promising for farming.”

The old officials finally laughed together.

“Hahahaha yeah that’s right”


The mid-morning, warm and beautiful air in the Pai Hua valley.

The wide meadow spread so greenly and far as eyes can see. All the grounds are part of the Palace which is still green and virgin without much human touch for almost a decade, and they are going to leave it just like it is.

The wind that blows carries the smell of the ground and grass which is still wet with morning dew from a distance.

It was seen that Bei Yau and his men were standing at the side of the pre-checked grounds for the Crown Prince and Bai Ying to take a stroll that morning.

The gentle wind blows beautiful shiny clothes that shine from the soft sunlight. Beautiful patterned embroidery with silver thread on the shoes that walks among the green grass on the soft ground.

The Crown Prince took Bai Ying’s hand and led him to walk along a lush green valley filled with various green plants and beautiful Pai Hua flowers.

The wind even flung dandelion petals scattered all over the meadows as the eyes can see, with unlimited blue and white skies line up wide above the head. Bai Ying take his hand off the Crown Prince and dashed towards the ups and downs of the wide meadow, running to catch up to where the beautiful white flower petals drifted.

“Wow, Your Highness, look at the flowers blooming, it’s so beautiful!” Bai Ying exclaimed.

Luo Xiang shook his head at the kid’s reaction, this isn’t the first time he saw those flowers fly in the air. Before catching up with Bai Ying, Luo Xiang stopped in front of Bei Yau. Seeing his personal bodyguard return.


Bei Yau lowered his head deeply.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

“You guys just go back to the palace, the Viceroy and I will enjoy our time here alone, just make sure no one disturbs us”

Bei Yau nodded.

“Ready Your Highness”

Immediately Bei Yau waved his hand ordering all the soldiers guarding the perimeter to return to Xin Hua Palace. Not much to say, only on cue the young soldiers who followed Bei Yau from Yue Yang lined up neatly down the path leading to the palace complex.

Beautiful birds fly to and fro, and the beautiful nature and cool air make many small animals thrive there. Including the red-eyed squirrel that climbs a tree trunk very agilely, in an instant. Several little monkeys were seen in the distance with a pair of big eyes looking at Bai Ying and the Crown Prince who seemed to have stepped into their territory.

Luo Xiang took Bai Ying’s hand. He’s holding him tightly so that the child does not walk too far from him.

“Brat, why couldn’t you stop running?”

Bai Ying couldn’t stop admiring the natural beauty of the Pai Hua valley which had been buried with the Wah Ye Palace for eighty years. There must be a lot of rare animals that still survive there as long as they are buried with all the endless resources of Pai Hua.

“Waah, look at that, Your Highness, they are so beautiful, those are the nightingales that old man Pai called, oh they are so cute” Bai Ying exclaimed looking at a pair of lovebirds perched on one of the tallest tree trunks around them. And it seemed that all the animals had indeed come out to reveal themselves to welcome the young king of Realm whose face was shining from a distance.

“Let’s go there Your Highness” Bai Ying shouted as he pulled the Crown Prince’s hand deeper into the valley. The Crown Prince had no choice but to comply with the overzealous youth.

“Ying Ying, slow down, you will fall, this kid”


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