Date The

Chapter 155: And So It Goes

Chapter 155: And So It Goes

"I have to go."






Eve pushed the front door using her back. Thankfully, the hallway outside the penthouse was empty. It allowed her a bit of privacy. She panted for breath, bowing her head. Her thoughts and emotions swirled together. She could hardly see a thing. 

She closed her eyes and focused on her heart. 

It threatened to pop right out of her chest.

"Wha-wha-" she struggled to whisper. The black void in her mind slowly created coherent images. Her lips felt warmand so did her entire face.

The memory burned on her skin like fire.

'What did just happen?' Eve asked herself. Blinking, she snapped her head from left to right as if the answers were written on the walls. She steeled herself against the door, afraid that Ambryan might think of checking on it.

There was only one thing left to do.


Nanzie emerged from the nearby restroom. She strapped her watch back on her wrist when a blurry figure ran past her. It took a few seconds for her brain to process the scene. When it did, she stepped into the middle of the hallway.

"Ms. Evangeline?"

Not a moment to lose, her feet went into action and followed the red head. She pumped up the speed, determined to catch up. "Ms. Evangeline!"

Eve stopped in front of the elevator. Her bodyguard's voice finally registered in her ears. 

"Oh, Nanzie," she said. Her dry throat affected her speech. She pushed the down button and fidgeted in place. Her gaze darted across the corridor. "Um, hi. Yeah, I want to go back home f-for now."

Nanzie grabbed her by the shoulders. She scowled at Eve's face, noting all the signs of shock and fear. "Is something wrong? Did Mr. Ambryan harm you in any way? Please be honest with me."

"No, no, no!" Eve was quick to deny. She shook her hands in front of her chest. "It's totally fine."

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She had to admit. She could have said that better. 

Her bodyguard detected the same. Letting her go, Nanzie crossed her arms over her chest. Hard disapproval stricken across her face. "Not to be blunt, Ms. Evangeline, but you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I do?" Eve feigned innocence. She looked down on her outfit and dusted on instinct. "I am covered in flour."

"That's not the point."

The elevator doors parted open. Eve hopped right in as soon as she could fit through. Every fiber of her being screamed to get away. She couldn't be happier to be safe inside a box. Once the doors closed, she was partially safe.

Somehow that eased off the blockage in her thoughts. 

"It's nothing to be alarmed about. I'm. Just. Startled," Eve tried to explain. Although her thoughts became clearer, her words still hadn't come back. Her eyes stayed on the floor as her face made several expressions. "And confused. I need air and familiar things and my comfort zone. It's hard to explain. I just need to go home."

Nanzie studied her once more. The sense of alarm had faded away. If it was a severe situation, she believed Eve would still be panicking. She took it as a good sign.


The trip followed their usual protocol. Eve and her security team hardly spoke a word. She had gone into an empty space where her thoughts could freely float up in the air. She let herself go, feeling the different emotions inside of her. 

She just needed a moment alone. That was it. 

Then, she could go back to reality.






Her bedroom light suddenly turned on.

"Hey! Nanzie called," Andie greeted Eve. She sat on the bed, staring at the pillow on her best friend's face. She reached to pry it off. This definitely wasn't a good sign. "Have you been lying in bed all day? How did the date go?"

"Weird. A whole lot of weird." Eve resisted her actions. If Andie hadn't asked, she might have revealed her face. But now? She was sure that her skin had turned red as a tomato. The same burning sensation lingered on her lips.

She groaned, pressing them together.

"Really?" Andie placed her hands on her hips. Then, she took out her phone and looked up Twittah hashtag trends. "The tabloids seem to be having fun because your outfits match each other's eyes."

Eve snorted. "Of course, they are."

Andie hid the mobile device away and re-assessed the situation. She had to make Eve more responsive. If her methods didn't work then, maybejust maybe her best friend needed more alone time.

If Eve turned out to be as confused and as agitated Nanzie explained to her, two heads were better than one in that situation. It wouldn't be good to leave her in the silence where irrational thoughts attacked the most.

"Come on, talk to me." Andie lied on her side, forgetting about the pillow. She thought of a statement that could trigger her best friend. "Is it because you kissed?"

Eve jerked the pillow away. Her round brown eyes were never wider before this. 


"SO IT IS A KISS!" Andie yelled. She sat up and pointed a finger at Eve, her jaw falling open. "OH. MY. GAWD. YOU KISSED AMBRYAN HATHAWAY!"

"I did not!"

Andie wasn't disheartened. Her smug smile turned into a smirk. 

"He was the one who kissed you then?" Her hands captured the pillow and smacked her best friend's side. Her bubbling energy craved to be released. She couldn't think of anything else. 

"Oh, you sly sly fox!" She smacked her hands on both of Eve's cheeks. "I am so proud of you."

"Knock it off," Eve complained, massaging her sore cheeks. She pulled herself up and sighed. There was no use hiding it now. Even hearing it out loud sounded like a faraway dream. 

Wasn't there a chance that this was all an illusion?

Andie scooted closer. Stars sparkled in her stormy blue eyes. "Then, tell me the details! Did he confess? How was it? Awkward? Hilarious? Too monotone? I am dying with hunger."

"Then, eat something."

"Gossip works."

Eve gave her the side-eye. Then, jabbed Andie with her elbow. It was awkward enough as it is. She didn't need Andie's excitement. "No, he did not confess."

"Kissed you even before you became official?" Her best friend whistled. She rested her hands on behind her back, supporting her weight. Her gaze glanced up the ceiling. "Wow. He must be really smitten."

"That can't be it. We have talked in almost a week! That doesn't just happen." Eve pulled her blanket over her head, lying back down. If she couldn't see reality then, it could make it easier to cope with.

"Maybe he missed you so much that he couldn't resist."


Eve stopped short and swallowed her words.

Andie was quick to catch on. She wriggled over the bed. Things just kept getting better and better! "Ohohoho, that tells me what I said is possibly true. Ooohh~! My best friend is in love."

Eve scoffe from under the sheet. "No, I am not."

"Seriously? You still can't see it?" Andie wailed. A groan escaped her lips. The light in her eyes dimmed slightly. "I bet you wouldn't even believe that Ambryan has feelings for you."

"Of course, he doesn't."

"Is Ambryan my boss or yours? You know damn well he wouldn't kiss without a reason!"

"Exactly!" Eve agreed. She rolled to her other side and met her best friend's gaze. "That's obviously not part of the possible reasons."

Andie frowned, wondering if she was getting ahead of herself. "Were you in public? Did he do it for publicity?"

"No there was no else around," Eve mumbled. She averted her eyes and combed her fingers through her black hair. "Except his cat if you count her."

Raising a hand, Andie clicked her tongue. "Wait, hold up. His cat? Were you in his house?"

She shook her head. Things really were getting better. "Wow, Ambryan does have hormones."

"What? What are you even" Eve exclaimed, pushing herself half-way up. Her voice boomed around the room. "That's not why we were there!"

Andie didn't even flinch. "Then, why were you there?"

Eve heaved another sigh, realizing there was no way around it. "We were at a restaurant in a private room that had a kitchen counter. We sort of made a mess and needed to clean up."

"Did you see anything interesting then?" Andie wiggled her eyebrows.

"Gross." Eve fake-gagged. 

"Yeah, right. Like you actually think that." Andie countered with a snort. She swung her legs onto the floor and stretched her back. When she turned around, she patted Eve's head. Her best friend was blossoming to a full-blown flower.

She couldn't be happier!

But precautions needed to be addressed.

"Imma leave you alone for a bit while you think about everything I just said. If you can't figure them out then, I'd suggest focusing on how you feel about the kiss because it will affect the way you act around him from now on."






"Kiri? Yan? Hello~? Anyone alive?" Richard called out, stepping inside the apartment. Wen had opened the door for him. That was his first sign that something wasn't right. Well, that was actually the second sign

the first one was Ambryan actually inviting him over.

Should he look for the cat? It might be the prime lead to finding his best friend. Shedded fur coated the floors near the kitchen. He elongated his strides and turned the corner.

"Yan, are you in hGAH!"

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