Chapter 84

84 Until We Get Bored

In Crown Prince’s mind about what BaiYing would say next.

“Let me go, Your Majesty! I don’t deserve to be Your Majesty’s concubine, I will leave and never appear before Your Majesty, forever.”

It was raining heavily in the front yard of the Pavilion, don’t ask why it suddenly rained, in the Crown Prince’s mind, this scene indeed where the rain should fall to make the situation more dramatic.

The Crown Prince and BaiYing, both of whom were already soaked by the rain, were reluctant to even take shelter under the Pavilion which was only two or three steps away from them, leaving only their bodies wet and cold.

The Crown Prince was still holding BaiYing’s hand tightly.

“But why? YingYing? I thought you loved me too? Don’t go, please don’t”

BaiYing tried to pull his hand away, but could only cover his face which was already filled with tears, even if he didn’t cover it the rain would definitely make his tears gone.

“No, Your Majesty, don’t prevent me from leaving, this may be our destiny, Your Majesty, you have violated the contents of our decree, servant, can’t do it anymore, this means, goodbye!”

The Crown Prince patted his aching chest, he wasn’t about to let go of that hand, but the rain made BaiYing’s hand so slippery that he could slip away from him and run out from the courtyard.


“No! YingYing!” he shouted loudly.

However, it was only the imagination in the Crown Prince’s head, he thought too much, since frequently hanging out with BaiYing made him act and think like that kid.

BaiYing looked at the Crown Prince who seemed lost in thought and had just back to earth.

“Your Highness.”

LuoXiang smiled. He was still holding BaiYing’s hand who was sitting on the bed with him.

“Yeah YingYing”

BaiYing pursed his lips.

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“Your Highness, why do you always daydream, so strange.”

The Crown Prince shook his head quickly.

“No, I’m not, who’s daydreaming? So, what did YingYing want to say just now? Anyway, I don’t want to hear a break-up or anything, or get out of the palace, or be inappropriate, or...”

BaiYing covered the Crown Prince’s mouth who kept talking, the two of them staring at each other so closely, so close that in Crown Prince’s eyes, BaiYing’s long lashes fluttering like butterfly wings, this is too much for him.

“Your Majesty, what are you talking about? I haven’t said anything yet”

“Then, what do you want to say?”

BaiYing sat back neatly in his place after clinging to the Crown Prince, his reddish face, either from his fever or embarrassment.

“Em, I mean, so.., I will wait for that day to come.”

The Crown Prince frowned, didn’t followed BaiYing’s words which had been cut earlier.

“Um, It’s mean”

“Well, waiting for that day to come, until Crown Prince gets tired of me, and finally I will go by myself, for now, while Your Majesty is not bored yet, I will try to stay here” BaiYing continued.

The Crown Prince smiled, that young man in front of him didn’t know how much those words meant to him, he smiled until he didn’t know how to stop because his heart so flowery, the warm feeling that instantly enveloped his chest, leaving no cold empty space inside, he pulled BaiYing’s closer to him.

“Then, until I get bored, YingYing will always be here?”

Bai Ying nodded.

“Em, that is if Your Majesty doesn’t mind.”

The Crown Prince raised his head, furrowing his brows.

“Um, I’m not sure about that, how long till I get bored, let me test it first.”

The Crown Prince kissed BaiYing’s cheek, suddenly when BaiYing wasn’t even ready yet.

“Your Majesty!”

LuoXiang laughed, looking at BaiYing’s eyebrows which were rising high in anger.

“Hahahaha YingYing is so cute, this much fun, how can I be bored of you?”

BaiYing was trying to push away the Crown Prince’s body that kept clinging to him, he hadn’t even showered in days.

“Your Majesty, I stink, please don’t get too close.”

The Crown Prince sniffed BaiYing’s neck, he shook his head.

“No, YingYing is not stunk, this is the smell that I really love, erm”

“Yeah but I want to take a bath, Your Majesty”

The Crown Prince still didn’t let go of his embrace.

“So YingYing wants to eat first or take a bath first?”

BaiYing frowned, he was starving right now.

“Umm, maybe, eat first?”

The Crown Prince laughed at BaiYing’s innocent answer, he liked everything about the young man, even the craziest things about him.

“Hehehehe this brat” the Crown Prince exasperatedly pinched BaiYing’s cheeks.

“Your Majesty!” BaiYing exclaimed, his voice heard all the way out of the room where some of his maids were busy preparing dinner for the Crown Prince, and concubine Hua, Yan and Bi couldn’t stop smiling.

“Hehehe thank goodness Your Majesty is awake” whispered Yan, Bi nodded, occasionally glancing at the room whose door was still slightly open so they could peek inside.

“Yeah, otherwise we all could be eaten by His Highness the Crown Prince” whispered Bi, both of them then laughed amusedly remembering the Crown Prince’s grumpy attitude for a few days there.


The next day.

BaiYing packed up his knitting equipment, it was strange these couple of days there was no call for the next class, usually, the young guard would deliver the notification letter.

BaiYing was already bored to death in his pavilion, while the Crown Prince had given an ultimatum not to leave his room because his health had not fully recovered yet. BaiYing glanced at his maids who were sitting with him helping him knit.

“Em sister Yan, sister Bi, is there another class in Peach pavilion at the moment? Shall we go there? I’m so bored here.”

The two maids glanced at each other.

“Eh, there seems to be no class, Your Majesty, the class has been temporarily suspended recently,” said Yan, Bi patted Yan’s lap under the table, looking at Yan with wide eyes, her colleague was indeed too innocent even though she had been ordered not to speak carelessly.

However, BaiYing immediately suspected it, looking at the two people with narrow eyes.

“Sister Yan, Sister Bi, what are you two hiding?” BaiYing asked, the two maids immediately waved their hands nervously.

“N-nothing Your Majesty, hehe, what Your Majesty means, is there something to hide? What are you hiding Yan?” asked Bi, Yan shook his head.

“Nothing, about what?”

BaiYing already knew them, who was too innocent and knew if they both were hiding something.

“Hemh, you guys, just if I know you guys are hiding something, em, tonight you will sleep outside the room accompanying by the mosquitoes out there”

The maids immediately raised their hands.

“No, Your Majesty, please no, there are so many of them outside,” said Bi.

Yan nodded, she held her two ears begging for mercy.

BaiYing chuckled, but he tried to put on a serious face, he loved teasing his very innocent maids.

“Um, then, tell me what is it?”

Not long after that.

The Cold Pavilion.

“Your Majesty!”

Yan and Bi tried to catch up to BaiYing who rushed to the detention house area, the Cold Pavilion which was at the very back of the Crown Prince’s palace, as soon as he heard the news about Concubine Fu, BaiYing rushed to go there.

“Why are you just telling me now? Oh poor Sister Lan’er” the two guards in front of the pavilion didn’t expect BaiYing’s sudden arrival there, they stuttered and glanced at each other but couldn’t stop BaiYing who didn’t care about the two and passed them.

“Y-Your Highness”


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