Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 112 Causing Trouble In The Club (2)

Zhang Yiqing looked at Wen Tao with a dark expression. He knew that Wen Tao liked him during the training camp three years ago.

Three years ago, several entertainment companies decided to follow the proposals of investors and sponsors who wanted to gather all trainees into one training camp. In there, trainees were supposed to train and master what they like to do; acting, singing, dancing, and hosting.

The event would take about half a year to be finished and those who completed their mission and stood above other trainees would naturally capture the attention of the wealthy investors looking for their next money cow.

At that time, Zhang Yiqing was only sixteen years old. He was young, vibrant, lively, and quite talented for his age. If he wasn't poor, he wouldn't even think of going with the scouting agent and try out the entertainment world. And of course, as someone who was skillful in both singing and dancing, Zhang Yiqing quickly rose from his group of trainees. He soon became the top 1 in the training camp where every coach and investors were very excited about his talent and future.

Zhang Yiqing was quite ambitious as well. As soon as he got the top rank in the trainee's ranking, he didn't laze around and let his pride show. He continued working even harder so that no one in the training camp could catch up to him. But that was until Wen Tao arrived.

Wen Tao, who arrived at the training camp two months after it started, became the crowd's favorite. Though he didn't have the talent and skills that Zhang Yiqing was known for, he was still a son of a wealthy businessman. So, without spending much effort, he was able to garner the attention of the investors who previously looked at Zhang Yiqing like crocodiles eyeing their prey.

However, Zhang Yiqing didn't seem to be affected by that because even without the investors of the training camp, he could still soar high with just his talent in singing and dancing alone. Thus, he wasn't worried about Wen Tao taking his spot as the camp's favored trainee.

"So? What are you going to choose? Will you be my toy or will you just watch your groupmates turn into fools?" Wen Tao asked with a smug smile. He already knew that Zhang Yiqing had no other choice. He was too kind and compassionate towards his group members and the future of their group that he would surely give up his own happiness.

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And indeed, Zhang Yiqing was considering his offer.

Just like three years ago when Wen Tao finally took his top spot in the ranking, he approached Zhang Yiqing and confessed to him.

"I like you, Yiqing ge." These words left Wen Tao's lips as he hugged Zhang Yiqing, who had just gotten out of the dance studio.

Zhang Yiqing at that time thought that Wen Tao's affection were the normal kind between two friends or trainee brothers However, when Wen Tao forced a kiss on his lips, Zhang Yiqing finally knew that the other's intentions weren't so innocent as he thought.

Coming out of his reverie, Zhang Yiqing stared at the young man before him. Wen Tao looked quite young. He's tall and his facial features were gentle and anyone who saw his face would think that this person was easy to approach and be close with. It must be because of Wen Tao's gentle face that Zhang Yiqing thought they could be friends, brothers even.

But he knew that the other was very far from being gentle. Hiding beneath that tender and soft personality and face, was a cobra with its neck wide and ready to strike whoever it treats as a prey. No matter what, Wen Tao was a dangerous man.

However... What else could Zhang Yiqing do now that his group members fell on his charms?

"Show me where they are first. I need to see if they're safe and sound." Zhang Yiqing knew he could no longer avoid and reject Wen Tao's offer.

"It's good to know that you're smart. I like smart toys a lot." Wen Tao commented.

After hearing Zhang iqing's response, Wen Tao's lips formed a wicked and satisfied smile. His eyes glistened with a dangerous light as he thought of what he would do with this new toy he just got in his hands.

And just the thought of tying up Zhang Yiqing in the bed and doing a lot of cruel and humiliating things to him, Wen Tao could almost not hide his reaction.

He lapped his lips as he reached his hand to put them on his toy's shoulders when suddenly, another hand settled on that spot.

"Xiao Yiqing..."

A soft and gentle voice that contained a hint of sweetness and familiarity in her tone sounded from his side. Zhang Yiqing turned his head and was momentarily blind at the dark-haired beautiful woman standing next to him.

The woman showed a gentle smile on her lips as she met his eyes. Frowning, Zhang Yiqing wanted to refresh his mind and look through it. He wondered where he had seen this woman?

Wen Tao also frowned seeing the attractive woman standing next to his toy. Her stunning appearance and extreme confidence seemed to have captured the attention of the crowd in her wake. Every move, gaze, and smile would make people sigh. What a drop dead gorgeous woman!

However, who is she?

Glancing at Zhang Yiqing, Wen Tao subtly sent him a question using only his gaze, asking him who was this woman?

Zhang Yiqing didn't know how to respond. He certainly doesn't know who this woman really is, but he had a vague sense of familiarity towards her as though he had seen her somewhere before. It was the same feeling when one saw a poster or billboard and met someone who looked like them in person.

And just as he decided to respond, he felt the hand grip his shoulder a tiny bit, applying enough pressure not to hurt him but let him know that it was still there.

But Zhang Yiqing understood what that gesture meant.

Coughing once, Zhang Yiqing showed a quick transformation. He swiftly changed his expression and said, "You're here?"

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