Chapter 720 - 720 Time Passed

720 Time Passed

Until finally the first Prince dared to go forward.

“Who of you has the right to rule over our country’s matters, this is our domestic affairs, other people shouldn’t be able to interfere, let alone Yue Yang who is quite far away from here” he exclaimed.

His words made Luo Xiang direct his eyes to look at the man with his sharp eyes. Everyone held their breath as the Crown Prince changed his leg position, crossed his right leg in place of his left leg, and sat relaxed. His face is calm, not showing any excessive emotion, not angry or happy, just flat with a look in his eyes that doesn’t really care about that problem. If it weren’t for his father knowing Queen Sun Na quite well, and if it wasn’t for the Queen herself sending letters asking for help from the allied countries, they also wouldn’t be so idle as peace envoys with other countries.

Luo Xiang slowly stood up from his seat placing his two hands behind his waist. Seeing the first Prince and the second prince, alternately, was not long. Both were not interesting things that he needed to look at too long. His hand gets itchy to solve the problem on his own if not remember he is the Crown Prince of an allied country. What kind of kids they are? When their beloved mother was ill, despite taking good care of her they fought for the first ruler by themself. They really wasting his precious time and efforts on this stupid affair.

He turned his head towards the exit. Throw his sleeve and put his hand back to his back waist.

“Bei, take care of this. I don’t want my precious time to be wasted on these useless people. We have given them too much time already” he said in a flat voice.

Bei Yau lowered his head and nodded.

“Yes, Your Majesty”

The Prince and Princess of the Li palace seemed dissatisfied with Crown Prince Luo Xiang’s words. He then walked out of the room, and soon all the allied representatives including Crown Prince Tania followed him out.


“Hey how is this”

“We objected, this is not your problem, there is no way you all can interfere with our matter!” shouts the first Prince.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Bei Yau and General Lin Mo blocked the Princes’ exit, at this time they had the right to disarm the two of them because the Li country was also included in a country that was under the protection and political cooperation, also peace pact with Yue Yang and others.

“Your Royal Highnesses, please,” said Bei Yau, gesturing towards the table where the ceasefire documents had been prepared. The Princes and Princesses looked at each other, there was a possibility that the allied forces could take power at least before Empress Sun Na recovered her health.

“As the pact was signed by all allied countries, all have to obey it, no matter what, you guys are just members of the family, allied countries have the right to stop you if you guys doing any harm to the government stability. Please be cooperative on this” said Bei Yau with sharp eyes look all the family members one by one, without exception.

“Shit” the First Prince cursed.


The melodious sound of birds singing. The flow of water under the waterfall descends from the top of the not-too-high hills. The sun shines brightly through the thick leaves of the trees with various plum blossoms that grow around the waterfall. Reflect the clear water all over the place. The green soft and thick grass grows all over the beautiful place, along with lots of various beautiful colorful flowers around him.

This is truly a beautiful place, thought Bai Ying who opened his eyes after sleeping there so soundly last night. He stretched his arms wide. It was already morning again, he fell into a deep sleep after enjoying the roasted sweet potatoes that young master Su brought him all night. At least there was some point in the young man following him, otherwise, he might end up eating the packaged bread he bought at the market yesterday afternoon. Yeah, they just get there after a half day riding with a horse from the small path where he ended up. Don’t know where they go, just go straight with the horse on the ground which is unexpectedly so neat and pretty, until there is no more path for them than a whole grassy ground as if no one ever step it before.

Bai Ying pulled on his waist and got up from his slumber. All night he lay down on a clean cloth on the soft grass. It was also the cloth that young master Su brought. There’s Xiao Hei and young master Su’s horse tethered by a tree enjoying their abundant food, the fresh green grass beneath them.

Bai Ying couldn’t help but smile when he saw young master Su approaching with lots of fruit in his folded clothes. He came closer and sat in front of him. His face shines as the sunlight runs around with his big wide smile.

“Little brother, look at this, what did I find down there, lots of fresh fruits, all ripe to perfection, this is really our fortune, look at this” Young Master Su said, thrusting a fist-sized red apple in front of Bai Ying. The apple looked still a bit wet, maybe because young master Su washed it earlier.

Bai Ying took it with both hands.

“Very good fruit, do they all grow around here? Is it possible that someone planted it?” he asked, unhesitatingly biting into the fruit.

Young master Su pursed his lips.

“But I don’t see any residents’ houses near here, even though there they must have traveled quite a distance to be able to plant and care for those fruits. Here, these bananas are sweet and soft, unfortunately, my clothes aren’t big enough so I can’t take much, when we’re hungry we’ll take some more, okay?”

Bai Ying looked around. It was indeed strange, that place, since yesterday afternoon entering it, he had not seen anyone else there besides them. The place is so beautiful, too beautiful and perfect. Beautiful birds of various colors to beautiful butterflies fly freely. Warm air, even at night. If anyone finds this place, surely they have built a small house just to rest and spend their time here enjoying this natural beauty. But, this was strange, there wasn’t a single person they had met since yesterday.

“Er, young master Su, yesterday when we entered, did young master see other people walking by? This place is really beautiful. It’s just weird that no one ever came here before” Bai Ying asked.

Young master Su frowned, he thought for a long time while biting into the guava in his hand.

“Um, I didn’t see any of them at all, maybe they don’t even know there is a place like this, it doesn’t seem like anyone has touched it before. Everything is still very beautiful. Um, I will find wood and build a small hut for us to live in. Looks like here is the right place”

Bai Ying stopped his mouth from chewing, looking at young master Su with narrowed eyes.

“Why do we need to build huts? Does young master want to stay here, I don’t want to, I will continue on to the White Fox valley after short rest, can’t waste any more time”

Young master Su looked at Bai Ying for a long, his gaze clearly made Bai Ying feel that something was off.

“Young master Su, what’s wrong?”

Bai Ying and young master Su finally led their horses out of the waterfall area. But, for some reason, no matter how many times Bai Ying walked he would still return to where they all slept last night. Half of the morning he did it without stopping and kept walking back to the same place, looks like they couldn’t get out of that place.

Xiao Hei who was beside Bai Ying neighed. The horse was clearly feeling uneasy, and Bai Ying knew what made the horse that way. He patted Xiao Hei’s neck softly.

“Relax Xiao Hei, we will get out of here, don’t worry, Ying er is here” whispered Bai Ying stroking the horse’s neck which slowly started to calm down.

Young master Su who stood leading his horse beside Bai Ying looked around him. It was a beautiful place, but it was starting to feel like being held in the wild with nowhere to go, of course, he would also become very uneasy about it.

He pulled Bai Ying’s hand that was stroking Xiao Hei’s neck toward where they slept last night.

“Come on, little brother Hua, we better get some rest we’ll think about how we can get out later after eating”

Bai Ying’s eyes widened, not expecting that insolent young man to hold his hand again so impudently.

“Hey, Young master Su” he tugged without his permission, and, inevitably Bai Ying had to go with him.


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