Dawning Skye

Chapter 104

104 Royal Expectations

The people screamed so loudly that Skye lost her ability to think clearly. Never had she experienced such overwhelming noise. The only thing that came close was a sword fighting competition she’d seen in Sai with Mei. Tidas held his head high, smiling and waving like he’d been doing most of his life. Being the daughter of Lord Moonstone had gotten her used to a certain degree of fame, but nothing like this. Skye wasn’t used to it at all, and she felt an odd kind of panic bubbling up within her..

“Princess! Princess Skye! Ye saved me grandson at Dragonhorn! Thank ye! Bless ye!” a random old woman yelled to her.

“Ye saved me brother as well! May the Gods bless ye Princess!” a middle-aged man called out.

“Thank you Princess! Ye saved me eldest son!” another woman screamed out.

Hearing her name gave Skye something to focus on. She quickly began to scan the crowds; smiling and nodding at those who’d called out her name. The roadway was clear, but she had felt surrounded and claustrophobic. Hearing her name and attempting to focus on it, was her way of dividing and conquering the blare of the crowd. It was much like focusing on the next bend in the river, instead of the entire journey down stream.

Tidas had noticed the effect that the crowd had on his wife, but she’d seemed to have found her calm again. The palace was only a few blocks away now, and he knew Skye needed a small break before they went to greet his father and the court. He reached over from his horse to grab his wife’s hand, and yelled over the crowd; “We’ll be there soon my love!”


Off in one of the darkened corners of a building; a cloaked woman watched the royal couple trot down the street with a disgruntled expression. She looked longingly at Tidas, then shot Skye a venomous look when he’d grabbed her hand and smiled a smile he’d never shown her.

Angela Bibalow watched as the man she’d obsessed over the past few years stare adoringly at his new wife. She hated Skye more than anything else on the planet. She’d been slightly confused at the color of her hair; Tidas had always gushed about his fiancée being a redhead. It didn’t really matter to her either way. Red, blonde, or a brunette like her; Prince Tidas belonged to her. And she planned on making that point plain to the commoner bitch who stole her man...



As they came up to the inner gates of the palace, three familiar faces approached them. Zas, Ronnie, and Klaus came sauntering across the courtyard. They greeted the newlyweds with deep bows before Skye unceremoniously jumped on Zas for a hug. He hugged her back while chuckling, then said; “Another hugger! I like you more and more, every time I see you princess!”

“Always happy to hug someone who reminds me of a giant teddybear!” Skye replied as she squeezed him.

Zas burst out in laughter at the princess’ comment. It was the first time anyone had compared him to a plushy, and was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to him. Skye wasn’t a snarky person, and meant it with love. But it hadn’t stopped the two cadets from freezing in their tracks, so as not to accidentally laugh.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Seeing their tense expressions, Skye asked if the two were ok. After a moment to collect themselves, Ronnie replied; “Just admiring yer fearlessness..”

“Oh, but Zas is just like a teddybear; once you get to know him,” Tidas replied as he walked over after giving instructions to the palace servants.

Zas grinned at him as Skye hugged Ronnie. Klaus had stuck his hand out for the princess to shake instead of accepting the hug. He still felt unworthy of such familiarity from her, and Tidas had been happy he’d turned it down. He still took issue with Klaus, but he was starting to see the man had a solid honor code, now.

“Did ye two decide to train, or enter the trials?” Skye asked as she finished her handshake.

The two young men shared a look before replying simultaneously; “Train..”

Zas chuckled boisterously, then stated; “Smart lads.. No reason to rush to your deaths, is there? Now that you two have pledged yourselves to the princess’ service.”

Skye laughed nervously before reluctantly saying; “Aye.. they did, didn’t they?”

The group’s chatter and laughter filled the inner courtyard. Servants and guards alike were happy that the young prince was home. While the castle wasn’t a bad or boring place to work, it wasn’t exactly the fairest, or safest of working environments. Prince Tidas always made sure that everyone was treated with respect. And protected the servants from the nobles as best he could; especially the women.

He understood how unfair, and even cruel, some of the nobles could be in their various pursuits. There’d been several occasions where Tidas had to personally step in to guarantee the safety and security of the servants, and their families. It was quite common for a noble to threaten a female’s family to get his way, but the prince always held up to his title of Hero in such instances.

After spending about ten minutes or so in idle chatter; the group was called to the king’s audience chamber. As they ascended the stairs, Skye noticed that two of Tidas’ guards were walking behind them, carrying a massive trunk. It was where Maevis and Nicolas were stashed until they made it to the king.

She hoped that they were comfortable as the group approached a large staircase that split into two near the top.

A large painting of Tidas’ Great grandfather Edmond as a young lad, hung on the wall that protruded out to divide the stairs. Skye stopped in her tracks upon seeing what looked like two dolls sitting on either side of the child.

One was dressed as a beautiful, silver-haired woman. The other looked like a mini Santa Claws, but thinner. Staring at it, Skye half gasped, then laughed at the realization. The dolls weren’t dolls at all, but Maevis and Nicolas!

Tidas was confused at Skye’s outburst until he looked at the painting as well. He was shocked to realize that the dolls were actually the old fairies. Maevis had mentioned in the woods at Warrick Forest that he reminded her of his ‘ancestor’. Looking at the picture now; the only thing that had changed about the two Fae was Nic’s gut size.

Skye and Tidas clasped hands, glanced at the trunk again, then continued up the stairs where the others were waiting for them. The stairs, floors, and ceilings were all made of a similar marble to what Lucas’ castle was made from. The only difference was that it had a yellowish tint to it, and was far shinier from countless polishes.

The walls changed room to room, hall to hall. Some were a deep blue color with white and light blue flower patterns as boarders. Some were a deep red with white dragon heads for the boarders.

The throne room, or the audience room as Magnus liked to call it; had dark purple walls with intricate golden patterns for the boarder. Skylights dotted the ceiling, allowing a good amount of light into the room. A massive crystal chandelier hung where the corners of the skylights met, casting tiny rainbows all over the room when the light hit it just right.

“Announcing! Prince Tidas MacArthur, and his wife Lady Skye Moonstone!” the Herald called out.

The people that were gathered in the room all stopped and turned to look at the new Royal couple. Tidas wore a black suit with a green vest, and a white undershirt. The vest matched Skye’s dress nearly perfectly in color. They walked in time with each other, with their heads held high as they headed straight towards the king.

Whispering and murmurs could be heard throughout the room. The normal praises for the prince could be heard, but Tidas did Not like the amorous compliments his wife was getting. The lords openly gawked at her, stoking his ire. He maintained a pleasant outward expression, but on the inside he was raging.

Skye felt her husband’s hand tense, and she knew why. Those far enough away from the king were openly eyeing her in a way she found disgusting. But it wasn’t the first time Skye had dealt with unwanted attention, and knew what to do to mostly shut them up.

Pausing a moment, Skye leaned up and kissed her husband’s cheek while practically wrapping her upper body around the arm he’d offered to hold her hand with. She beamed at him before saying loud enough for those listening to hear; “I love you, husband.”

The comments drastically disappeared as the princess let her feelings be known. Some were still stupid enough to see it as a challenge, but the point had been made.

Skye was very happy with her husband, and wouldn’t feel bad about putting someone on their ass for making a pass at her.

The prince returned her smile with the same enthusiasm, then replied as they continued walking; “I love you as well, wife..”

“Fire that Herald! It’s Princess Skye, not Lady! Her new rank is a sign of my love for my new daughter. NONE of you best forget it!” the king bellowed out from his throne.

As the newlyweds came to stand before their king, Tidas bowed deeply to his father with a smile, and Skye curtsied. Lifting her head, a radiant smile broke across her face as she said; ” It is a pleasure to see you, my king. Thank you for your kindness.”

The king grinned ear to ear before he said;

“From what I hear, you’ve more than earned it, my dear.. I heard about your heroics in Dragonhorn. Not many would heal as many as you did without some kind of a fee.”

“Well, General Zas did feed me the best stew I’ve ever eaten. So I’d say we’re even,” Skye jested.

Chuckling, Magnus slightly chided his daughter in law; “We’ll find some way to pay you back, lass. No one heals over a hundred people for free, but you did. Zas told me about the other incident as well.. I believe I have a debt to square away with you, dear Skye.”

“Tis no debt to me, your Majesty. I am the wife of Tidas MacArthur, Third Prince of Alcon and Hero of the People. Tis my place to help those in need,” Skye’s replied perfectly.

Magnus laughed at his intelligent daughter-in-law’s response. He loved Skye almost as much as he would’ve a true daughter. Having only sons, he occasionally wondered what it would’ve been like to have a daughter. Often imagining them to have been like Skye, especially if Sorcha would’ve lived..

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