Cultivation: Being Immortal

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Five Elements Sect - the main entrance of the sect.

Today, Zhang Wanjing's residence was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, full of joy. It was because today was the wedding day of Zhang Wanjing's eldest son, Zhang Shuhua. The bride was not a prestigious lady, but a very ordinary female cultivator who happened to be a relative from Zhang Wanjing's wife's family. It was said that her figure, appearance, and personality were all top-notch, but her aptitude was considered average with three spiritual roots.

This marriage was not based on equal social standing. The two families had a huge difference in background and status. Many people advised Zhang Wanjing to find a better partner for Zhang Shuhua. However, Zhang Wanjing refused, stating that he knew the bride well.

"One guest, from the Internal Affairs Hall, two hundred spirit stones as a gift."

"One guest, from the Pill Hall..."

Lin Jiang stood at the entrance of the cave, in charge of collecting gifts. He shouted for a long time and almost lost his voice.

"Hello, senior brother."

"Zhang Ye?"

"Senior brother, do you know me?"

"Yes, I've heard of you. You are Zhang Ye, a guest and an inner disciple. The gift is one hundred spirit stones."

Lin Jiang also encountered an old acquaintance, Zhang Ye, who had once helped him obtain the Ascension Order from the Five Elements Sect. But now, Zhang Ye was already very old, with white hair. Lin Jiang wondered how things were between him and the girl from the Sweet Red Building, and whether his fierce mother-in-law still caused trouble.

"Thank you, senior brother."

"Zhang junior brother, please go in. The banquet is about to begin."

Lin Jiang bowed to him and then greeted the next person.

He met more than one acquaintance, as he had stayed in Medicine City for several years and made friends with many disciples of the Five Elements Sect. Some of them are still alive, but they have all grown old.

There are more old acquaintances besides them. There is also Zhang Wanjing's wife, who is only at the Building Foundation Period and is over one hundred and sixty years old. Her vitality has started to decline, even if she takes the Appearance Fixing Pill, she can't hide her aging spirit.

However, Zhang Wanjing still doesn't find fault with her. They have a very loving relationship, and Lin Jiang knows this. Over the years, Zhang Wanjing hasn't had any other women around him, not even female disciples, let alone going to a Palace Banquet. From this point of view, Zhang Wanjing is indeed an exemplary husband.

"The auspicious time has come, the wedding begins."

Lin Jiang is currently just a helper, and there are other people acting as the true master of ceremonies. As soon as the time arrives, the wedding begins.

The wedding is nothing extraordinary, it follows the rules. However, the guests arouse many people's attention because there are many guests this time, including more than ten Nascent Soul Ancestors from various sects, along with five or six others, and the rest are representatives of disciples or descendants.

"Didn't they say Elder Zhang and the other elders are not familiar with each other? Why does it look like something's not right?"

"Who knows, maybe they are just putting on a show for us to see."

"I don't think so. Elder Zhang is a very good person. Our lives have been getting better in these years, isn't it all thanks to Elder Zhang?"

"Oh no, my family is getting worse and worse. My uncle was thrown into the Wilderness by Elder Zhang, and he sends letters every day asking for things to stay alive."

"Why did you come to the feast then?"

"When you're under someone else's roof, you have to lower your head. We've already paid the betrothal gifts, so why can't we come?"

Most of the guests weren't of high status, they didn't know that the higher-ups of the sect had already reached a resolution. The condition for the resolution was that those elders still received the majority of the benefits.

In this revolution, the ones who really suffered were the former middle-level members, like Deputy Hall Masters and stewards. Their benefits were given to the lower-level disciples.

So Lin Jiang didn't know whether this revolution was a success or a failure, or if it was just a characteristic of the cultivation world.

But Lin Jiang didn't care about all of this. In this revolution, he was a big winner. Since he received benefits, he had to keep a low profile. Otherwise, if someone targeted him, he couldn't blame anyone else.

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"Come on, let's start eating."

When it was time to start the feast, Lin Jiang also sneaked to his seat. With the influence of his master, Zhang Wanjing, no one paid attention to him sitting in the seat reserved for Golden Core cultivators.

"Xiao nephew, be careful. You can't eat too much golden core food."

Lin Jiang was accompanied by Wei Yunshen, Zou Yu, and Yu Wanke. They all benefited greatly from this transformation and were either high-ranking members or Hall Masters, or Deputy Hall Masters.

"Martial Uncle, are you underestimating me? Watch me perform what's called 'three people sharing one pig'."

Lin Jiang replied. Isn't this underestimating people? It's just the flesh and blood of a third-level monster. I haven't eaten any less.

"I heard you stole a lot of good tea and wine from Martial Uncle Zhang. When are you going to show some filial respect and offer it to Martial Uncle?"

"Martial Uncle Zou, look at the way you're talking. Between me and my master, how can you call it stealing? You have no culture."

"What's that called?"

"That's called benefiting from association. What's wrong with benefiting a little from my master's influence?"

"Is that so? Then take a look behind you."

Zou Yu laughed loudly, and when Lin Jiang turned around, he saw Zhang Wanjing looking angry behind him.

"Oh no, these Martial Uncles have no honor, they're treating me so unfairly."

"Haha, you deserve it, you never share anything good with me."

"Master, did you hear? It was the Martial Uncles who persuaded me to do it, I didn't steal anything."

"Even at mealtime, you can't stop talking, stop embarrassing me."

Zhang Wanjing glared at Lin Jiang, this disciple was hopeless, he couldn't afford to keep him as his student anymore.

Lin Jiang smiled awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. These Martial Uncles really weren't treating him like a family member, they were tricking him like this.

"Come on, Xiaoshizhe, have a drink to calm down. Don't worry, if your master hits you, just run to me, the Martial Uncles will save you."

"Martial Uncle Zou, you've deceived me the most. Can I still trust you?"

"Sure, just come over when the time comes and let me know if you need anything."

"Xiao, how about coming over to my place for a meal in a few days? Martial Uncle also has something to discuss with you."

"They have all invited you for a meal. I can't be stingy either, so Martial Uncle will take you to Medicine City. Have you been to the Palace Banquet? We'll go to the Garden Pavilion and listen to music."

The three of them smiled at Lin Jiang, but he couldn't force a smile. These three Martial Uncles have some hidden agenda; they're eyeing his business.

"Martial Uncle, don't let my appearance fool you. I've had a hard time too. There are many connections to establish, and spirit stones just pass through my hands. It's not as simple as it sounds."

Lin Jiang whispered to the three of them, and they exchanged glances.

"You're worrying too much. Martial Uncle is not someone who takes advantage of others. We just want to do some business with you."

"Nephew, Martial Uncle is not that kind of person. For you, it's definitely not a bad thing."

"Nephew, where did you get that idea?! We're just catching up."

The three people immediately passed a message to Lin Jiang. Because of Zhang Wanjing's presence, they didn't dare to forcefully take advantage from Lin Jiang's hand. There were things that they couldn't easily handle, so they entrusted them to Lin Jiang.

Hearing this, Lin Jiang sighed with relief. It's fine as long as they don't harm their own people. As for business, they can take it slow. As long as it's not blatantly against the rules, there won't be a problem.

Moreover, Lin Jiang also had some things to collaborate with them on. The Five Elements Sect has a lot of precious pill refining materials controlled by the sect. He wouldn't even think about competing for them. If they were to compete, Zhang Wanjing would definitely use his influence for personal gain, and Lin Jiang wouldn't agree to that.

But the middle and high-ranking members of the Five Elements Sect had a lot of personal treasures. They had many golden cores and even building foundation-level items. These things had been passed down within the sect for many years, and they had also planted a lot of spiritual herbs in their dwellings. If they were to pool their resources together, they might be able to produce a batch of Spirit Integrating Pills or other pill concoctions for pill refinement.

However, Lin Jiang's qualifications weren't quite enough for this matter. He was still at the Building Foundation Period. If the three of them were willing to help, it would be much easier. Especially considering that their identities were not low, for those older cultivators, perhaps a favor from them would be more valuable than shining spirit stones.


The wedding preparation was finally over. Zhang Shuhua returned to their new room, where the bride had been waiting.

"Madam, your husband is back."

Zhang Shuhua, with proper manners, lifted the bride's veil and paid his respects to her.

"Met my husband"

The bride smiled brightly at Zhang Shuhua, and seeing her smile made him feel excited. He had been holding back his feelings for many years.

Thinking of how Zhang Shuhua had remained faithful, but unfortunately encountered a troublesome junior, who even took him to places like the "Sweet Red Building." It almost caused him to indulge in something pleasing. If it weren't for his strong willpower, he would have fallen into temptation.

Of course, he doesn't have to hold back anymore. It's legal, open, and he can now speak his heart.

"Husband, please don't..."

"What's wrong?"

"There's a mouse under the bed."

"A mouse..."

Zhang Shuhua's hand froze in mid-air, and he looked dumbfounded. This was his father's mansion, and there were mice?

In the bride's confident gaze, Zhang Shuhua walked to the side of the bed and lifted the covers to take a look.

"Hehe, hello uncle."

Quickly, three little rascals crawled out from under the bed. They were around three or four years old and even had Image Saving Talismans in their hands.

"How come you are here?"

Zhang Shuhua's face turned pale. He recognized these kids, they were the children of some senior brothers from the Black Clothes Hall.

"Uncle Xiao told us to come."

"Xiao Yi"

"Yes, yes, he gave me candy and told us to hide here. He said he would come catch us later."

"Like an eagle catching chicks?"

"Yes, does Uncle Zhang play too?"

"Uncle doesn't play, he has something very important to do. Come on, Uncle, let me see you off."

Zhang Shuhua held his breath and sent the little rascal out with a smile on his face.

After closing the door, Zhang Shuhua couldn't help but feel more and more angry. That junior brother is really a nuisance. If this Image Saving Talisman gets leaked, where will he hide his face?

"Husband, where are you going?"

Zhang Shuhua clenched his teeth and stomped his foot, getting up to leave. The bride became anxious and quickly asked.

"Husband is going to kill a junior brother, to liven things up for us."

With a menacing smile, Zhang Shuhua called out to his junior. Come at me with all your strength, my martial brother!

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