Dawning Skye

Chapter 127

127 Final Announcements

Tidas took a step between his wife and his brother. He was far too close to his wife’s face for his comfort; or Skye’s, for that matter. She didn’t want to flinch away when he came close. The princess got the distinct feeling that he wanted her to be rattled by him, so she refused to give in. She felt like he wanted to reach out to her, but thankfully her husband had intervened. Marco made her skin crawl, and caused warning sirens to blare in her head. Every instinct in her screamed one thing at her: Marco was a threat.

Right as Tidas got between them, he felt his brother’s magic tick up. He had Skye move back a bit, just in case his question caused a bad reaction. The prince looked his oldest brother in the eyes, and asked flat out; “Why do I sense magic from you, Marco?”

Leaning back to avoid his little brother’s shoulder, Marco replied; “Because I have an amulet that was infused with it.”

Tidas eyed his brother scrupulously. Magic items could be made, but it usually took years, and required the involvement of the person it was for. Marco barely left the capital, and there weren’t any mages in Alcon that used his magic type. With that thought, Tidas now understood the real reason he’d gone to Meccano.

“What item? Why didn’t you tell me?” Magnus frowned at his oldest in feigned disappointment.

“I was, but..” Marco motioned to the rubble and blood.

“Ah, yes... We see your point. Anyways, Skye? What exactly did the man say to you?” Lawrence asked, not wanting an argument to start between his brothers.

If Tidas’ gaze could, he would’ve burned a hole through his brother before turning away. Skye couldn’t see it, but she felt his hostility. She also agreed with Lawrence; this was not the place for their squabbling. The people could interpret it wrong, or blatantly start false rumors.

Skye recounted the story almost completely, prompting Magnus to ask; “He said he had business with ‘the kings’ correct? Not a name or number?”


“No, he just said ‘the kings’. Which meant the two of ye, or so I assumed. You were the only royals here.. And where are all the guards? I thought a whole group of them followed ye about?” Skye looked to the king as she finished speaking.

Magnus cleared his throat and turned to the general; “I’d like to know that as well. Find out for us please, Zas.”

“Right away, your Majesty. Shasta,” Zas turned towards the VC; “Let’s go.”

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Shasta seemed to hesitate a moment, but then followed after him. She hated it when Zas gave her orders. Technically her rank was higher than his, but until the king announces Tidas’ so-called ‘new position’; she had to act like he was the RMC Commander. After he did, she planned on making him run one thousand laps around the palace.

After they left; Skye, Tidas, Marco, Magnus, and Lawrence discussed the details of the attack. Tidas found it completely suspicious that Marco was not on the balcony when the attack had happened. As much as he wished it not to be true; his oldest brother had a lot to gain by the death of his father and other brother. He would assume the role of king of Alcon, and take control of the prince and princess of Ruscovic.

Tidas didn’t want to believe it, but he also wouldn’t put it past him. But one thing about the entire encounter confused the prince: Why was he wearing clothes from Sai?

It had been about ten minutes before the crowds began to scream for answers. The king informed the group that they would discuss the rest at a private dinner, the following night. Magnus had no wish to rile his subjects further, and after a quick glance at Skye; he knew what to do. Walking back over to the dust-covered podium, the king flicked the switch, and addressed his kingdom.

“I apologize for the delay in news. An attempt was made on the lives of myself and my sons’ minutes ago. Not only were we saved, but the assassin was dealt with in a fitting manner. The hero that saved our lives has recently made a name for herself. She not only found the source of a mysterious sickness in Dragonhorn, but she also healed those affected.”

“The same woman also tamed a beast in the forest outside of Dragonhorn. The area will be declared protected, and the creature left alone,” the crowds cried out; divided about their feelings on the situation.

Magnus raised his hand to quiet them again, then continued; “The creature in question, I have been told, is called a Cu Sith. It makes things grow, and protects what it calls home. I know this all sounds... To incredible to be true. If I hadn’t seen proof of their existence myself, I wouldn’t have believed it either..”

“Nearly every person grows up hearing tales of fairies and magical beasts. So is it really that unbelievable? We have people among us that can use magic! Our ancestors built machines that flew through the sky! We have proof that dragons are real! Are Fae really that hard to believe in as well?”

The people talked and argued amongst themselves for a few minutes before the king cut through their chatter; “The hero that I mentioned earlier has established a bond with the Kingdom of Fae that resides on the southern continent. They wish to finally reveal themselves to the world, and have decided that Alcon is their first choice for an alliance.”

“I don’t blame you for your skepticism; I was the same way! But seeing is believing!” Magnus bellowed out to the spectators.

Turning to face Skye, Magnus smiled wickedly; “Consider this your punishment for not staying with Marie.. Time for introductions you two.”

“Ack! I can’t believe you noticed me! You’re a sharp one,” Maevis replied as she fluttered out of Skye’s hood.

“Of course I knew! Skye had a giant lump on the back of her neck that moved around on its own! If you were trying to go unnoticed, next time try not to move around so much,” Magnus chortled as Maevis struggled to free herself from Skye’s hair.

“At least I don’t need to be trapped in all this fluff anymore!”

“Hey! You Asked to hide there!” Skye retorted as she unfurled her hood to help her friend.

As soon as she became visible to the crowds, they erupted with shock and awe. Maevis let the glow around her expand to it’s limits, giving her look the final touch. Not many could actually see her, but they could see her light. Everyone chattered and called out for more details.

Being a natural showman, Magnus held up his arm, and gestured to the two. Skye stepped forward, and Maevis floated next to her. The people either went silent, or screamed their respective heads off.

A beautiful golden woman stood next to the supposed fairy; resembling one herself. Maevis’ glow seemly illuminated Skye’s hair, giving her an ethereal appearance to the crowds. Some were beginning to think she was the fairy, until Magnus spoke.

“The hero I spoke of before stands before you. Although she is common born, I have declared her a princess due to her disposition, kindness, and marriage to my son. She has proven herself worthy of the title, and earned her place at my son’s side..”

The king paused for dramatic effect; “Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you: Princess Skye Moonstone and the Fae Kingdom’s Representative, Maevis!”

Cheers and applause exploded from the arena as Skye and Maevis waved to the people. Most could only see Skye, except those near or on the landing that Zas and Shasta had jumped over from earlier. The feeling was nearly overwhelming to Skye, but she felt better after glancing at her husband. He moved to stand near Maevis, within her peripheral vision. His smile made the knots forming in her stomach subside, so she stood silently with thousands of eyes on her. It was a feeling she would have to get used to.. Being the wife of a prince meant everyone watching you nearly constantly.

After Magnus explained some tidbits about Fae that Nicolas and Maevis had told him about, the king announced that the Mage Trials would begin shortly. He decided to switch his announcements about; reveal the Fae now with Maevis as proof, and announce Tidas’ promotion later. The mess from the assassin needed to be cleaned up, and Zas had come back with a report about the guards.

The men that were supposed to be guarding the stairway were given a note by a servant woman. It stated that they needed to be restationed at the main entrance to the halls. The paper had a forged signature on it; Shasta’s. She was currently with the two guards; dragging them all over the palace in search of the servant that had passed them the note.

Zas had felt sorry for leaving them with her, but he needed to report to the king. The Vice Commander was literally dragging them by their ears, irate that they didn’t recognize such a crappy forgery. Shasta was on a personal vendetta now, and wouldn’t stop until she had all the answers..

Tidas watched Skye as she stood regally, facing the crowds. The scare she’d put him through made him want to wrap his arms around his wife, and never let her out of his sight again. As soon as his father had finished, the third prince grabbed his wife’s hand, and began to walk off. Lawrence asked where they were going as they walked past him. Tidas paused to smile at his brother before saying; “To talk.. We’ll be right back if father asks..”

As the two passed a few servants assigned to clean up, Lawrence muttered under his breath; “Talk, sure.. Must be using Body Language..”

“Where are we going?! The trials are about to begin!” Skye yelped as they descended the stairway, then kept heading downwards.

Before Skye knew it, Tidas had taken her to the prep area for the competitors. He led her to a back room that had one sofa, a vanity, and a bunch of equipment piled high on the opposite wall to the couch. He flicked a light switch, closed the door, then kissed Skye with a hunger she’d never known before.

Breaking away to breath; she asked, “What was that for?!”

Tidas grinned at his wife; “This is me, claiming my reward...”

Skye’s face reflected the shock in her voice; “What?! Here? NOW?!”

Tidas had already started pulling at his wife’s dress strings as he replied; “Yes.. Right Now..”

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