Dawning Skye

Chapter 119

119 Stowaway

“I loved that sandwich! I think I’ll have one for breakfast every morning!” Magnus had gotten up, and smacked Olsen’s shoulder as he’d spoke.

The King of Alcon had gotten up from the table to specifically grab a plate piled high with ham that a servant was carrying. He called for everything Skye and Tidas had used, and made several sandwiches himself. His loyal attendant was shocked to see Magnus doing such a menial task himself. It was commonplace for Olsen to have to handle such things.

The old servant smiled to himself as he watched his king enjoying the reward before he’d spoken; “Your Majesty, everything is ready for your departure upon command. Would you like me to grab a basket? So you may take the sandwiches along to the trials?”

Magnus thought a moment before he declined; “No, I wish to sit and eat in peace. Not be jostled about while Attempting to eat. We’ll leave when I’m good and ready!”

“Now I see where the hangry attitude comes from,” Skye giggled as her eyes darted between father and son.

The princess noticed that the two not only held the sandwiches the same way, but even put their elbows on the table at the same angles. They mirrored each other; Tidas being left handed, Magnus being right. It was adorable to her, to see the trait passed from father to son. She chuckled at her husband as he asked what was so funny, and only stated; “Just noticing the little things; pay me no mind..”

Once breakfast was finished, Skye and Tidas headed off to track down Marie. She’d wanted to ride with the two in their carriage. Tidas guessed at where she was, and hadn’t been shocked to find her in her room. What did shock him, however; was seeing Maevis and Nicolas with her.

“I thought you two were supposed to keep out of sight until my father made his announcements?”

The two Fae smiled nervously as Marie leaned forward, and glared at her nephew; “If you’re going to blame anyone, blame your father; he’s the one that made the introductions.”


“Of course he did..”

Skye lightly smacked Tidas’ shoulder; “Now don’t be rude, husband. Tis the king’s place to seek out the opinions of his advisers.”

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“No, he just knew I’d enjoy meeting them..”

Skye tossed her arms up in a shrugging motion before she said; “Well, I tried. How are you two?”

As the three began to talk amongst themselves; Tidas and Marie stepped off to the side. They spoke a few moments on her impressions of the Fae. She adored them, and was in the middle of one of Nicolas’ Santa stories when the newlyweds had entered. He asked if she still wished to go to the trials, and she’d surprisingly declined.

“I’ve seen plenty of trials; including the best one. I’ve never met fairies before! Oh, Tidas!” Marie squealed like a teenager; “I can’t believe I got to meet them!”

“I figured you’d react like that. You and Skye have always loved anything having to do with fairies. I remember Skye dragging me all over Warrick Forest looking for them.. And here we are now..”

Tidas watched his wife with a gentle smile on his face. Memories of her red hair bouncing as she ran, dragging him along behind her. He could nearly hear her childhood voice laughing in between telling him to pick up his pace, or she’d leave him behind. Not that she ever did.

Marie grinned at the level of smitten her nephew was at, concerning his wife. Tidas had loved Skye for many years already. The two had hardly changed in disposition over the years, and complimented each other in both looks and temperament. They had similar qualities; but Tidas tended to be serious in most matters. Skye always took a less pragmatic approach. Whenever the two were together; no one could match them. At least that’s how Marie felt.

“If you miss your wife from ten feet away, the gods help you when you finally verify where Richard went..”

Tidas snapped out of his head to look at his aunt; “You haven’t said his name in years..”

Marie shrugged; “It wasn’t on purpose. Just didn’t have a reason to.”

“Did my father tell you?”

“Of the northern sighting? I know.. I also know Tis fake,” Marie walked over to her sitting table and grabbed her tea as she’d spoken.

“And how do you know that?”

“Because it’s in the opposite direction of anything he’s familiar with. My husband was a spoiled, greedy man that valued a shiny hat over his brother’s life: his Family’s life..”

Marie paused to sip her tea and calm herself; “He deserves to be punished; I’m just sorry that the burden fell upon you to carry it out, my boyo.”

“Don’t be.. With how dangerous he is; I wouldn’t want anyone else to have to deal with him. It’s my responsibility..”

“But it doesn’t have to be-” Marie tried to continue, but Tidas cut her off.

“Yes it does. I’m the only one who can beat him, Auntie. Even if Zas and Shasta teamed up, they couldn’t beat him, not with him having the Spear,” Tidas paused to steal a drink of his aunt’s tea; “It’s going to take all three of us to stop him. And even then, we might not be enough.. We’re still not sure what the Ethereal Spear is even capable of..”

With a grief stricken expression, all Marie replied was; “Aye..”

Tidas squeezed her hand out of comfort, right as Ralph came to fetch the couple. He greeted them courteously, then explained that the king was departing shortly. As they spoke, Tidas noticed that Skye and Maevis seemed to be in a heated debate over something. He wanted to use his trait to heighten his hearing, but thought it violated his wife’s privacy.

While he didn’t care about eavesdropping on others, Tidas felt like it was wrong to listen in on Skye’s conversations. He knew he’d do it eventually; depending on the person that she was speaking with. But the prince felt alright about Maevis and Nicolas.

Maevis had a strained, almost pleading expression as she talked with Skye. Nicolas was rubbing his brows out of exasperation, his features pensive like he was mulling over something important. The prince’s curiosity nearly got the better of him, but Ralph began to ask about his trip north; immediately taking Tidas’ attention.

“There’s some things that are buggin me about this lead, sir.. It’s in the opposite direction of any other lead we’ve ever gotten. And also.. Forgive me sir, but how did your brother hear about it before we did, when he was in Meccano? Wouldn’t the information pass through here to get to him? Why would he allow them to waste time, trekking the information to him, just for it to Have To come back?”

Marie placed her hand on his shoulder and patted it gently; “Oh, Ralphy, you never change..”

Ralph quirked an eyebrow at Marie with a confused look; “Ah, thank you?”

“That’s because it’s a goose chase.. He wanted me gone for some reason,” Tidas gritted his teeth as he looked over at his wife; “Or another..”

The inference was lost on Ralph, but Marie had picked up on it. She’d seen Marco watching Skye as they grew, but didn’t think anything of it at the time. He was different back then. She still loved her nephew, but had always gotten an odd feeling after speaking with him. A foggy feeling usually accompanied their conversations; like she couldn’t quite recall everything they’d spoken on. It was a creepy feeling, but never threatening in any way. Just.. Unsettling.

Marie crossed her arms as if warding off a chill; “Why do you think that, Tidas?”

“Think what?” Ralph asked.

“Because she’s something he wants, and Marco always finds a way to get what he wants..”

“Who wants whom?” Ralph inquired.

“But she’d never do anything to hurt you,” Marie replied in a soft voice.

Tidas looked at his aunt with sincerity; “I know, but I don’t know what she would do if he threatened me, and circumstances were in his favor.”

“FINE! I’ll just go check the carriage then.. Better then being the invisible man,” Ralph huffed as he went to storm away.

“Sorry Ralph; we’re speaking about my brother and Skye,” Tidas replied as he rubbed his forehead.

“What?! Ima here! Ima ready!” Skye yelped from across the room.

The three looked at her curiously as the princess fidgeted in her spot. They looked to Nicolas, but he just shook his head. Nicolas looked extremely irritated about something, but they didn’t have time to ask. The king had probably already left, and the trials couldn’t begin until Tidas completed the demonstration.

Tidas, Skye, and Ralph bid their goodbyes, then left the room. Marie called for her servant and asked for some tea. When she turned to ask Maevis and Nicolas if they would like some more, she was surprised to only see Nicolas. He was sitting alone on the dollhouse couch that Marie had her servant fetch for the Fae. When she asked where Maevis had gone, he hesitated before saying he wasn’t sure.

Marie stared at him a moment as he nervously sipped at the remainder of his tea. She walked towards him with her arms crossed over her chest, and a stern expression on her oval face. Nicolas twitched and shifted in his seat as she approached; asking him again, where Maevis was. When she stood directly before him with a slight scowl; Nicolas caved.

“I can’t say no to such a pretty lass.. She went to the Mage Trials with Skye and Tidas..”

“WHAT?!” Marie literally screamed.

“I tried to stop her, but she badgered Skye into letting her go. She hasn’t seen a trial since Tiberius was alive.”

Marie wanted to be mad, but found the situation too funny, quite frankly. Fairies were mischievous in nature, so Maevis’ actions weren’t all that surprising. But one thing bothered her greatly.

“Where, I mean.. How is she supposed to hide herself? Where?”

Nicolas chuckled before replying; “Doesn’t Skye have such pretty hair?”

It took Marie about four seconds of thought before she burst out in laughter, trying to say; “You mean she’s using Skye’s hair like a gilly suit?”

Nicolas chuckled at the mental image before getting serious and replying; “I hope Skye brought a cloak, or Maevis will most definitely be seen.. I have a bad feeling about this..”

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