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Chapter 163: To Surprise is An Art

Chapter 163: To Surprise is An Art

When Eve first stepped foot inside Lotus Agency, she felt like a fish out of water. 

She had been claimed to be one of its models without walking through the process. Everything had been handled by Cale. As a result, she barely knew anyone. But that didn't mean her reputation hadn't grown among her supposed peers. 

Not everyone seemed to take her absence lightly.

Their stares bore into her back as she and Cale headed for the elevator. Her heels clacked against the dark gray tiles. She held the red clutch bag she modelled with Athon Luxury. Nanzie and two other bodyguards stayed close behind them.

Their entourage solidified her model status.

She was among the agency's valued talents.

Inside the elevator, Eve relaxed her shoulders. She had kept her chin high despite the attention they had attracted. "I don't think I'll ever get used to visiting this place."

"Well, it's the main venue for all client meetings," Cale began to say. He portrayed his usual airy self. The traces of irritation and annoyance were almost gone. "You're doing really well even without more big brands like Athon Luxury. Although, I think you're not far off from receiving another deal like that."

Eve let him talk. Among the judging eyes, it was comforting to know that an experienced manager like Cale believed in her. If it had been another person, Eve doubted that she could have pulled her alter ego off. 

They arrived at their desired floor. The place was sparse of bystanders. No one lingered in the hallways unless needed. Cale led the party, knowing the maze of corridors like the back of his hand. 

His legs led to one of the secluded rooms near a dead end. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

With the bodyguards stationed outside, the door opened to a spacious room. White curtains hung over the windows, subduing the heat from the sun. Eve expected one long table like their conference ones back in Eros headquarters. This seemed more like a classroom with its setup of elevated flooring.

The room had only one occupant. 

She had chosen a table near the bottom level. Her blush-colored hair stood out. It made her easy to spot. She rose to her feet once she heard the door, straightening her business attire. Her lips wore a toothless smile. 

"Hi! I'm sorry that I'm a little informal," she greeted, meeting them halfway. Eve noticed her ocean eyes underneath the full bangs. The woman stretched out a hand. "It's actually my first time to look for a model for our school. I'm Amy, by the way. Amy Mistyx. I work for The Magical Symphony."

Eve accepted the gesture, puzzled by this development. "I never thought schools hired models for their marketing."

Amy pulled her hand back and reached out to Cale briefly. Then, she addressed the two of them. "Well, think of it as a marketing stunt itself. We saw your photos from the Rainbow Collection and found them quite elegant. It fits the school's image. You're great with kids from that special appearance at the bakery." 

"Shall we take our seats?" She suggested. They walked down the rest of the way. Eve and Cale picked the chairs across from her. "The world is evolving everyday. We want to keep up as best as we can."

"I've heard of the school before. I thought it was doing well on its own," Eve shared. That recital wasn't a simple one. The budget had to be big for them to pull it off. They even fed the visitors later in the reception hall.

"We are but we also need more sponsorships," Amy admitted, an awkward laugh flowing out of her lips. She pulled the documents towards and checked them once more. "And investments. We want to expand the school and possibly hold more classes, making them available for the whole year instead of just the summer." 

Her hand paused from browsing. She looked up to meet the two pairs of eyes staring at her. Her skin trembled underneath her clothes. "But investors think otherwise. They see it as a waste of money when the school is not that famous."

It had been their plan for a long time. It was postponed because of Mila's work overseas. Now that their head was back, the discussion was brought up again and Mila made up her mind to put the school first. 

Unfortunately, her long absence and halt in their operations had impacted the school image a bit. Amy was amazed that they even managed to gather the same instructors for the summer. Since then, they thought of ways to bring it back up again in the most timely manner.

"Magical Symphony" Cale mumbled. Frown lines creased between his brows. "I've heard of that Mila Clark owns that school, doesn't she? She's already a famous figure. Why would they think that?"

"She is famous in the world of classical music. Unlike before, Mila is planning to make this her main priority. It's the perfect time to expand," Amy explained. The papers ruffled underneath her touch as she looked through the last pages. "She had discussed this with Mrs. Hathaway and the madam introduced the idea of an ambassador for the school's scholarship program"

"And that's supposed to be Evangeline?" Cale finished, already seeing where this was going.

Amy shifted her full attention in his direction. "Yes, she thinks her influence would also contribute to the school other than the money she donated."

Then, she turned her head towards Eve. "We won't be asking much of you. Mrs. Hathaway will still be in charge of the paperwork. We will be conducting somewhat of a donation drive/charity event/fundraiser. You name it. We'd really appreciate it if you join us. Available students would also hold a concert."

"This will be the setup for all the street banners, billboards and more. We'd pay you, of course. All the details are in this folder." She pushed the documents across the table, clenching her hand to hide its shakiness when she released them. "Would you like some time to discuss this by yourselves? I'm open to leave you alone."

Eve opened the folder. Her hazel eyes skimmed through the terms. From what she understood, the management's legal team had already looked into its validity. The contract had been approved by them before this meeting was conducted.

It did state that her role revolved around the charity event. 

Amy pressed her lips together. Neither Eve nor Cale answered her question. She debated whether to take their silence as affirmation. But, it would be embarrassing if they called out to her even before she could leave the room.

Should she speed up her pace?

"I'll do it." 

Her head snapped back to reality. She blinked just in time to see Cale hand his model a pen. Amy widened her eyes. Things went that fast? Evangeline Reed wasn't at the top of her industry but she expected for them to negotiatelike higher compensation. 

They had purposely lowered it for this reason.

"Ms. Mistyx?"

"I-Wow." Amy gasped, touching the folder. It hovered in the air since Eve still held onto it. Her new client didn't really take it quite yet. "This is This was a lot more than I came for. Thank you for supporting our cause."

"It's not a problem," Eve tried to brush off, letting the documents go. She knew her sisters would be the first ones to be thrilled by the school's expansion. It wouldn't sit well with her if she didn't help out when she could. 

"Do you still need to stay here for something? We can go out for coffee and continue the discussion if you'd like," she offered as she stood up.

Cale hid his smile. Before being a model, Eve was a businesswoman. She probably could handle being her own manager in this line of work. 

"That would be lovely. Thank you!"

Amy gulped once she saw the bodyguards outside. She knew Evangeline was Ambryan's girlfriend but she didn't think that the model had this level of security. Her head whipped from side to side, noticing the bystanders. 

They whispered among themselves. 

Their eyes comprised of nothing good.

"Relax, Amy," Cale cheered, hooking his arm around hers. Eve walked ahead of them with Nanzie by her side. "You don't mind if you call you that, right? I know this great coffee place. It also has some of the best tea I've ever tasted. They also sell food in case you're hungry. Evangeline immediately fell in love with it when I first took her there"

"I hope you forgive me for interrupting those plans. It's a rare free day and I'd like to spend it with my girlfriend as much as possible."

Cale and Amy nearly crashed into Eve. 

The latter had halted in her steps, shock stricken over her face. Ambryan stood in the middle of the lobby. His face wore his infamous poker face. A crowd had formed behind him. Not once did he spare them any attention.

More people gathered around the scene, hoping for a glimpse of the couple. They took out their cameras and shared the moment. The ones in front didn't let the opportunity go. They followed the CEO's every move and captured it in video.

His footsteps echoed as he closed the distance between him and Eve.

He snaked his arm around her waist and yanked her closer, their chests almost touching.

His lips stretched into a boyish grin. 

"Surprised? You're not the only one who can keep secrets."

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