Cultivation: Being Immortal

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

The wasteland was the term used by cultivators to refer to the area inhabited by demonic beasts. The area west of the Lin family's mountain gate, spanning over a thousand miles, fell under the category of wasteland. Besides cultivators hunting demonic beasts, there was no human presence here. Mortals could not survive in this place due to the poisonous insects and toxic miasma. Even for cultivators, survival was not easy.

At this moment, several young members of the Lin family were hunting an Iron-armored Cattle demonic beast. Among low-level demonic beasts, the Iron-armored Cattle was the most valuable. Its tendons could be used to craft bow and arrow spiritual tools, its hide could be refined into armor, and its horns were incredibly sharp. Even the meat of the beast was highly valued for its delicious taste compared to other demonic creatures.

The earnings from a single Iron-armored Cattle would not be less than thirty spirit stones. This income was already quite significant, as there were independent cultivators who didn't earn thirty spirit stones in a whole year.

"Lin Baocheng, Lin Baoyi, hold back the Iron-armored Cattle. Hurry, don't let the Iron-armored Cattle get close to me."

The Lin family members worked together seamlessly. One person took command while the other two stepped forward to restrain the Iron-armored Cattle. The Iron-armored Cattle was large in size and slow in reaction. They constantly harassed the Iron-armored Cattle, forcing it to continually charge at the Lin family members. But as soon as it launched its attack, one person quickly fled and the other person attacked it from behind again.

The real killer move was for the three people in command. Each person held a powerful bow, not an ordinary one but a genuine magical weapon. The arrows shot from the bow were strong enough to penetrate boulders.


Lin Baosheng shot another arrow, hitting the Iron-armored Cattle's neck, almost piercing through it. This made Lin Baosheng exclaim in surprise. With this kind of impact, the Iron-armored Cattle was almost done for.

"The Iron-armored Cattle has gone mad, let it go."

Lin Baosheng shouted loudly. The Iron-armored Cattle had a tenacious vitality. Even though it was covered in wounds, it didn't die immediately. Instead, it went mad. Several tribe members quickly dodged and made way for the Iron-armored Cattle to escape. They just needed to follow behind it, and in no time, they would capture an Iron-armored Cattle.

The rest of the group immediately obeyed Lin Baosheng's command. They summoned flying swords one after another and hovered in the air. Low-level demon beasts, except for flying monsters, couldn't fly. The Iron-armored Cattle roared at the group a few times and then fled in a panic.

The group flew on their swords, chasing after the Iron-armored Cattle. Occasionally, they swooped down intimidatingly at the Iron-armored Cattle, making it speed up its escape and drain its life force faster.

The strong Iron-armored Cattle charged through the jungle, knocking down countless towering trees. Before long, it crashed into a group of immortal cultivators who were hunting and killing monster beasts.

"Oh no, it's a raging Iron-armored Cattle!"

The people noticed the commotion caused by the Iron-armored Cattle and were filled with alarm. They were in a critical moment of hunting and killing the monster beasts, and if the Iron-armored Cattle charged at them, not only would their mission be ruined, but there could also be casualties.

"Jump up and avoid it!"

The leader shouted and rushed towards the Iron-armored Cattle, aiming to slow its impact and create an opportunity for the others.

"*Explosion sound*"

The person took out a flying sword and thrust it into the bull's head. The sword broke through the head but got stuck in the bone. Immediately, the Iron-armored Cattle collided with the person, sending him flying.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

The rest of the people were scared and screamed loudly. Someone caught the person who flew out, but he still coughed up blood and his chest caved in. He was seriously injured, so the others immediately took out a life-saving potion and gave it to him.


Perhaps this blow had exhausted the last bit of life from the Iron-armored Cattle. Its enormous body collapsed with a loud crash, and its eyes closed forever.

"People from the Lin family"

"People from the Zhou family"

Lin Baosheng and the others caught up and saw the people from the Zhou family. Their expressions changed.

In the past few years, Zhou Yumin's proposal to marry Lin Ying was unsuccessful, and the connection between the two families weakened again. They hardly ever communicated anymore. Meeting at this moment was extremely awkward.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"We killed this Iron-armored Cattle, so we'll take it and leave."

Lin Baosheng didn't want to get into a conflict with the people from the Zhou family. He was ready to take the Iron-armored Cattle and leave. The wilderness was full of dangers, and now that the Iron-armored Cattle had lost a lot of blood, it could easily attract other beasts.

"Stop, who says the Iron-armored Cattle belongs to you?"

"What do you mean? Didn't you see the arrow on the neck of the Iron-armored Cattle? It's my Lin family's armor-piercing arrow, with the Lin family's mark on it."

"Hmph, I saw it, but have you seen the flying sword on the head of the Iron-armored Cattle? It belongs to my third brother. Plus, your actions have ruined our hunt. Our prey has escaped. How do you explain that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Take away your arrows, but leave the Iron-armored Cattle as compensation for my third brother."

The people from the Zhou family spoke angrily. They were furious because their hunting was about to succeed, but now it was ruined. The prey had escaped, and their Third Brother was seriously injured. They couldn't let it go like this.

"Fuck you! You're not capable of hunting monsters, so you want to steal from us?"

Lin Baocheng immediately cursed. He had a fiery temper, and a few years ago, the Zhou family had killed someone from his Lin family. One of those people was his own father. He had a deep hatred for the Zhou family, and now he was exploding with anger.

"How dare you curse at me?"

"What's wrong with scolding you? You worthless coward! Besides harming others behind their backs, you only know how to steal from others, right?"

"Exactly! Such a person still wants to marry my Aunt Ten. Pah! They don't even look in the mirror to see what they look like."

"Oh, it's like that saying about a toad..."

"The toad wants to eat swan meat."

"Haha, exactly, just like a toad."

The people from the Lin family unleashed their anger, mocking fiercely. They despised the Zhou family for betraying them, and they were infuriated when Zhou Yumin came to propose.

Lin Batian, as the head of the Lin family, was very proud. He refused to have his daughter married off, and his descendants inherited his arrogance. They believed that Zhou Yumin was not worthy of Lin Ying and dared to suggest a marriage alliance, which meant they thought the Lin family men needed to trade women for benefits.

The people from the Zhou family, all young and full of fire, were already exploding with anger upon hearing these words. Their blood boiled, and without caring much, their spiritual power flickered and a flying sword stabbed towards Lin Baocheng.

"Watch out, Lin Baocheng!"

Lin Baoyi was shocked and pushed Lin Baocheng away, but the flying sword still cut his arm.

"Gosh, dare to lay a hand on me!"

"Let's go all out!"


When the people from the Lin family saw that the people from the Zhou family dared to attack, they immediately fought back. In an instant, flying swords were unleashed and both sides began to fight fiercely.

The people from the Zhou family suffered a great loss. The leader of the Zhou family was their eldest brother, who had reached the later stage of Qi Refining. But at this moment, he was heavily injured and unconscious. Not only did he lose his formidable combat power, but he also needed someone to take care of him. On the other hand, in the Lin family, Lin Baoyi was also in the later stage of Qi Refining, but he had no burdens to worry about.

"Call for help!"

Seeing that the people from the Zhou family couldn't hold on any longer, they immediately shouted for help. Someone activated the Zhou family's Soul Card, and the nearby members of the Zhou family received the message right away.

"Let's call for help too, let's not be at a disadvantage."

Lin Baoyi said that and immediately activated the Lin family's Soul Card. Both families rely on hunting monsters as their main source of income, so there must be many elders from both families nearby.

"You thief, dare to kill someone from my Zhou family! You're asking for trouble!"

An elder from the Zhou family in the Foundation Building Period arrived first. When he arrived, he saw a member of the Zhou family being killed by Lin Baosheng. He became extremely angry and immediately summoned a flying sword to attack from a distance of hundreds of meters.


Lin Baosheng was severely injured with one blow. The shield in his hand shattered, and he was sent flying. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fainted.

"Lin Baosheng"

"Run fast!"

The remaining members of the Lin family saw the Foundation Building elder from the Zhou family in the arriving, so they immediately scattered and fled with the heavily injured Lin Baosheng.

"Uncle Five, don't let them go. They killed Sixth Brother."

Someone from the Zhou family was shouting loudly. In the recent fight, someone from the Zhou family had already been killed.


The head of the Zhou family, decided to become a killer. They themselves look down on the Lin family. You see, the Zhou family had been around for hundreds of years, while the Lin family hadn't even reached a hundred. Currently, the Zhou family had two people with Golden Cores, while the Lin family only had one. In their eyes, the Lin family was just a nouveau riche, while they were the big family.

Now, with the conflict between the Lin family and the Zhou family, someone had died. So why not go all out and destroy the arrogant Lin family.

"Aunt, aunt, help!"

The fleeing members of the Lin family saw someone flying towards them in the distance and became overjoyed, desperately seeking help.


Upon seeing Lin Die coming to kill, the head of the Zhou family not only didn't stop but instead increased their attack. One move and Lin Baocheng was beheaded, almost completely losing half of his body. He definitely wouldn't survive.

"How dare you!"

Lin Die's eyes turned red immediately. She belonged to the Lin family's second generation. These third generation members were her own children and grandchildren. They were usually very filial to her. Watching her own children and grandchildren die in front of her, Lin Die felt like she was going crazy. A surge of anger rushed from her lower abdomen to her forehead.

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😉)


Lin Die angrily shouted and her flying sword soared into the air. However, her sword was easily knocked down.

But Lin Die didn't mind. Lin Batian's most famous skill was the Overlord Spear. And the Lin family's children had been learning spear techniques since they were young. Spear techniques were her specialty.

Lin Die took out a red long spear. She flicked the tip of the spear and knocked away the flying sword from the Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator. Then, quickly approaching, her long spear was like a dragon, enveloping the Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator with shining starlight.

The expression on the Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator changed drastically. He summoned a shield to block, but after only a few attempts, Lin Die punctured it and sent it flying.


In the next moment, before the Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator could recall the flying sword, Lin Die had already pierced through his protective energy. The spear tip penetrated his lower abdomen. With a twist of her wrist, the spear tip came out from the other side of his body, and Lin Die lifted the entire Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator into the air.


Lin Die shook her hand, and the Zhou family's Foundation Building cultivator shattered entirely. Bathed in the enemy's blood, Lin Die looked extremely terrifying.

"Leave none alive, kill."

Lin Die commanded coldly, looking at the corpses of the Lin family members. She had already lost her sanity. She wanted to avenge her children and nephews. Blood debts must be paid with blood.

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