Date The

Chapter 269: Demands of a Mother-in-Law

Chapter 269: Demands of a Mother-in-Law

Mikael stepped back, his hands raised in surrender.

His wide radiant blue eyes failed to blink. His lungs ceased breathing. Even his muscles went stiff. If someone would ask him what being a mannequin must feel like, he'd describe it in this same manner. 

Moving for him was akin to being a literal dollunfeeling and artificial.

If Mikael turned mannequin, Ambryan became a statue.

Nothing that his mind could control moved. His violet eyes blanked out. They registered nothing within his line of sight. All his senses shut down. If it wasn't for his heartbeat, he would have thoroughly believed he wasn't human anymore.

"We'll never speak about this," Ambryan breathed out.

Mikael didn't need to be told twice. "Agreed."

The latter fled the scene before they could gain more witnesses or accidents. Eve busied herself with trying to hold in her laughter. One burst of it and everyone in the premise would look in her direction. Her stomach cramped from her actions. She hugged it as her body bent forward.

That had to be the highlight of her day.

Not even Jane knocking the bottle could compare.

Ambryan scowled once he regained his senses. "You found it funny, huh?"

"Well, it was." Eve managed to say in between breaths. She wiped off imaginary tears and strode to his side. "Say if I kiss you now, does that count as an indirect kiss with Mikael?"

Nothing in that statement sounded funny to Ambryan. He glowered and turned on his heel, gripping her upper arm. "You can laugh in the car but after that, I don't want to hear another word about what you just saw. Understand?"

"Oh, yes. Completely." Eve snorted. She let him drag her towards the exit while humming a little tune. Her head bobbed side to side. "Mikael and Ambee sitting on a tree~"

"Evan..." he warned under his breath.

"Then, they had an accident 'cause the branch broke!"

"EVAN." She heard near her ear. The growl reminded her of an anguished animal. It shouldn't be funny but it still gave her enough serotonin for a laugh to escape her lips.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com






The couple chose a nearby restaurant for their lunch meal. Ambryan had the idea to visit Stitz Bistro but Eve protested that they'd waste more time on the drive than to eat. If they overstayed for even just a few minutes, she could be late for the next part of the shoot.

One side of the wall showcased a lovely view of the mountain fields. Eve asked if there was a table available beside it and convinced Ambryan that they didn't need a private room. The sound of pots and pans from the kitchen reached her ears faintly.

Not only that but the savory smell of delicious also made its way to her nose.

"Stop laughing," Ambryan said as they looked at their menu.

Across from him, Eve looked up. "WhaI'm not laughing."

"Sure, sure."

She pressed her lips together and shut her eyes. The scene merely played for a second in her head. Now, it repeated again and again continuously. It was out of her control at this point. If only she had a physical copy of it like a photo or a video.

"Are you ready to order?" A waitress asked. 

She took out her pen and notepad, ready to jot down their chosen dishes.

"We'll have the seafood platter," Ambryan ordered for both of them. "I'd like a cup of black tea and the missus will have lemon water. On second thought, change it to a pitcher-full along with a bit of honey."

"Right away, sir."

Eve kicked his leg under the table as soon as the waitress left. "Missus?"

"A little payback for laughing at my misery."

She rolled her eyes. How did it count as revenge she didn't know. 

Ambryan felt his phone vibrate. Frown lines creased between his eyebrows once he saw the email that just came in. "Give me a few seconds, Evan. I need to respond to this."

"No problem." Eve distracted herself by admiring the venue. The modernism design gave her a sense of comfort. It wasn't the Stitz Bistro but it was close enough. Recalling that small restaurant brought a smile to her face.

Oh, how time flew by.

"Yan! Evangeline!"

The couple followed its source.

Brisk walking from the entrance was none other than Avery Hathaway.

The madam wore the biggest smile. Her violet eyes could hardly be seen with how much they crinkled at the corners. The expression's natural glow added to her youthful appearance. Her long-sleeved sweater dress flared around her legs. She matched it with a brown belt to emphasize her waistline.

Ambryan resisted the urge to sigh. "Mother."

"Aunt Avery!" Eve greeted back. She leaped to her feet and met the madam halfway. Her arms immediately wrapped around the latter's shoulders. "When was the last time we saw each other? I literally can't remember right now."

"I haven't seen you both in so long!" Avery gushed, returning the hug with the same amount of enthusiasm. "It honestly feels like forever! I'm so sorry you had to go through that!"

The two women sat down on the same table. Eve slid in and sat by the window. Her decision allowed the mother-son duo to sit directly in front of each other. "You can blame Yan for taking so long to leak the footage of you in that grocery store. "

Ambryan put his phone away and laced his fingers together over the table. His indifferent expression was back on his face. "The build up was important, mother."

"He had this crazy idea that it should debunk as much as it can," the madam explained, angling her body towards Eve. "He had the source reveal details that gave credibility to the photos. He believed it would be the best way to take down all the possible responses from the attacker."

Eve gave them a tight smile. It surprised her how relaxed she felt after receiving their help once again. Did things change that fast? "Well, I'm thankful either way. If there's any way I can repay you, just say so."

"I want grandkids but you already knew that."

"Aunt Avery!"

"All in due time, mother."


Avery pointed her finger at her son. She wiggled her eyebrows, the corners of her lips tugging upwards as far as they could. "The fact that you indirectly agreed is already good enough for me to celebrate. I am sure you'll make it happen."

The waitress returned to serve their drinks. Ambryan cleansed his palette first with the lemon water before taking a sip of tea. "The request to ask is how many do you want, mother."

'Kids with Ambryan?' Eve reddened at the mere thought of it. But, in the back of her head, something about it felt like a deja vu. Had she had she entertained this idea before? She couldn't quite put her finger on it. 

Still, it had her blushing as red as a tomato.

"Four," the madam stated, breaking Eve out of her reverie. "Two twins."

"Twins?!" Eve exclaimed too loudly. The soft chatter around them died. She waved her hand and bowed her head in apology. Shifting her attention back to their own table, she hid her face behind a hand. 

"You get to take care of one, I get to take care of one." Avery elaborated. "I've waited for a long time to have grandkids. Of course, you wouldn't want me monopolizing the baby so the best solution is to have two at the same time. Everybody wins!"

Eve wiped her hand down her face. She shivered at the mere idea of how labor would feel like when bearing twins. Her voice came out almost as exhausted as a woman who just gave birth. "I'm pretty sure that is not how it works."

Avery pouted, leaning and hitting the back of the bench. "Fine. Just make sure one of them is a girl whether inside or/and outside."

"Again, that is not how it works. You don't get to decide their gender beforehand."

The madam wagged a finger at her. If her nose could elongate to a pointy tip, Eve would see it happen during this moment in time. "There's actually a calendar that states what the sex of the baby would be when conceived on a certain date."

"I" Eve choked. Her hazel eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when she peeked over at Ambryan. This was partly his fault. Why should she be the one to suffer? 

"Ambee," she hissed under her breath. "A little help here."

Ambryan sipped from his cup of tea and averted his eyes. He didn't need to speak words. That alone communicated his response. Eve narrowed her gaze. Was this another payback? It's not like she forced him and Mikael toto


"Now what shall we be having for lunch?" Avery asked, changing the topic. One grumble from her stomach and her mind listened to its needs. A melodic ringtone interrupted her. "Ah, please excuse me."

She stepped out of a side door that led to a porch. Fresh mountain air filled her lungs. It managed to keep the atmosphere clean despite the lack of greenery. Breathing in lungs full of it, she glanced at her phone screen once before answering the call. 


Baby birds chirped from their nest. Their mother had just come back with something to eat. The squirrel that lived in the same tree hunted for more nuts before winter rolled in. Their day progressed peacefullyjust like how they expected it to be.

On the other hand

"I see," Avery muttered. She scratched the side of her head. "She's that upset?"

The other person on the line responded in a straightforward manner. Her scowl deepened as their conversation continued. She glanced over her shoulder, spotting the couple at their table. Their mouths moved rapidly but their eyes stayed gentle towards one another. Her heart squeezed at the sight.

A sigh escaped her lips as she turned her head back around. "Well, what else is there to do other than giving her what she wants? It's how she copes."

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