Date The

Chapter 196: A Lightbulb not a Candlestick

Chapter 196: A Lightbulb not a Candlestick

"You don't want to be treated gently?"

Eve pondered at the question. It would be a lie to deny that she didn't appreciate his help with her shoes. On the contrary, it surprised her. "I do on occasion but not all the time."

"I'll take note of that." Ambryan brushed his thumb over the wounds, making her hiss.

A pair of heels came scrambling their way. "Yan! Evangeline! What happened?!"

Heads turned in the direction of the madam. They followed her with their sense of sight. She had an empowering presence that was hard to miss even when silent. The sound of her voice only lured them even more to her.

Thus, witnessing the commotion.

On instinct, Eve turned her head away. It was like a bubble popped once Avery spoke. She could now hear and see everything else other than Ambryan. He had managed to occupy her full attention until nowwhich was a dangerous thing to let happen.

"Calm down, mother," Ambryan said without looking up. A shadow had blocked the lights from the corner of his eyes. "She's fine. Just need some ointment and bandage."

Avery placed her hands on her hips and assessed the situation. Eve chose to remain silent. She had a feeling these two would decide the best course of action. Her job was to rest. It would have been easy to relax if she hadn't noticed the others.

She could almost see the headlines for tomorrow in the gossip column.

"I'll take care of it," the madam stated, already stepping away, "Let her feet rest on the shoes and keep them under her skirt. Just stay here and don't go anywhere until I'm back."

"Thank you, Aunt Avery," Eve managed to muster. She cleared her throat, feeling its dryness. Ambryan pulled her shoes closer and let her feet step on them. "It really means a lot."

"Nonsense. You're like family. Plus, us girls need to look out for each other, you know?"

She chuckled. Her head bowed from hesitation. "Then, if there's anything you need"

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"Just stay here and keep my son happy."

"I can't promise anything. I can be quite annoying."

"Then, annoy me all you want."

Eve raised her eyebrows at Ambryan. He rose to his feet and helped smooth out her skirt. A smirk had formed on his lips. It didn't seem like it would be disappearing soon either. He took the seat that blocked her from the crowd.

She was grateful for it.

His arm rested at the behind her head, propping on the backrest of the velvet couch. The sitting area had been meant for group gatheringsparticularly businessmen. It had three sofas that interconnect to make a U shape. 

A server prepared finger food and cold drinks on the coffee table in front of them. 

Hearing her stomach growl, Eve reached for a mini shish kabob. The sear on the meat had called to her appetite. She raised the toothpick until it matched her eye level. "I'd offer you some but I heard you hate tomatoes."

Juice oozed out the cherry tomato when she bit into it. The smoky flavor from the grill drowned her taste buds. Without swallowing just yet, she ate the meat. It had a peppery taste from its spices. She was positive that enough of these and it could be considered as a dinner meal.

Ambryan watched her eat. "No matter how good you make that seem like, I won't eat tomatoes."

"Oh, please. I'm not even trying to. You do need to eat though. I can't even count how many glasses of wine you had." Eve shook her head. Was it always customary? It seemed like every person so far drank wine and Ambryan always drank with them.

"I can never say no to a good bottle of red wine."

Eve sighed, already aware of it. 

"Then, you won't mind if I join you?"

The pair looked up to see Stuart Wilson who held a full bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. He sat down on the sofa across from them and set the two wine glasses on the table. His mop of brown hair had been styled with wax. It brought his amber eyes more.

He poured wine in both glasses three-quarters full.

"Mr. Wilson," Ambryan greeted, reaching for a glass. "I believe you have met Evangeline."

"Such a charming lady? How could I forget?" Stuart joked. He offered a hand for her to shake. "It's a pleasure to see you once again, Ms. Reed. I dare say you look ravishing tonight."

Eve mustered her politest smile. The difference in treatment between her and Evangeline could not be more far apart like heaven and earth. She accepted his handshake, letting go within seconds. "You don't look so bad yourself, Mr. Wilson. Getting ready for your campaign perhaps?"

"All in good time," he responded while taking his drink. "You two are quite the stars of the night. Are there any new developments perhaps? I don't want to be late in giving my best wishes."

Ambryan took a sip of the wine, testing it. Then, he raised his glass in Stuart's direction. "All in good time."

"I see."

Finishing her shish kabob, Eve picked up another one. "Please help yourself, Mr. Wilson. I can't possibly eat all these tomatoes by myself."

"Don't mind if I do," he replied. Silence fell on the sitting area. Eve didn't know what to make of it. The others had no trouble conversing with her around. Mr. Wilson's hesitation reminded her of his actions the last time they met.

He had implied an offer for Eve.

Maybe she could find out why?

"I've never really been aware of the preparations when it comes to the elections," she started to say. "Is there much to be done, Mr. Wilson? If you can manage that while leading your own company and spending time with your family, I think Ambryan could use a tip or two."

"I'm perfectly capable as I am right now," Ambryan rebutted. The wine in his glass had reduced to a small amount. Lifting his arm off the backrest, he checked the writings on the bottle. He muttered the words and memorized them.

"Good, isn't it?" Stuart mused, taking a sip.

"You always did have excellent taste in wines."

"You are more than welcome to view my collection the next time you visit my home. Of course, Ms. Reed is also invited. I have a daughter around your age that might appreciate your company."

Eve felt Ambryan stiffen

Then, it was gone in a second. She racked her brain for any memory on Mr. Wilson's family. Other than the head, she hadn't met someone else who visited the office and attended these gatherings. Mrs. Wilson might have made an appearance but it had to be brief for her to forget about it.

"May I?" Ambryan asked Stuart. He had finished his glass and craved for more.

"Of course. Have as much as you like."

"Your daughter, Mr. Wilson?" Eve said, curiosity getting the best of her. "She must be quite beautiful then with such a handsome father. Intelligent too no less."

"She is my pride and joy. There are no words to describe the gift of a child. The moment my eyes laid on her, I was a goner. I made a vow to make her as happy as possible."

"That's really sweet," she couldn't help but gush. For all the things she heard him say, she ranked this as the most genuine one. It changed her view of him a bit. But, her walls remained standing.

"I'm sure your father feels the same." Stuart chuckled. "It's in our nature to be protective."

Ambryan felt Evangeline stiffen

Then, it was gone in a second. His mind immediately recalled the family dinner when she spoke about her family. Ambryan thought of another topic, knowing how difficult the subject of families could be. 

"Do you remember where you bought this wine, Mr. Wilson?" He quickly intervened and gulped down another mouthful. "Did you purchase it overseas or is there a reseller in our country?"

"Oh, I had it for a while now," Stuart replied, taking his time to fully respond. "It's a gift from my daughter. She knows my fondness for wine. I'm quite glad she had taken interest in it during her stay overseas. It became a tradition for her to bring me a bottle every time she returned."

"I see" 

"You should ask her some time. She'll be more than glad to discuss it."

Ambryan finished his drink. This time, he felt like he needed another one. The person wasn't even around and he already detected a headache. 

"Would you please excuse me, gentlemen?" Eve suddenly asked, standing up and letting her feet touch the floor. She kicked the shoes under the coffee table. She almost thanked her lucky stars that her bladder called for an emergency. "I really have to use the restroom. Please enjoy yourselves."

Then, she bent down to grab her purse.

"And don't overdrink, Mr. Hathaway," she added in a whisper. Her expression remained neutral. "Otherwise, I'll be the one driving and you can't refuse."

Without waiting for a reply, Eve made her escape. The skirt draped on the floor and concealed her bare feet. Now that she was on her way, she had second thoughts. The bathroom floor had to be covered in germsmaking her nose scrunch.

Stuart handed the bottle in Ambryan's direction. "More, I presume? Don't be shy. I know it's high quality. I'll drink whatever amount is left."

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