Chapter 653 - 653 The Healer

653 The Healer

“Old man, you are already old, dressed ugly no one will care about you, but our son Ye er is currently looking for a wife, of course, he must always dress handsomely so that everyone will envy us”

“Honey, don’t you hear the palace issued a rule that unmarried young people would be brought to the palace? Ye er is already twenty-three years old, if he doesn’t get married don’t make all the attention on him. With his handsome face like that, it would be dangerous for him.”

Xi Niang laughed while covering her mouth. What her husband said was true, and it was quite scary, but seeing his husband’s ridiculous face when he said it made her couldn’t help but be amused.

“Hehehe yeah my husband, I know that. Don’t worry, honey, our son Ye er is not that handsome in the eyes of others, he is just very handsome in our eyes. Oh yeah, don’t forget the cloth I needed, just bright colours, um, just plain cloth.”

Old man Wang chuckled as he poked his wife’s long nose coquettishly.

“Yes, my dear wife, no one going to buy that silk anyway, Xue Yang’s silk cloth is very expensive, how can we afford it, it’s better to save the money for the dowry later”

“Who will get married?” a voice from inside the park.

Old man Wang and his wife turned their heads, a warm wind blowing their eyes as someone appeared from the path leading to the back bungalow. A tall handsome figure, in exquisite clothes and a pair of sparkling shoes, approached. A very good-looking and majestic face shone even more under the bright sun like a god who had just descended to visit their ugly hut. The couple subconsciously opened their mouths for too long in awe.

“Waah, is they are fairies?”


Luo Xiang approached with Bai Ying behind him. Bai Ying himself wasn’t wearing the extremely luxurious clothes as the Crown Prince now, just a fabric with soft and delicate colour and long beautiful hair that flowed with his graceful steps. Even so, he looks very charming, with very wide pretty smiles that make his eyes look so bright.

“They are so pretty”

The husband and wife just have a chance to see their guest’s faces clearly that morning since the last night light was too dim, not to mention the shabby robes worn by the two. Did not expect that their guests were like a pair of fairies that descended from the sky. They almost can’t believe their eyes.

“Young Master Lu, Young Master Bai” greet the old man Wang.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Last night Luo Xiang and Bai Ying introduced themselves as young masters Lu and Bai, two cousins ??who come from a city in Yue Yang to meet their distant relatives in the capital city of Pai Hua.

“Good morning Mr Wang, the beautiful Mrs Xi Niang!” said Bai Ying with a cheerful face.

Xi Niang couldn’t stop staring until she subconsciously raised her hand and waved.

“Eh, hehe good morning, Young Master Bai, did you sleep well last night? I hope you could sleep on that hard and shabby bed,”

Bai Ying laughs.

“Hehehe, it’s nice, Mam, and the bed is quite comfortable”

Meanwhile, Luo Xiang with a cold face, like he usually did, saw what the old man was doing with the carriage filled with crops from his garden.

“Old man, are you heading to town?” he asked.

Old man Wang who kept looking at Luo Xiang and Bai Ying shook his head quickly, then nodded.

“H, no, uh, Y-yah, w-we’ll exchange the crops for coins and other items. There are a lot of out-of-town merchants in town right now, almost everything is there, does Young Master need something from the market?”

Luo Xiang looked at the old man and his wife, then glanced at Bai Ying behind him, looking him up and down. He reached his pouch on his waist and threw a few gold coins towards old man Wang who immediately caught them with both hands.

“Here, buy me the most beautiful and most expensive clothes for my brother, the size is the biggest among the people here. Buy three pairs.”

Old man Wang’s eyes widened, about five to seven gold coins, this was even enough to buy two large cows. But didn’t he hear it wrong? Buy clothes?

“Eh this” the man raised his head to look at Bai Ying, with such a beautiful face, the young man obviously needed the most beautiful clothes he could get his hands on.

“Of course, Young Master, I will find the prettiest and most expensive clothes in town.”

Xi Niang smiled. He approached Bai Ying and took a closer look.

“Eh, young man, where did you guys come from? How come I’ve only just seen you around here? With a very pretty face like this you can’t leave the house carelessly, it’s better to go home and not go anywhere, right now the palace is hunting for young men with beautiful faces to be brought to the palace, “said the woman.

Luo Xiang flung his sleeves.

“This is so ridiculous, I just found out that there is a rule like this, is your King senile and can’t think straight? I will cut off the hands of anyone who dares to touch my brother with their dirty hands,” said Luo Xiang with a frightening look that shocked the old couple. Both gulped their saliva whole.

Bai Ying laughed softly.

“Hehe, please forgive my Brother, sometimes he is a bit too much.”

Bai Ying looked around. There were two servants of the family there, and according to old man Wang, one servant should accompany his young master to go to the forest from morning till night. If that young man was here, it meant that young master Xiao Ye might not have left yet.

“Er, did Young Master Xiao Ye hasn’t wake up yet?” he asked.

Old man Wang and his wife looked at each other.

“Eh, that, looks like Ye er not feeling well, this morning when I woke him up he was still curled under his blanket and said that he would rest today. Maybe he was really tired yesterday,” said Xi Ning.

Old man Wang stroked his chin.

“But, this is very strange, Ye er has never been like this before, remember when he had a fever, even though the illness was quite worrying he still took time to go to the forest to find medicine for himself. Did something might have happened last night?” the man asked then glanced at Bai Ying and Luo Xiang.

Luo Xiang pulled his lips, looks like the old man was indirectly blaming them for their son’s illness.

“What do you mean, old man? Young Master Xiao Ye back to his room by himself last night, do you think we hurt him?” he asked.

Old man Wang widened his eyes, he waved his hand quickly.

“N-no, that’s not what I meant, hehe Young Master. I meant that kid, was probably really mesmerized by the young master’s face… er, geez, what did I say” the man covered his mouth and lowered his head. When he turned around, he saw his son who appeared with hasty steps from the house.

“Ye er!” his son whose face and clothes were messy, with black hands as if they had been burned approached them with wide eyes.

“Who are you? What have you guys done to me? What kind of infectious disease is this? Hurry up and give me the antidote!” Xiao Ye exclaimed looking at Luo Xiang and Bai Ying with big wide eyes. Old man Wang and his wife as well as his two servants rushed over to him.

“Do not come near me!” Xiao Ye shouted preventing everyone from approaching him.

Everyone was shocked to see the young man’s skin, from his hands and feet to the top of his chest, except his face, all was turning dark blue, even black.

“Ye er!” Xi Niang tried to get closer but old mand Wang hold her.

“Honey don’t come closer, it looks like it’s a contagious disease.”

Bai Ying approached Luo Xiang and took cover behind him. Xiao Ye’s face at that moment was quite frightening.

“Your Highness”

Luo Xiang stood firmly in place. Seeing Xiao Ye’s state from top to bottom of his feet. If indeed the young man’s strength appeared, as well as his poison, he might have drug himself.

“Young master Xiao Ye, I think it’s time for us to continue our conversation last night.”

Xiao Ye clenched his fists, enduring aches and pains all over his body while looking at Luo Xiang’s calm face.

“Who are you?”

The Crown Prince still looked at Xiao Ye’s face for a moment, he smirked and folded his sleeves and put his hands behind his waist.

“Heh, looks like, we do need to talk, Young Master Xiao Ye”

Xiao Ye was in pain, he bent his body to hold back the pain that kept popping up all over his body.

“Erm, Young Master Xiao Ye, what happened?” Bai Ying asked.

Bai Ying’s soft voice made Xiao Ye turn to him. Suddenly, all his anger subsided, and the young man’s face somehow calmed him down, as if all his anger had been meaningless. He swallowed his saliva whole.

“Eh, Young Master”


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