Dark Phoenix Prince

Chapter 6: Gets a Slight Advantage in Missions

Chapter 6: Gets a Slight Advantage in Missions

After leaving the room, Alu, who is now controlling Hawke's body, does not return to where Hawke's friends came with Hawke. Instead, he went the other way and left the entertainment venue.

Although Alu was pretty sure he could imitate Hawke's traits based on the information about Hawke, Alu would still prefer him not to do that if it really wasn't necessary. Therefore, for the next few days, Alu planned to go into hiding first until the day of the hunting party.

ALU only appears again the night before the hunting party day. It was five days later.

Within these five days, there were quite a number of young aristocrats and young geniuses who had come to the capital of the Blue Spiritual Kingdom. While waiting for the day of the hunting party, the aristocrats and young geniuses also had some small fights to show their strength.


After coming out of hiding, Alu immediately went to the royal palace. Since Hawke's father was the king's younger brother, their family also lived within the palace.

Using Hawke's body, Alu walked into the palace gate with an expression like Hawke's always showing an arrogant look.

When he passed by the palace warriors, he even showed a condescending smile.

Of course, the palace warriors were annoyed by Hawke's expression that was clearly looking down on them. But because of Hawke's status, they could only close their eyes and pretend they didn't see anything.



At a certain location in the palace grounds, there was a very luxurious mansion.

"Brat, where have you been in five days. Do you know what day tomorrow. If you still don't show up until tomorrow, this father, who will personally break your leg."

Just as Alu just approached the mansion, angry screams suddenly resounded from within the mansion. Along with that shout, a mighty aura also erupted from within the mansion, and it immediately suppressed Alu, causing him to fall down instantly.

Of course, even with Alu's true strength, he would still be helpless under that aura that came from a Nirvana stage expert.

When Alu raised his head, he saw a middle-aged man with a face very much like Hawke already standing in front of him.

Alu knew that it was Hawke's father, Moki.

Moki's expression now looks really bad as he looks at Alu who is using his son's body.

"Father, no." ALU who pretended to be Hawke begged for mercy.

"Humph." Moki snorted coldly.

"Come on here, hurry in, I have something to give you." He said while dragging Alu into the mansion.

When they entered the mansion, Moki threw Alu onto a chair in the mansion's main hall before he sat across from him.

Under Alu's shocked eyes, the middle aged man then took out something from his storage ring.

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It was a white pill that emitted a sweet smell as if it was made from various types of plants.

"Quickly refine this pill. I spent a lot of wealth buying it. It could help your cultivation break through one layer and help raise your spiritual source to be higher than average." Moki then threw the pill at Alu.

"Don't embarrass me with your low cultivation."

"This." ALU who received the pill pretended to be surprised. But his eyes were shining bright.

ALU naturally knew what kind of pill Moki was giving him. Actually Alu himself had also used the pill.

That pill was called a Spiritual Source Pill. It was a second stage pill suitable for a True Spiritual stage cultivator.

As the name suggests, the pill can help increase a person's spiritual source count.

Although the pill's effect would diminish if one had already used it, it could still increase one's spiritual source even if only slightly.

"This is very useful for me." Alu said quietly.

The higher a cultivator's spiritual source was than average, the more difficult it was to raise it.

With Alu's current cultivation foundation, he could easily break through to the Life and Death stage if he wanted to. But in order to further refine his foundation, Alu had no other choice but to delay his cultivation.

If he wanted his spiritual source to rise quickly, he could only rely on extremely valuable cultivation resources like this Spiritual Source Pill.

"Well, at least I got some advantage on this trip." Alu is secretly excited.

"Hurry up and go to your room, and refine the pill." Moki shouted again.

ALU who was pretending to be Hawke quickly ran after hearing Moki's scream.

Even though it's his first time in this place, Alu can still find out the location of Hawke's room through the scent remains left by Hawke.

Alu's eyes turned cold again as he walked into Hawke's room. Alu didn't do anything else, he immediately walked towards the chair before sitting cross-legged on the chair.

Alu stared at the pill in his hand for a moment before throwing it into his mouth.


A white light shone from within Alu's body as he swallowed the pill. Of course, the pill did not enter Hawke's stomach, but into Alu's stomach.

When he felt the pure spiritual energy in his body, Alu quickly closed his eyes to refined it.

If it was Hawke, he might need one night to refine the pill, but Alu only needed about ten minutes.

Apart from his higher cultivation, his body which possessed a Phoenix soul was also much more compatible with spiritual energy. Alu's body can refine spiritual energy in a much faster time than the average person.

Moreover, when Alu refined the spiritual energy of a certain cultivation resource such as a Pill, he was able to refine everything to the maximum. To others, they would be considered geniuses if their bodies could refine at least half of that spiritual energy.

"My Spiritual Source increased by about a hundred." Alu spoke after opening his eyes.

One hundred might sound a little bit compared to Alu's spiritual source of two thousand five hundred. But in terms of increasing strength, Alu's strength increased by more than half.

Also, if Alu broke through to the Life and Death stage now, his spiritual source would definitely exceed five thousand spiritual sources.

The young master of the Holy Light clan who instantly reached five thousand spiritual sources upon reaching the first layer of the Life and Death stage probably had around two thousand five hundred spiritual resources before he broke through.

"According to my estimates, Hawke's spiritual source should increase by about three hundred and fifty if he refines the pill."

Hawke's cultivation was still at the first layer of the True Spiritual stage with an average spiritual source. That's about three hundred spiritual sources.

If Hawke's spiritual source increased to three hundred and fifty spiritual sources, his spiritual source would immediately be above average. Normally, the spiritual source of the True Spiritual stage second layer was only around five hundred. For a Hawke who had six hundred and fifty spiritual resources could be considered very strong between the second layer of True Spiritual stage.

Of course, it was only compared to ordinary people. Compared to geniuses who can surpass even the third layer, Hawke is hardly worth mentioning.

After perfecting the pill that Moki gave him, Alu once again closed his eyes. He pretended he was meditating so as not to arouse Moki's suspicions.

Alu only opened his eyes again when the sun began to shine.


Alu then came out of Hawke's room and he saw Moki still sitting in his chair with. His expression still looked ugly like last night.

"Humph, it takes an extremely valuable pill just to help you break through a single layer of the True Spiritual stage, this is truly a shame. Now quickly show me your spiritual source." Moki said when he saw Hawke.

Alu then releases his spiritual source which is disguised as Hawke's spiritual source.

"Yeah." Moki nodded. "Even though it can't be considered extraordinary, it's at least not too embarrassing."

"Now, hurry up and go. The people who will be participating in the hunting party have gathered outside the palace."

"Also, you must guard your behavior when meeting the people of the Great Sacred Wind Kingdom. Even though we are also a royal family, in the Sacred Wind Kingdom, there are some noble families who are no weaker than our royal family." Moki then reminded.

"Don't worry, dad, I know how to behave in front of people we can't offend." Alu replied in a lazy tone before he casually walked out of the mansion.


After leaving his mansion, Alu did not immediately go outside the palace where the people were gathered. Instead, he went to the door of the palace.

Alu did that because he needed to adjust to Hawke's personality and his daily actions. As an asshole flirting with many women, there was no way Hawke could resist the allure of his cousin who could make the crown prince of a great kingdom fall in love.

Even though Hawke didn't dare to do strange things to his cousin, he still sometimes tried to be around her so he could admire her beauty.


When Alu arrived at the palace door, he saw quite a number of warriors who were probably the Blue Spiritual Kingdom's Princess personal warriors.

Besides that, Alu also saw two quite handsome young men there. One looked one year younger than him while the other looked the same age as him.

ALU knows both. One is Putri's younger brother who is also Hawke's cousin, Rivik. And the other is the young genius who joined the royal family, Roux.

With his senses, Alu estimated that Rivik might have around eight hundred more spiritual sources with the cultivation of True Spiritual stage second layer while Roux had around one thousand three hundred spiritual sources with true spiritual stage third layer cultivation.

Such a number of spiritual sources was considered strong enough for a young genius from an ordinary kingdom. But for Alu, they were far too weak.

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