Daoist Master of Qing Xuan

Chapter 577: Saintess

Chapter 577: Saintess

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Shen Lian gave a little thought and smiled, “With your talent, Senior Apprentice Brother Chen, you would have been one with Dao already. However, I am still curious, how did you come to the netherworld?”

Chen Jianmei answered, “I was murdered before being reincarnated into this netherworld. However, the one who did it was not Chen Beidou, but a mysterious Daoist.

Shen Lian squinted his eyes. That time when Chen Jianmei was seriously injured, he had not attained immortality yet, so it was not unusual to be murdered. However, there was no living being in the Temple of Killings, not even the microorganism which was hiding in the soil. Yet those buildings had not had any scratch. This sort of massacre was rather disturbing to Shen Lian.

Chen Jianmei being killed would match his opinion.

He asked, “Do you have any clue, Senior Apprentice Brother?”

Chen Jianmei replied, “The mysterious Daoist also used the killing sword, and sometimes they let out similar killing will as Chen Beidou. However, after some investigation, it was in fact authentically Daoist, and quite frankly, even that monk could not match up to the mysterious Daoist.

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Shen Lian sighed, “I am afraid the monk has achieved Mahasattva. So with what you’ve just mentioned, Senior Apprentice Chen, the mysterious Daoist is above even that level. Even then, the Founding Master Yuanqing would not have such achievement before achieving Daqian. Why would that sort of character make a move on you himself?”

“This is the most confusing part. I actually accept that one sword kill from him. But one day, I will return to avenge this one,” Chen Jianmei said softly.

Shen Lian knew that Chen Jianmei’s reincarnation into the netherworld would be encountered with an adventure which escalated his cultivation, or else he would not give empty promises. Shen Lian felt slightly pressured by this. After all, he was the headmaster of Qing Xuan. If he was tossed down by Chen Jianmei, he would lose face.

As of what Chen Jianmei had encountered, Shen Lian did not ask further. Both of them gradually reminisced about what happened after they split up. This was when Shen Lian found out that Chen Jianmei had incarnated for three hundred years, and his arrival in the netherworld was less than twenty years ago, which was another point worth investigating. However, Shen Lian never said it out loud because he himself had experienced going back in time to participate in the legendary incident of Da Yi shooting the sun.

Although surprised, it was not entirely unacceptable. He also thought that things were not as easy as it looked, so he did not tell Chen Jianmei that hastily.

Finally, Shen Lian also shared his recent goal.

Chen Jianmei said, “I once fought Emperor Xia. He was actually very good. As for Tianyi, he was rather famous, but I think you know better about the overall situation. If you gauge their influencing power, my armed forces in Asura Blood Sea is enough to match up with Xia and Yinshang. Even if there was a difference, they cannot overlook that too. Actually, they might as well pass down this foundation to you, but with the restriction of an oath, I am afraid I cannot exit the blood sea and help you, nor can I assign a large army of Asura clans to go with you. However, you can select a few of my disciples and some demonic soldiers to go with you. They should be able to offer you some help.”

Even after being reborn into Asura, Chen Jianmei’s personality remained unchanged, not burdened by worldly things. Shen Lian still felt touched and said, “In my recent fugue of the universe, I have put up some pieces, so I will pass down to you and Senior Spprentice Sanwen in these few days.”

Chen Jianmei smiled, “If this was hundred years ago, even if you bring the Buddha’s cultivation to me, I would not give it another look. But now, even if you never brought it up, I will still ask you to reiterate the cultivation notes.”

Shen Lian said, “This is exactly what I wanted to bring it up for,” They shared a laugh together. Chen Jianmei used to devote himself to swordcraft in the past, ignoring other prowess skills. Since he had mastered “The Sword that Surpassed Ten Thousand Techniques” he had to learn other skills as well.

In terms of knowledge, there was plentiful of literature in Qing Xuan. Out of all people, only Heng Xu could match up to Shen Lian in terms of knowledge. This was especially true when Chen Jianmei dueled with Shen Lian earlier, he could feel the complexity in the prowess that Shen Lian possessed. Even though he managed to overcome them all, he was also impressed by this junior apprentice brother and his accomplishment.

After that, Shen Lian stayed at the blood sea briefly for more than a month. He spent this time passing down all that he learned to Sanwen Daoist and Chen Jianmei without reservation. It was Chen Jianmei who benefited more from this. As for Sanwen Daoist, with his skill level, it would be fortunate enough for him to be able to master the formation of Primordial Spirit.

Luckily he was of the Asura clan, so he would not worry about aging. This was, in fact, the special trait of the Asura clan. If accident never fell upon them, they would go to survive for ten thousand years.

Buddhism taught about the six paths of beings, first being holy men, followed by Asura which was not hearsay only.

Finally, Shen Lian left the Asura Blood Sea. When Chen Jianmei offered to rebuild his flesh body with the essence of blood lotus, Shen Lian rejected the offer, as he wanted to master the realm of Taiyi and build himself a perfect body without anyone’s help.

In addition, his Primordial Spirit was gathered to take in the essence of heaven and earth, so he had no worry of dissipating.

In the countless woods of the Nanjiang southern border, besides the various kinds of demon clans, there were those barbarians who lived in the woods as well. The barbarians were very much different from those from Dongyi. They almost never practiced the art of divine techniques, whereby they worshipped brute strength and magic. Every barbarian clan’s village would have a priest who prayed to the God and also protected the village using the mysterious power bestowed on them.

In certain definition, the belief of the Nanjiang barbarians was still quite primitive. However, recently all the villages had shared one priest, the Saintess.

This Saintess lived in the southern border ten years ago. She was beautiful and highly skilled in voodoo magic. She had this magical herb which could control human bodies, and she need not make any sacrifice to communicate directly with god. She taught the barbarians how to identify different kinds of herbs, helped many villages to overcome diseases and catastrophes, and even got the fiercest beasts to bow under her feet.

The barbarians recognized and worshipped the Saintess as god’s daughter.

It was her who united those scattering barbarians. Many strong warriors were willing to pursue without asking for anything in return.

Her living quarters was beside the biggest valley of Nanjiang. The valley was the ‘Holy Valley of Voodoo’. It was foggy all year old. Legends told that this valley was transformed from a powerful voodoo god billions of years ago. Its status was as holy as the You Dou Mountain which the Di clan of the north worshipped.

Today, an uninvited guest arrived outside the Holy Mountain of Voodoo.

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