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Chapter 235: A Dangerous Game

Chapter 235: A Dangerous Game

Eve regretted stuffing her face the next day. 

Not only did her stomach feel like it was about to burst but also she felt horrible altogether. The urge to vomit came strongly but all she could do was gag. Nothing would come out. 

Clutching her abdomen with both hands, she lied face down on her work desk. The day was almost over. She had survived. She would have skipped lunch but Ambryan had watched her closely. Apparently, forfeiting midday meal wasn't allowed when you also hadn't eaten breakfast.

The smell of ginger wafted in the air.

She turned her head sideways. Her cheek touched the cold desk. Faded smoke drifted from a cup of warm tea. The sight of it caused her to sit up straight. Ambryan stood before her table with an indifferent expression on his face.

"I don't want anyone thinking I have no sense of concern towards my employees," he defended. "And I think I'll be in a heap amount of trouble if I let you go home like this."

Eve reached for the cup and sniffed. "I'm guessing this is supposed to make me feel better?"


"Supposedly." She chuckled. When the hot beverage touched her tongue, it didn't burn. The temperature was just right. Warm tea flowed down her throat and into her stomach. It didn't take long for the cup to be fully drained.

"I'll clean it up. Thank you."

Standing up from her seat, Eve headed for the sink. Ambryan resisted to follow her. He scanned the area. In hindsight, no one should be dropping anytime soon. That thought tempted him for a second. He was in his own building. He called the shots.

Then, why couldn't he pamper his own secretary?

Eve came back to the room. She dusted off the damp spot on her chest. Her hand had turned the faucet all the way by accident. When the racing water hit the base of the cup, it splattered upwards and onto her clothing. It was a good thing working hours were almost over.

This way no one could see her in this state.

When she looked up, Ambryan had his back towards her. He held her desk by the edges and slumped over it. Maybe it was just her imagination but a brooding atmosphere hovered above him.

"Is it your turn to have ginger tea, Sir Hathaway?" She teased, walking back to her seat. The cup had been left to dry in the pantry room. Her fingers robotically went to the keyboard and checked on last minute work.

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"I'm fine," Ambryan convincedhimself more than her. Once he held himself together, he let her table go and straightened his back. "You think you can go home on your own?"

"Yes, I think I'm good. Thanks again." Eve felt chirper already. The pain still throbbed but a good mood overshadowed it easily. If only she had the tea earlier, then maybe she would have suffered less. 

"Do I want to know why your stomach is so upset?"

"Not really."

"Then, take care on your way." Ambryan nodded. 

"I will. Don't stay too late."

He left for his office while Eve arranged her things. The computer monitor displayed its shut down process. She gathered the documents and folders on her desk. Unfinished ones went to the drawer under the table. The others retired to their designated filing cabinets.

She checked her watch.

It was almost time for her next appointment.






Eve stepped inside Caf Locktart. 

Soft bells from the same wind chime on the front door greeted her. The owner had the garden murals repainted, making them vibrant and glossy. It seemed almost brand new. The checkered floor had been newly cleaned. The mismatched furniture stood at different heights like last time.

Nothing seemed to have changed.

But the ambiance had. At least, it did for Eve.

Her legs maneuvered around the place while her brown eyes searched for 'Her Fateful Encounter.' To use that phrase now seemed ironic. Because the last time she did this, in this caf, her fate had changed indeed. The question of what awaited her suddenly came to mind.

Would the wheel of fortune turn again?

Eve shook the thoughts out of her head. She needed to focus. The future would be what her choices would make. She circled around the corner of the long white counter. The path led her to a more secluded area of the caf. 

The hair on her arms rose up. 

The atmosphere changed once more.

Jane sat at the furthest table. She had her legs crossed under it while she sat. One hand held a cup to her lips while the other grasped its matching saucer. Her amber eyes closed as she took a long sip. Eve walked in her direction carefully. 

The occupants of the surrounding tables followed her with their gaze.

"Isn't black tea just delicious?" Jane said, her eyes still closed. She placed the cup onto its saucer. "It also smells nice. Earthy, floral and sweet."

'It's also Ambryan's favorite tea,' Eve fumed in her head. She stood by an empty chair, waiting to see if Jane would let her sit. She also doubted the people behind her would allow it. 

Her head turned sideways. They were discreet but she was definitely being watched.

Jane finally opened her eyes. An ecstatic smile across her face. "Don't be shy. Have a seat."

Eve did as she was told. Her belongings went to another chair nearby. She let it be exposed in the open. There wasn't anything to hide. To top it off, she shrugged off her jacket and hung it.

"You know, Eve. Your email is much like this tea. It had lifted my heart. Would you like some?"

"I'll pass," Eve muttered, regretting her decision not to buy coffee from the counter.

"Someone who cuts to the chase, huh?" Jane chuckled. She put the cup and saucer back on the table. "I like that. I may not look like it but I know a thing or two about attracting the opposite sex. If you listen to every word I say, I guarantee results. He will notice you."

"Notice," Eve repeated. She folded her arms over the table.

"That's right!"

"But not 'be attracted to you.'" 

It was a good play on words. A desperate person would have fallen for it easily if they didn't stop to think. "There's no need to play this game, Ms. Wilson. I know you're the one after my boss. I had seen it when you met us out on the street. You are deeply attracted to him."

Jane nearly dropped her jaw. The secretary had caught on the double meaning. It was wonderful. She'd never been happier. A smirk replaced her elated smile. "Smart as they say. And you told me not to believe it."

Eve frowned at this. "Because it's not true."

"If you say so."

"You've read the email," she said, getting back to the topic. This was a secret meeting. She couldn't stay for too long. "I'm here to do an exchange. If you help my friends, I help you outeven if I don't understand why it's me of all people."

The last part came out in a mutter. It was a shot in the dark. Eve hoped that Jane would bite. Maybe she could finally get some answers. Then, she could move on to creating a plan.

"It just came to me that Ambryan trusts you so much," Jane replied. She stared at her almost empty cup. "I've rarely seen and/or heard him like that."

"It's only with work..." Eve averted her gaze. 

This had to be the one time she wished for her face to blush.

Jane propped her elbow on the table. Then, she tilted her head sideways, resting her cheek on the palm of her hand. "Ah, but that didn't seem to be the case when I saw you both in the park."

Eve momentarily froze in her seat. It was true. Things had changed since the time he asked for her advice. It had come to the point where he got upset with her being closed off. 

She bit her tongue. 

Her mind raced to think of something fast.

"He has" Eve started to say, winging it as she went. "S-Sir Hathaway has gotten friendlier ever since Evangeline came to the picture. It would have been nice but his attention is on another woman. It clearly doesn't mean anything."

Her eyes shifted from the side to downcasted. She forced her shoulders to slump slowly. Her teeth gritted together, she gulped. Acting wasn't her forte but the feeling of dejection was familiar to her. 

She used it to her advantage.

Jane squinted her gaze. The serious woman from earlier was gone. It was almost hard to believe if she hadn't been in the bathroom that day. These two sides were also present at the time. They represented what she wanted in an ally: strong but helpless.

And the chips were falling into place. 

Only the deal was left to be struck.

"Well, you can't be too sure. You've worked together for five years. You're up for a promotion. That sort of trust doesn't come easily." When Eve looked up, Jane offered a comforting expression and leaned over to touch her hand. "And it happens to be what I need. Once you've done your part, I'll help out your friends."

Eve remained silent. She bid her time and let Jane believe that she had the upper hand.

Once her mind cleared up, she said, "Let's hear it."

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