Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 145 Meeting The In-Laws (3/4)

"But Xiao Han, are you still not planning to date or marry any girls?"


The rumor about Song Yu Han not planning to date or marry anyone for the rest of his life was not just a complete rumor since it had been based on what he personally said during a family reunion.

At that time, many from the family were thinking that Song Yu Han was no longer young and he was at the right age to marry already. Thus, they bombarded him with such questions pertaining to his plans to marry or date. The elders of the family were also extremely curious since Song Yu Han had the highest chance to become the next successor of the Song family. After all, he didn't only succeed with the outstanding look and temperament that the Song family have, he was also extraordinarily talented and smart.

Hence, every elders were already expecting him to continue the next generation of the Song family through his children.

Sadly, when he was asked about this matter, Song Yu Han, only looked at them without emotion and said, "I have no plans to marry or continue the bloodline. If I become the heir, I will donate the inheritance to the country."

His words created chaos and threw the elders into a flurry of rage and confusion. But their wish to make him the successor still did not disappear and they could only hope that he would change his mind regarding the matter of continuing the bloodline.

When Cao Huiling asked this question again to Song Yu Han, Song Ruan and two of the elders of the family, <anno data-annotation-id="4b37f2c3-33c8-ded8-9065-1ea83ea5ed3b">Song Jianyu </anno>and Song <anno data-annotation-id="bd5765ce-1fbb-ed9d-b284-d65924270bf8">Yongzheng</anno>, were only a few steps away from their group and was about to arrive to their spot.

Since they were quite close to them and Cao Huiling's voice was slightly loud, they could clearly hear her words and all three of them looked at Song Yu Han. The two elders started to walk faster as though if they were a second slower to move forward, they would miss the answer to this question. They still have the hope inside their hearts that the answer would be different.

On the other hand, Song Ruan, who was walking beside the elders, slowed down his pace and frowned. He slowly raised his eyes to look at Song Yu Han.

It had been a while since the last time he saw Song Yu Han.

Song Yu Han didn't feel uncomfortable when everybody's gaze fell on his body. He calmly received everyone's expectant look and slowly said, "I don't have any plans to date anyone..."

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"However, I do have plans to marry."

At first, his first reply was received normally as if they already expected this reply. After all, he was a hard nut to crack and changing his mind about the matters of marriage or continuing the bloodline will see no light and never be realized.

And so, everybody was already expecting him to say a big NO.

And when Cao Huiling and Song Yongrui heard his words, they were extremely relieved.

However, it didn't even take a second before Song Yu Han's next words fell and landed like a bomb in front of them, exploding and utterly ruining their momentarily happiness.

"What?!" Song Yongrui was the first to react and he exclaimed loudly. He was already known for having a loud mouth and being shocked at what Song Yu Han just said in front of all of them, his voice couldn't help but raise another decibel.

"You... What did you just say? I think the alcohol in my system is clouding my hearing senses."

It was not only Song Yongrui who was thinking that they were drunk and was hearing things. Old Master Song, Song Ruan, Cao Huiling, and the two elders, were startled at his words. Even Song Shenqi and Xie Chi, who were sitting at the same table as Song Yu Han and minding their own business and eating their fill, all released the food that was about to go inside their mouths.



The small piece of meat and shrimp they were about to eat fell unceremoniously on the table before bouncing to the ground.

It was suddenly eerily silent at their table. Nobody was speaking and one would even think that they weren't breathing as if they were a group of statues.

It was only Song Yu Han, who was completely out of place from this painting as he raised the hand holding the wine glass and brought it close to his mouth to take a small sip.

He was especially calm an undisturbed as if he didn't just let go of a huge bomb to the group.

Cao Huiling blinked her eyes and her body was trembling. She felt like she was seeing a dream. No, a nightmare happening right in front of her eyes.

No, it must be a prank. He must be lying. There's no way Song Yu Han would change his mind and want to marry!

Nevertheless, even if Cao Huiling was feeling panicky and anxious, she didn't show it to her face as she tried to smile.

"Xiao Han, you don't have to lie to make your grandfather happy on his birthday. We all understand if you really don't want to marry or date anyone. Didn't you also say you won't change your mind?" Cao Huiling acted as if she was a kind and considerate auntie who was helping a troubled child.

Song Yu Han replied, "En."

Cao Huiling and Song Yongrui sighed in relief.

But Song Yu Han continued to say, "But you kept on asking me the same question every single time we met, making me rethink the situation. So, I thought maybe I should lessen your worries and plan to marry."

Who's worried about you?!

Cao Huiling screamed inwardly as she never thought that Song Yu Han would say this. The truth was that she was never worried about Song Yu Han. She was only worried that Song Yu Han would want to marry and continue the bloodline like what the elders in the family wanted, ruining her plan to push her own son to become the Song family's heir. And thus, continuously asking him this question over and over again.

But who knew that he would misunderstand her intention and think that she was concerned about him? Was this really her fault that he suddenly wanted to change his mind?

Feeling dejected, distressed, and fearful, Cao Huiling was regretting her decision. She shouldn't have asked him!

She really felt like going inside the house, grab a gun, and point the muzzle at her feet then shoot.

Cao Huiling was slightly breathless and when she raised her head to look at the young man in front of her, she caught a glimpse of the slight curve of his lips.

He... is he mocking her just now?!

Whether Song Yu Han was mocking her or not... only he knew it himself.

Song Yu Han looked away from Cao Huiling and ended up staring at his grandfather. Surprisingly, Old Master Song hadn't spoken up ever since he tossed that reply and he wondered if the old man fell to his death while standing.

Old Master Song finally came back to his senses. He wiped the two lines of tears on his face and grabbed him.

Old Master Song said, "You... are you finally letting me see you get married and have your own children?"

Song Yu Han didn't reply.

Old Master Song didn't care as he continued, "Good, if you think like that! I can finally rest in peace!"

Elder Song Yongzheng stepped forward and worriedly said, "Song Yichen, don't say such bad things on such an auspicious day!"

Elder Song Jianyu also said, "You should say you want to see a plump and fat grandchild next year!"

Thinking that what the two elders said were right, Old Master Song corrected himself: "Hahaha, the two of you are right. I really shouldn't say that."

The three old men were all laughing and were filled with joy with just a few words from Song Yu Han. They already looked as if they won a lottery and were about to receive the money that day. What more if they finally saw Song Yu Han marry someone and have his own child? Will they die with a smile on their faces?

Cao Huiling and Song Yongrui couldn't look at these three people celebrating already. They looked at each other and found that they had almost similar thoughts in their minds. On the other hand, Song Ruan kept silent and never said a word all these time.

Suddenly, a frown appeared on Song Yu Han's face as something caught his eyes. He quickly whipped his head towards the direction of the entrance and saw someone stepping into the grand hall. The person was wearing a royal blue dress and every step was graceful, looking as if the person was floating.

From afar, he couldn't clearly see the face of that person and every now and then, someone would pass by, blocking his line of sight. However, Song Yu Han was almost certain as to who that was...

His lips curved upward.

<annotations style="display: none;"><ol class="tinymce-annotation-container"><li data-annotation-id="4b37f2c3-33c8-ded8-9065-1ea83ea5ed3b">Jianyu = Building the universe</li><li data-annotation-id="bd5765ce-1fbb-ed9d-b284-d65924270bf8">Yongzheng = Forever Righteous</li></ol></annotations>",

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