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Chapter 223: Woman Behind the CEO

Chapter 223: Woman Behind the CEO

Eve stared at the phone screen.

The same inkling flowed down her spine. Her sight took time to focus. The bright screen hurt her eyes, making it longer for her to adjust. Shock would be understating how she felt when the texts became clear.

Articles of her had trended on the news. 

Headlines varied from: 

> Everlee Hart the Real Woman Behind the CEO

> Everlee Hart and Mikael Davis Spotted in Another Project

> Twins from Ambryan Hathaway's Residence are Ms. Hart's Sisters?

> What to Know About Everlee Hart

> Is Everlee Hart a Secret Beauty? Look at these Pictures!

Blood drained from Eve's face. How long had it been since these came up? She would have heard it from Avery by now. This had been their worry since the school ad campaign happened. It seemed like the press was piecing things together. In no time, they might

"Surprising, right?" The woman broke through her thoughts. She pulled back her hand and also glanced at her phone. "Everyone is slowly learning how valuable you are. It's a shame that your boss can't see the same. At least, I think you deserve better."

Eve arched an eyebrow. "One second ago, you just admitted wanting me for something. Now, you're trying to sound righteous again? I don't think so. Besides, these are coincidences. The hype will die down soon once they can't get more."

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"Are there really things such as coincidences? This could be the workings of fate." The woman stepped closer, putting her phone away. "I think it brought us here. Isn't that worth something?"

Dumbfounded, Eve stormed out of the convenient store. What she needed was to get away from that womanhave them apart for as wide as possible. Her lips muttered under her breath. "She must be another crazy like Charlee was. Everything that comes out her mouth is bullshit."

It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to get on her good graces. After the appearance of Evangeline, she thought she'd stop dealing with themsave for bitter exes. Eve slapped her cheek, forcing herself to calm down.

The woman ran out of the store, watching Eve leave. She pressed the edge of her phone against her chin. "I see why Yan keeps her by his side. A tough nut to crack, indeed. How interesting."

Once in her car, Eve drove out to the main streets and dialled a number. The call rang twice before the receiver picked up. "Hello? Mrs. Hathaway?"

"Eve!" The madam exclaimed. "You've seen the articles, haven't you?"

"I'm being watched it seems," she replied. 'And in more ways than one.'

"Don't worry about it. I contacted a PR expert who can kill this trend in about a week"

"Oh, I'm not worried, Mrs. Hathaway. I'm not someone who has an interesting life. They can dig up what they want and try to publish them but the public would move on eventually. I'm not a person of influence for them to keep track."

It was troubling but if Eve analyzed further, she was only noticed because of the people around her. The news was actually related to them and not her. The media just needed something to hype aboutand the common factor was Everlee Hart. They were merely using her for a frenzy.

Her routine would be back to normal.

The masses would soon realize that nothing is interesting about her.

Avery frowned. She was sitting on her patio, enjoying a warm cup of tea. Heavens knew how much she needed to relax. This could have been a good distraction but it seemed like Eve had other ideas.

"Then, why did you call?" The madam questioned as she took a sip.

Eve stepped on the break and stopped in front of a traffic light. Her eyes went to the mirrors and the windows, checking if anything was unusual. "I have been approached by someone."

The teacup clattered against its saucer. "Who?"

The light turning green, Eve sped through the roads and headed for the resident areas. She couldn't wait to get home. "I'm not sure. She has yellow eyes and hair. Around my age I'm guessing. I believe she wants something from me. My top suspicion is because of Ambryan. She wants to be closer to him."

Avery thought for a moment. "Hm, did she threaten you?"

"Not yet. But I won't be surprised if she does eventually after I keep rejecting her."

"I'll have someone look into it. We can't let another Elias or Charlee suddenly go rampant."

"Exactly my thoughts."

The madam chuckled. A maid brought a plate of cookies. She picked one that had a dark chocolate-flavored dough dusted with powdered sugar. It was soft as if closer to a brownie than a cookie. She savored the moist texture and balance of sweetness.

Then, the call picked up horns sounding in the background.

Avery froze. She placed the cookie back and said, "Are you driving?"

"On my way home, yes," Eve answered in one breath. 

"Don't use your phone while driving! Keep your attention on the road!"

"Yes, ma'am!'

Eve chuckled and ended the call. Her brown eyes went to the rearview mirror. A black sedan followed her from not too far. She found comfort at the sight of it. The timing was perfect too. 

She parked the BMW in front of the apartment and waited by the front stairs.

The sedan chose a vacant spot not too far away. Its black-tinted windows made it difficult to peek into. One person stepped but Eve knew better. There was another person left inside. Another familiar vehicle also appeared at the curb. 

But, at the moment, neither of them mattered to Eve as much as the approaching bodyguard. 

A coy smile bloomed on her lips. "Nanzie."

"Ms. Eve." Nanzie greeted, taking off her sunglasses and revealing a pair of cyan eyes. Her coffee skin glowed under the setting sun. Her wavy raven hair was tied to its usual ponytail. She wore the same black suitnot needing another layer to stay warm.

The two of them entered the apartment. The lights were off, implying that Andie was out. Eve took her heels off by the shoe rack and hung her jacket on the coat rack. Then, she went to the living room with Nanzie following behind her. 

Eve went straight to the point. "Were you near the convenience store when I went there?"

"I only came after you exited its premises," Nanzie informed her. The former's schedule changed ever since Evangeline had gotten a doppelganger. Since they were supposedly living together, Nanzie was also forced to be with her to make it believable. 

"Did you see someone follow me?" Eve undid her cufflinks. 

"Yes, but she stopped right outside the door. Then, she left."

She crossed the room and peeked out the curtains. After the park and the office location, her resident street could be next. She almost wished it was true. It would be easier to corner the crazy lady undetected that way.

"Have you ever seen her before?" Eve asked next. 

"Not that I remember at the top of my head" Nanzie stepped forward, frown lines creasing above the bridge of her nose. "Do you want me to investigate?"

Eve took a deep breath and let the curtain go. She put her hands on her hips. Quiet as her mouth may be, her mind had the opposite effect. She recalled clues from the woman's appearance. 

"I presume she's from a wealthy family. Her clothes indicated that much," Eve thought out loud. Her wide eyes stared at the floor. "It wouldn't be too hard if they're socially active. Try to check which ones had family members that had come home from abroad over the past month. Extend the time frame if nothing of her description pops up."

The bodyguard hid a smile. Instead, she bowed her head. "I will do my best."

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else?" Nanzie inquired. 

"No need. Just contact me as soon as you find something."

"Duly noted."

Eve turned her head to the living room's archway. The front door creaked open. Keys rattled onto a ceramic bowl. Footsteps shuffled against the wooden floor. Nanzie followed her line of sight, also waiting for the newcomer to join them.

Andie emerged from the shadows. She jumped as soon as spotted two women staring at her. Her stormy blue eyes shifted from one person to another. Their stillness alerted her of the tension around the room. "Is this a meeting for a secret sorority or something?"

"Nanzie was just leaving." Eve smiled.

"Yes, that's correct." 

The bodyguard headed for the exit. "Good day, Ms. Andie and Ms. Eve."

"Take care, Nanzie." Andie waved goodbye. Whirling her head around, she pointed a thumb over her shoulder. "What's that all about?"

"Nothing." Eve quickly dismissed. Her attention shifted to the paper bag that her best friend was carrying. "What do you have there?"

Andie beamed. She dumped her purse on the couch and yanked out two glossy reading materials. "I have bridal magazines! Come, let's look at wedding gowns!"

"Already?" Eve chuckled. They moved to the couch, Andie handing over the second copy. She flipped through the pages. "You're not about to run off and elope, are you?"

"Hey! Wedding gowns need to be ordered in advance! The sooner, the better!"

Something sounded odd about that statement. It had Eve frowning at the ceiling. "But what if the wedding suddenly gets cancelled?" 

"That's crazy talk," her best friend remarked. "Now, help me find a dress that will make me feel like Cinderella at the ball."

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