Dawning Skye

Chapter 136

136 Family Issues Are Everywhere

Astonishment covered Sven’s face as he held an actual piece of dragon’s flesh in his hands. His first thought was doubt, but he’d Never seen leather like it before. He’d even worked with wyvern leather. The texture was similar, but the durability was worlds apart. Not even look up; he turned around, and began walking towards his shop.

Still looking at the material in his hands, Sven said; “We best continue this in my shop..”

The blacksmith didn’t understand how leather could possibly be turned into metal. The materials were usually utterly different in composition, but then again; this was dragon leather. It was completely new territory, which excited Sven greatly. Prompting him to ask a firestorm of questions after flipping the Open/Closed sign on his door around, and locking it.

“Where did you get this?”

Skye braced herself for their back and forth; “I can’t tell ye that.”

“Was it a gift?”

“...In a way.”

“Was it a family heirloom?”



“Did it come from Moonie in any way?”


“From the king?”


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“Is it stolen?!”


“Did your husband kill the dragon?”


“Do you have any of it’s organs or bones?”

“Gods NO! She was killed a long time ago.”

“She? How do you know it was a she?”

‘Damn.. Quick-witted for an old man!’ Skye was irritated that she’d fallen for his foolish trick. Peggy used to do it to her all the time as a child, but she hadn’t done it in forever.

Sven knew the princess would fall for it. She gave off an aura that made him believe everything she’d said. Especially when she became openly flustered that she’d let that little nugget of knowledge slip. Rapidfire questions allowed him to not only gauge a person in general, but was also the easiest way to suss out an honest person’s secrets.

“All ships are referred to as ‘she’; suppose I do the same thing with dragons.”

“I suppose that’s logical..”

Skye came off as an intelligent, honest, goodie-goodie type to Sven. Her ability to keep up with his questions, and her quality of work made the blacksmith quite curious about the young woman. He asked flat-out how she’d made the armor, so Skye and Maevis told him after asking the guards to wait outside.

Klaus and Ronnie were astounded at the lengths the princess had gone to, to make her husband his armor. They told the three men of the hot spring, but didn’t mention where. She’d told them of how Maevis and herself controlled the steam to warp and harden the leather. Maevis noticed the blacksmith frown at the mention of steam.

Skye had said that she didn’t use conventional means to make it, but this was a lot to process. Sven thought hard a moment on how to go about telling her that he didn’t have the equipment to do it. All of his works required smelting; extracting metal from ore. He didn’t work with steam...


“Hey, restroom be over there,” Ronnie joked when Sven didn’t speak again right away.

“I can help with making it, but I don’t have all the proper equipment. But I know someone who does: my daughter.”

“How is that bad?” Peggy asked.

Sven shrugged his shoulders; “We don’t exactly get along..”

“Why?” everyone asked in unison; causing Sven to jump.

The blacksmith took on a defensive tone; “We just don’t! I screwed up, ok?! ....She got an idea for a weapon based off of an ancient tome, passed down through our family. I told her it was a stupid design, and that no one would want it.. She moved out, opened her own shop, and basically proved me wrong.”

“Who is she? Maybe we can just go to her,” Peggy suggested while placing her hands on her hips.

Sven huffed as he looked at the floor; “She only does work for the military..”

Klaus looked up like a light had clicked on; “Athena Helms?!”

Sven practically flinched at her name; “Yep.. That’s my daughter..”

“Enough with the build! Who is she?!” Maevis nearly yelled.

Klaus turned to face the old fairy; “She’s the one who invented the new weapons and riot gear for the military. It uses steam like a flame thrower to deter large groups. She also made cannons that can shoot farther than anything else due to pressurized steam; it’s fascinating. And the king is fond of her.”

“Really? I didn’t know that,” Sven stated with a downtrodden expression.

Skye had been listening, and contemplating her options. If Sven’s daughter had access to steam in controlled conditions, it would be perfect for her. Even if she’d have to pay all the money she had, it’d be worth it to make sure Tidas was safe.

Skye didn’t like using her status to her advantage, but; “Do ye think she’d help out the Commader’s wife with a gift for him?”

Sven stared at Skye a moment before he replied; “So long as I’m not involved, I’d say you got a good chance.”

“Well, that settles it! Let’s go, me bairn; tis nearly time to head back, anyways. Ye must change if yer to dine with Lady Marie tonight,” Peggy had a grin as she looked directly at Sven when she spoke.

“I know your motives; I’m sure Athena will accommodate you,” Sven had terribly-hidden sadness on his face as he’d spoken.

As Skye, Maevis, and Peggy readied to leave, Klaus and Ronnie bid their farewells as well. The two had just finished putting in special orders when Skye had opened the door earlier. The guards were chatting away as Klaus opened the door to leave. They turned and looked at him with concerned expressions, putting him immediately on edge.

When he asked what was wrong, they told Klaus that they had seen the heckler at least three times since they came outside. One of them tried to chase after him the last time, but he’d taken off. They hadn’t seen him in the last few minutes, so they were keeping vigilant.

Ralph was walking towards them as Klaus conferred with the two guards. He’d just finished his errands, and was looking for Skye and her group. He recognized Klaus right away. Tidas had discussed the man last night; specifically his potential to be the captain of Skye’s bodyguards.

Even though the prince didn’t like the man much, he saw how Klaus cared for Skye. It was a little underhanded in the ways of thinking, but Tidas trusted him to die for Skye. That was the kind of loyalty he wanted in her personal guards, and knew that was the kind of dedication Klaus would expect from those under him.

Skye, Maevis, and Peggy came out of the blacksmith shop just as Ralph was being caught up. He cursed under his breath for not being present. Tidas had entrusted his wife to him, and he’d nearly failed. He didn’t doubt the capabilities of the two guards with her, but still took issue with the fact that he wasn’t around.

Once the situation was explained, as well as their destination; the group bid goodbye and split. Klaus and Ronnie were going in the other direction, and Skye’s party was headed back the way they’d come. It was just after four o’clock or so, and the sun was already beginning to set. The snow was picking up in amount and wind, making the temperatures drop very quickly.

It took a little time to trek back to where they’d started from. There had been a couple shops that were closed when they’d started. As it turned out; Athena’s was the fourth shop they’d attempted, but she’d been out on a delivery at the time. The lights shined through the two small windows of the shop called Olympus Blacksmith. Skye liked the name, and was surprised to see it was on a sign shaped exactly like her father’s. She wondered if it was on purpose, since other smiths had anvils, hammers, and the like for the shapes of their signs.

Upon entering; the difference in temperature made the group sigh in relief. It was warm and humid; the complete opposite of outside. After a few moments, Peggy bellowed out for anyone present. A large crashing noise, like metal on metal came from the back of the shop. It was followed by the sound of running, then nothing.

An unbelievably tall woman with wrapped hair and olive-toned skin came calmly walking out from the back. She was a large woman; with muscular arms and extremely broad shoulders. Ralph stepped forward and greeted her with familiarity. She smiled wide before asking what he was in for.

“I already dropped off that order to the depo earlier. Did I miss something, or are you back to order more?”

Ralph beamed at Athena before replying; “I’m not here for the military, I’m actually here for the Commander’s wife: this is Princess Skye Moonstone.”

Skye curtsied; “It’s a pleasure to meet you! I was hoping you could help me..”

Skye went through the same process she had with Sven; almost exactly. She’d even done the rapidfire questioning like her father had, but this time the princess hadn’t slipped up. Everything was going smoothly until one of the guards was fidgeting with a sword, and sliced his hand deeply. Skye healed him easily, but her hand began to hurt soon afterwards.

Both Peggy and Maevis had noticed her wince, and shared a look. Skye needed to see a doctor, and the two older women weren’t going to take no for an answer much longer. It wasn’t the first time they’d seen Skye react after using her hand. And until she got it checked out, the problem would only worsen..

“So...What exactly do you need from me, princess? My equipment?” Athena quirked an eyebrow at the delicate-looking royal.

“That, and your expertise. Ima novice, at best; and Ima honestly kinda scared to attempt this by me self. I hurt me self somethin terrible last time, and I Don’t want to go through that again,” Skye rubbed her hands together as she’d spoken.

“I’ll help ye as much as I can, but.. As much as I’d hate to say it: there’s probably someone who’d be better at it than me,” Athena looked off as if remembering something sad.

Shaking her head, Athena added: “Hell will freeze over before I let that man step foot in my shop!”

Skye looked down with disappointment, then looked back up at Athena with determination before she replied; “Well, I guess you haven’t looked outside lately...”

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