Date The

Chapter 147: Table for Seven Please!

Chapter 147: Table for Seven Please!

"So, what do you do?"

"I look over the external affairs of our company."

"What is external affairs?"

Eve sat across the round table. A spot on her arm had reddened underneath her thumb and her index finger. She had pinched herself numerous times, wondering if this conversation was a dream. 

But the image never vanished.

In a venue beside the auditorium, white fabrics covered sets of tables and chairs. Classical music played through the speakers overhead. Small chandeliers hung from several places on the ceiling. Almost everyone had attended the reception and while waiting for the staff to start the celebration,

Eri looked up as Ambryan met her gaze.

Their chairs were placed two feet apart from each other.

"How do they even know him?" Eve thought out loud, shifting her attention between Eri and Ede who was looking at Avery's phone screen. "I can't remember a single moment when they could cross paths."

"Beats me," Andie replied on her right. She picked up a piece of garlic bread from the basket and bit it. Her head leaned towards the other side. "What did Eri call him again?"

Jarrett mimicked the position but tilting in her direction instead. The three of them watched Eri's interview with Ambryan. "The Runaway Boyfriend, I think. Any idea what that could be?"

"Not a clue." Eve scrunched her eyebrows. The nickname hovered around her head. Could it be related to Evangeline? Or maybe about Ambryan's love life in general? Eri didn't bring it up again after calling out to him.

Eri bit her inner cheek. The cold man in front of her had a tough shell to break compared to when they first met. "Then, what does Eve do?"

"She assists me."

"So she looks after the external affairs of the company too?"

"Not necessarily."

"So how does she assist you?" Eri asked.

Ambryan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. He couldn't think of an answer that a child could comprehend. Instead of handling external affairs, Eve was more like his bridge between himself and internal affairs as well as a few external ones.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But saying those sounded like a mouthful.

So, he went with,

"She prepares tea during my break time."

Eve held back a cough. Of all the things she does at work, he chose that one? Andie pressed her lips together as her shoulders shook with laughter. Now that was something she didn't expect to hear from Ambryan Hathaway. 

"Now, now, Eve," Jarrett spoke softly from his seat. He propped his arm on the table and bent his back forward. He directed his nose towards her. "Why didn't you tell us that your boss has a sense of humor?"

"Yeah, it's such a shame," Andie backed up, her voice quivering. "We had been made out to think that he's a robot. You have to speak about these things or he would be misunderstood."

Eve stared at them both and clicked her tongue. "Well, look at you two having fun."

"Jealous?" Jarrett pushed.

Her temple throbbed at his smug face.

Eri squinted her left eye. "So she's a maid? Why isn't she wearing a maid uniform then?"

A giggle escaped Andie's lips. She clutched her stomach with both arms. Her posture had completely curved over until her face was parallel to her lap. If formalities weren't needed around here, she wouldn't have needed to hold back.

The twin really had a colorful imagination! 

Andie couldn't shake the picture off her head. The more she focused on it, the more ridiculous and awesome it looked. Jarrett seemed to share the same sentiment. Their muffled laughter came out in puffs and snorts. 

"Okay!" Eve interjected. Her ears had gone pink at this point. She reached a hand and placed it on her sister's shoulder. Eri glanced in her direction. "I think that's enough questions. I'm sure Sir Hathaway has some business to attend to."

"No, I don't," Ambryan denied, still wearing his infamous poker faceas if his secretary wasn't trying to get rid of him just now. "I came to accompany my mother."

"And I'm more than happy to stay here for the entire reception," Avery commented, her eyes never leaving the phone screen. The mother-son pair had reserved seats at the VIP area but delayed their presence there for as long as possible. 

She gestured at a couple of bags and said, "What color do you think I should pick?"

Ede studied each item, tapping her jaw in the process. All the bags had the same size but their details differ in zippers, pockets and material. She pointed to the one with a small wallet accessory.

"The red one!"

Avery raised her hand for a high-five. "You have excellent taste."

"Sooooo? Why isn't my sister wearing a maid uniform?" Eri asked again. 

Ambryan chuckled, admiring her persistence. "That's because she's not a maid."

Eve blocked out the rest of the conversation. She figured it was the best thing to do for her mental health. Sighing, she slouched in her seat. A part of her was glad that Georgie decided to go home. Who knew what that old woman could stir? She had enough of those at the table already.

"Aw, come on, don't look so worried." Andie nudged her side. Her previous amusement had died down as Ambryan took Eri seriously this time. "There's nothing wrong with sharing the table with the Hathaways."

"Sure, sure."

"But I mean it."

Eve gave Andie a look. The latter smiled, fluttering her stormy blue eyes. Mischief clearly shone through the fake innocence. Eve grabbed a glass of water from the table. "It feels slightly weird though."

"That what? Your boss is now involved in your private life?" Andie snorted. She snatched the last garlic bread and waved it around before taking a bite. "It's been five years since you met. It was bound to happen at some point. It's a small world, after all."

Scowling, Eve considered her words. It did have a valid point. Ambryan had every right to be here just like them. Hell, he probably came here every year. If there was anyone who barged in someone's world, it was them.

"Eve, I want to go to the toilet," Eri called out. She began to bounce on her chair as she held it in. Her sister immediately craned her neck, searching for the restroom sign.

"I'll take her," Avery volunteered. She put the phone away and stood up. "Do you want to come too, Ede?"

"Yes, please."

The three females walked away and entered the maze of tables. 

Silence wrapped around their companions. 

"So, Mr. Hathaway," Andie began to say. She wore her best smile and folded her hands on the table. "How did you find the performances today? Which was the highlight for you?"

"Are you sure you want to start a topic that you can't answer?" Eve muttered. A kick from a pointed heel hit her leg. "Ow!"

"I think a number of them had delivered beyond anyone's general expectations," Ambryan responded without hesitation. He angled his body towards the table now that Eri wasn't present. He straightened his lapels and crossed his legs.

Andie nodded in understanding. "You're a fan of classical music, huh?"

"Yes, I'd say I am."

"Does Evangeline Reed feel the same?" 

This time, the kick came from a strappy sandal. 

And it hit a tan leg.

"Eep!" Andie yelped, crouching from the impact. She played it off as a scratch on her leg and let out an awkward laugh. "I'm sorry if that came out as rude. I find couple interests as interesting."

'Couple interests as interesting?' Eve repeated in her head. That surely sounded convincing. 

"It's quite alright." Ambryan assured her. He travelled through his memories, searching for an answer. "I have yet to find out though."

"I see" Andie drew out. Her mind raced for another conversation starter. Of course, it had to lead towards Evangeline. If the person wouldn't tell her anything, maybe the person in front of her could. "What things interest you both then? Something you enjoy as a couple."

Ambryan locked his jaw. They had yet to find that out last time he checked. But, at the back of his mind, he knew that statement was partially false. There were moments when he had enjoyed himself. 

Did that count as an interest?

What words should he coin together?

Eve took another sip of water. Evan and Ambee had a total of two dates in the last 6 weeks. The first one catered towards her interest while the second one was his. Their third one should appease this question.

Maybe her best friend was actually onto something.

She took mental notes, saving it for later.

"Come on, love," Jarrett cut in, breaking the silence. "The answer is already obvious."

Andie raised an eyebrow at him. "Is it?"

"It's kissing, of course."

Water splattered over Eve's lap. Cough after cough spluttered out of her mouth. Andie rubbed her back while Jarrett cleaned up the table. A few heads turned their way but they quickly minded their own business upon seeing things were okay.

"Sorry about that," Eve apologized. "I accidentally breathed while drinking."

"Are you sure you're okay, Eve?" Ambryan frowned.

She pounded on her chest, breathing better. "Yes, Sir Hathaway."

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself!" Andie exclaimed, changing the subject. She extended a hand towards Ambryan and said, "I'm Andie, by the way."

When he returned the gesture, his hand squeezed hers. 

Curiosity painted over his face. 

"Excuse me but how do you spell that?"

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