Chapter 656 - 656 General Song

656 General Song

“Your Highness, is that man going to join the competition? He is so strong, surely he will win so easily right?” whispered Bai Ying who was standing beside Luo Xiang. Luo Xiang took Bai Ying’s hand away from the crowds. He nodded.

“I guess so”

The competition started. The crowds were so enthusiastic and even voluntarily give some coins to watch the event which was so exciting because of the endless cheers.

“Yeah, you can do it!”

But that very sturdy rock couldn’t be moved at all. No matter how strong the men are trying their luck.

“Yeah yeah!”

Bai Ying, who had been standing there since earlier getting bored, even yawned a few times because of it.

“Hoaa, Your Highness, should we wait for him to finish? Looks like it going to be so long”

Luo Xiang looked at the large stone placed in the middle of the field. It was the size of a freight carriage not far nearby. The type of stone is a mountain rock which is very dense, of course, it’s so heavy. Don’t know whether the man they thought was General Song could unseat it or not. The farthest he should move to win at least one foot. That, if he does it with all his might.


Luo Xiang poked Bai Ying’s hand when it was the man’s turn to push the rock with his strength.

“Ying Ying”

Bai Ying widened his eyes. Here it is, it’s the man’s turn, he must be able to move the stone easily right? The kid got excited.

“Come on General Song, you can do it!” Bai Ying exclaimed. His voice drew the attention of nearby residents who saw a figure in a long robe that made its head jump with a loud sound.

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“Ying Ying, don’t attract too much attention,” Luo Xiang said noticing a few people watching them.

Bai Ying lowered his hand, sure enough, his voice was too loud. He didn’t dare to look at the residents who looked at him strangely because of the mask he was wearing. Some who were nearby even shifted their bodies away.

Bai Ying bit his lip. According to young master Xiao Ye, recently a strange disease had spread around Wah Ye, a skin disease that was contagious and even though it was cured many people were hiding their continued disfigured faces behind masks. The residents probably thought that he and the Crown Prince were also among the people who were sufferers of this skin disease.

Bai Ying just averted his eyes, when he looked back at the field and the man they assumed was General Song had already fallen down unable to push the boulder no matter what. He slipped his own feet.

“Wow that’s sucks!” cried the residents seeing the big man fall ridiculously.

Bai Ying frowned. Even a general with immense strength was unable to push away a very ordinary boulder. Was he really the General Song they were looking for?

“Your Highness?” Bai Ying asked.

Luo Xiang understood. Looking back at the young man who wanted to try for the umpteenth time but still didn’t succeed. The young man looked very disappointed.

“Ah! God damn it!” he curses.

Soon the crowds dwindled, for there were no more citizens wasting their money on the impossible.

Luo Xiang and Bai Ying were still standing in place waiting for the man to pass in front of them. The man stopped his steps, he clearly recognized the hooded man who was again blocking his way. This time out of frustration as his last coin ran out he finally stopped right in front of Luo Xiang.

“What do you want? I already have no money, so I won’t be able to help you anymore! Get away from me” he shouted angrily.

Luo Xiang didn’t move. Until he took something out of his pocket. Extending his hand in front of the man who was momentarily confused about what the man was going to do. He widened his eyes.

“What does this mean?” he asked.

A few gold coins which now in Luo Xiang’s palm. Its lustre almost made the young man’s eyes dazzle. He had never seen a gold coin before.

“We need room to sleep tonight, can you help find it?” asked Luo Xiang.

The young man raised his head to see two figures in tightly cloaked and hooded robes. Can’t even see what the two stranger’s faces look like. He saw Luo Xiang and Bai Ying over and over again, the two must be joking.

“There are so many good inns around here, why ask me to look for them, with the money you have you can choose even the best one”

Luo Xiang shook his head, took the young man’s hand and placed a coin in his palm.

“All the innkeepers are afraid of us because we are thought to be carrying a contagious disease, so, we ask for your help, is this enough?” he asked.

The young man swallowed his saliva whole. How could he refuse a gold coin that he never once imagined would be able to touch, but, the two people in front of him had skin diseases? Are they harmless? What if he gets infected?

But, who cares, he was a large man who had eaten mud even when he was starving, skin diseases would not faze him.

“Of course gentlemen, if you don’t mind, there are still quite comfortable rooms in my ugly house, you can stay there as you please” he cried.

Luo Xiang looked at Bai Ying. Holding his hand tightly. Hopefully, they are not wrong.

“Come on my Ying Ying”

Along the way into the village located on the outskirts of the large city of Pai Hua. There can be seen some beggars sitting by the roadside or even building tents to live in. Several houses were damaged and burnt to the ground behind them. Did this village just experience a disaster or did someone set fire to the houses on purpose?

“Master, please be merciful, we haven’t eaten anything for two days.” Several young children approached Luo Xiang and Bai Ying’s horses who was passing by with a young man walking in front.

Bai Ying couldn’t bear to look at them, but the food they currently had was only boiled sweet potatoes which wasn’t even enough for one person. He looked at the Crown Prince with sad eyes.

“Your Highness”

Luo Xiang pulled his lips. Will this continue to be their sight as long as they are in this era? He did not expect that Wah Ye’s current state, perhaps even Yue Yang not much different too.

Soon after that.

Luo Xiang and Bai Ying entered the grounds of a simple house with sandy soil that was almost difficult to grow anything there. The reddish dry land around the house with a few chicks walking with their parents. The young man immediately ran towards the door of the house which was almost dilapidated, with the condition of the house like that it was impossible for a crazed robber to even glance at it let alone get inside.

“Mother, Yi er is back!” exclaimed the young man opening the door of his house wide.

Luo Xiang and Bai Ying were still standing where they were looking around the house, could there possibly be another room for them to sleep tonight? The house looks very small with only a few rooms. Bai Ying turned to the Crown Prince when the two heard an old woman’s voice from inside the house.

“Oh my son, you home. How is today? Did a lot of people give you jobs?” she asked.

There was the sound of the young man’s chuckle.

“Hehehe there is Mother, but the income is not much. um, here, Yi er bought grilled chicken and meat for us to eat later, and earlier Yi er also had time to stop by the drugstore to buy cough medicine for Mother, Yi er will cook for a while. ”

“Ouch, Mother already said you don’t have to buy the medicine anymore, it is very expensive, how do we eat, later?”

There was the sound of items being placed here and there as if in a hurry.

“Don’t think about it mom, Yi er is strong, and can do anything, every day someone will use Yi er’s power. And this is so good medicine, Mother, Physician said if mother keep taking it, your cough will heal”

“This kid”

“Oh yeah, Mother, today we have guests, here, clean it first okay”

“Guests? Where are they?” asked the mother.

There was a shrill voice of the mother.

“This kid, why do you let our guests wait outside, quickly invite in, ouch, but, tidy up this room first, um, my clothes, please put everything into the cupboard”

“Mother, where should I put these clean clothes which just dry?”

“Just put everything in there!”

Luo Xiang pulled his lips. Did the two people inside not think their voices could be heard outside, didn’t they? Bai Ying just couldn’t help but be amused at this.

“Hehehe they’re so cute.”


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