Date The

Chapter 273: Diffusing the Threat

Chapter 273: Diffusing the Threat

Eve lowered her head until she and the phone were on eye-level. Static mixed in with the sounds as it blasted out of the speakers. She squinted her eyes in order to see better against the glaring sky reflected on the screen.

The newscaster stood in front of imposing tall gates. Behind her, other reporters flocked the area while police and investigators walked out. Cameras flashed continuously and voices became louder as question after question were addressed to the owner of the mansion.

"Politician Stuart Wilson had been placed under arrest after decisive evidence tipped forensics about his money laundering," the newscaster said, staring straight into the camera. "Mr. Wilson denies such claims but he's being detained and taken in for questioning. The evidence includes several fraudulent bank accounts opened overseas under his deceased wife's maiden name"

Looking up, Eve met Elias's chocolate eyes. "Ambryan was the tip?"

He nodded in confirmation. She could hardly believe it. Both family members were arrested. Even if they made bail, their reputation and image had taken a blow. She could already imagine how long the court hearing would be just for Stuart to prove their innocence. 

That was if their wealth hadn't been confiscated.

"And you knew about this how?" Eve asked. She blocked out the newscaster from her hearing and focused on Elias. His presence hadn't sunk in just yet. Based on previous encounters, she figured Ambryan wouldn't be willing to work with him. 

She also wanted to know how he found out about her real identity.

Elias tucked his phone away and folded his arms behind him, bouncing on his feet. "Well, anything he investigated also reached his mother. Technically speaking, I only spoke to Ambryan once since the photoshoot."

Eve scowled at the ground. "Right. You're working with Avery."

"As part of a deal," he replied. The truth was he told about Jane to the madam first. She refused to believe ituntil Eve called about a woman who approached her. "I'm not truly off the hook yet for what happened before. But I also won't mind helping out if you and the others need a hand. Hopefully, things would work out for the better in the future."

His lips curled into a simple smile. It elevated his natural boyish charm. 

"Well as shitty as this whole thing was, I do thank you for your contribution." Eve scratched the spot behind her ear. To think even Elias was a part of this mess. "It feels like everyone doing something but me."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The words had flown out of her mouth before she could process them. It was true but Elias wasn't in the list of people she trusted. She didn't want him near her vulnerable thoughts. Speaking of vulnerability, she scanned the empty street. 

Was it really okay for her to be alone with him?

Elias chuckled. That should only mean that she was deeply loved. It had zero relevance to her false incompetency. He truly believed that she would have managed to escape if they had been late. It was in her nature to get out of sticky situations.

"That's because you're the target," he said, lifting a hand to pat her upper arm twice. "I heard you almost died trying to put out a fire. It was a terrible choice but you managed to save lives when the alarm was broken. So don't downplay yourself."

Hazel eyes glanced in his direction warily. "Thanks, I guess."

Before Eve could say anything else, cars emerged from the end of the street. She gulped at the familiar vehicles. Her hands shot up to her head and combed her hair. She brushed off any wrinkles that would look suspicious. Then, she checked for wounds.

Blood had dried on her leg where a cut manifested from when she fell on the ground.

"Eek~!" She hissed under her breath. The scratch felt tender to the touch. The reddish pink tint stood out against her fair skin. It looked like a long bad rash but Ambryan knew better than that. There was no avoiding it. 

She was doomed. 

The driver's side of the most expensive care opened and out came Ambryan. He left the door open and ran straight for Eve. His gelled hair ruffled against the wind, causing it to disrupt and to point all hair tips in one direction. 

Pure worry filled his violet eyes.

If the circumstances had been a little different, Eve might have been ecstatic to see him act this way. But, unfortunately, she was stuck with the way things were. 

"Oh, boy" Eve muttered.

Elias backed away, pointing a thumb over his shoulder and saying, "Not to be rude or anything but I'd rather avoid him right now. See ya, Eve. Good luck!"

She whirled her head to scold him but he had vanished around a corner. She huffed and stomped her foot on the pavement. Turning back around, her hands raised in surrender as she began to speak, "Ambryan, I'm fine"

Strong arms wrapped around her body. Warmth instantly enveloped her. All she could see was the sky over Ambryan's shoulder. His cologne hit her nose like hot chocolate for a quiet afternoon in the living roomthe smell of home.

The sensation had been so sudden, she almost cried.


"I can't believe mother let this happen," he hissed in her ear, gradually baring his teeth. "What if something went wrong? They didn't need you in order to prove that Jane has been conspiring against you. People have also been injured because Nanzie was trying to protect you"

"Nanzie!" Eve exclaimed and pushed him away. Her wide eyes stared up at his anxious expression. The sound of gunshots echoed in her head from memory. "I can't believe I almost forgot! Is she okay? Last time I saw her, they held her down on the ground. I couldn't even do anything to help! It was awful!"

Ambryan exhaled sharply through his nose. He caressed her head and provided her the words she needed to hear. Inside, he felt a little relieved that she acted normally. "Nanzie is fine. Your entire security team is fine." 

Then, a frown creased his forehead. "Although, I think they should be replaced."

"Don't!" Eve protested. She shook her hands in front of him along with her head. Her security team was as fantastic as it could get. She finally got to know them all and talked to them. There was no replacing that sort of bond.

"You should know that not everything can be prevented. They had done their best," she tried to coax him. It was a weak attempt but she'd keep refusing his idea.

"It's still their job to protect you. This is a far cry from what they should be doing."

"No one was harmed. It's all okay now."

"Is it really? You don't have to act tough with me."

"I-I'm fine. Psh. Wish I punched someone though. But, other than that, I'm okay."

Ambryan ignored her words and pulled her into a hug. Even if things had been in favor in the end, the experience couldn't be compared to a walk in a park. He had seen the clip of when they dragged her into the van. The video was muted but he could hear her screams. 

His heart wrenched at the time. 

Every fiber in his being only wanted one thingto find and comfort her.

"Sssh," he whispered. "It's okay, Eve. It's okay. They're gone. No one will come after you anymore. More than exposing the Wilson Family, this is a warning to anyone who dares to cause you harm. I won't be as lenient next time."

And that undid any defense mechanism Eve had up.

She broke like dam, pouring out a river of emotions and thoughts. Things could have been worse. They could have been far worse. She didn't how to express her gratitude that things hadn't gone that way. Someone had to love her from above for her to be rescued before the situation escalated.

What if it wasn't Jane who attempted it? What if no one was there to help her? What if she wouldn't have been able to escape? What if she had been drugged and things

Eve clutched onto Ambryan's back like her life depended on it. 

She buried her face into his shoulder. Her body began to tremble. The same showed in her voice. "I was so scared. I didn't know what would happen to me. I couldn't even defend myself. They were much stronger and more skilled. I hate it. I hate being this vulnerable!"

"Sshh," Ambryan coaxed in her ear. His hand moved to the back of her head while the other tightened its grip on her waist. "Don't blame yourself, Eve. This is all my fault. You wouldn't have gone through this if you weren't an important person to me."

"What? No," Eve protested, sniffing like a frog's croak. Her worries fled from her mind. "That's your choice as much as it's mine. It wouldn't have mattered if I didn't agree to this relationship."

"Oh, it would matter because you're the one thing that could break me."

"You're exaggerating."

"And you're stubborn."

"Please! It's clearly my"

"Are you done fighting, children?" Avery asked, announcing her presence. She stood behind Ambryan with her arms crossed over her chest. The couple released each other from their hold and faced her. "If it's anyone's fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have come up with a better plan. I shouldn't have been easy with Jane. I should have known to do what was right from the beginning."

Eve stepped forward, a rebuttal at the tip of her tongue. "But Aunt Aver"

"While it's true that this could have gone better and I do hold you against that," Ambryan cut in. His arm shot out to block Eve's path. Her alarmed face snapped towards him, spotting his indifference. "At least, we can all collectively agree that the threat is gone now. We shouldn't lament over what could have been done for too long."

The madam pressed her lips together and bowed her head. She didn't want to admit it.

But this incident brought flashbacks.

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