Dawning Skye

Chapter 144

144 Yuletide Cheer(Part One)

The sun shined in through the window, sending bright light bouncing off of the floors, and filling the room. The familiar light-blue walls of Skye’s bedroom made her smile as she opened her eyes. Nearly her entire life had been spent at Moonstone Castle, except when she would travel with her father. The smells and sights were comforting in a way nothing else was, and it warmed her heart to be home.

A loud thunk and crackle from the fireplace made Skye shoot up in bed. Tidas held the poker as he prodded the old logs, to make room for the few fresh ones that he’d thrown on top. She admired him as he squatted in front of the fire.

Tidas’ ass was perfectly shaped in, or out of pants; and very firm. Skye had to fight the urge to smack it any time he walked in front of her. His back muscles showed through his shirt as he stretched to poke at the fire. She bit down on the tip of her thumb as she looked at him from his broad, muscular shoulders, to his long, stout legs.

Feeling eyes on him, Tidas turned to see his wife’s impish face as she nibbled at her thumb. Skye’s smirk widened as she saw that his shirt was open; his chest a feast for her eyes. He looked like an Adonis, and was definitely worthy of her admiration. He returned her smirk as he sauntered over to her.

Tidas sat down on her bed, kissed her, then asked; “How did you sleep?”

“Like a wee bairn, how about you?” Skye questioned back as she leaned against his shoulder.

“Better than I have in weeks. I miss sleeping next to you,” the prince replied as he kissed the top of her head.

Skye curled up against him as he swung a leg up, onto the bed as she said; “And I you. yer like me own personal heater with a great arse.. And other appealing features..”

“Can I PLEASE walk into this room without gettin the urge to stab me eyes and ears out?! Just once?!” Peggy commented dryly as she came in with the couple’s clothes for the day.


“Ack! I swear, Ima gonna tie a bell to ye!” Skye yelled as she moved away from Tidas, and got out of bed.

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“Or at least to the door handle.. How do you always get in so quietly?” Tidas asked jokingly.

Peggy answered seriously; “Decades of practice, me laddie. I’ve been comin’ in and out of this room since Skye was a bairn. Ye quickly learn where all the noisy spots in a house are when a wee babe is in yer life. From where to step on the floor, to how to turn a doorknob; whatever it takes to keep the child asleep!”

Tidas stood up from the bed as he asked; “Was Skye a noisy bairn?”

Peggy huffed as she set down and separated the couple’s clothes; “When I took over her care, she was! She’d howl day and night for a bottle, then be upset after because she’d eaten too much.. The lord nearly spoiled her rotten, but I fixed her right up after a few months. By her first birthday, Skye was a wee angel.. Mostly.”

Right as Peggy finished her sentence, Skye straightened herself and yelled; “Oh crap! It’s Yuletide!”

“Bloody hell, ok..” Skye began speed-talking as she readied herself for her bath; “We’re a wee bit behind, but I can shave off some time now by cuttin’ me bath really short, and breakin’ me fast with just a quick sandwich.. Peg! Would ye please run to the kitchens as I wash, and make me a sandwich with ham, cheese, and some apple butter?”

Peggy smiled evilly as she replied; “Ye wouldn’t be runnin’ so late had ye not stayed up so late with yer husband..”

The old maid turned to the prince and said; “Try to keep it in yer pants while in her father’s house, would ye? Show some respect.”

Tidas quirked his head and asked; “Did you hear anything, or are you just guessing?”

Peggy squared her shoulders at the prince; “Anyone conscious within a ten mile radius could hear ye two!”

Skye snickered from the bathroom doorway, drawing the two’s attention. Tidas smiled at her, but Peggy glared. She couldn’t believe how improper her bairn was acting in her father’s home. Married or not, Skye needed to learn restraint. Peggy saw her like a daughter, and didn’t like hearing them.

Tidas could understand her point, but he also didn’t like the idea of anyone telling him when, where, or how to love his wife. They didn’t do it on purpose; it was simply a result of their couplings.. However, in Peggy’s shoes; the prince knew he wouldn’t stand by and listen to his own daughter. Husband or not, he would most likely feel how Peggy did.

Empathizing with the old servant, Tidas decided to find two things: something to help quiet Skye, and some ear muffs for Peggy. He wouldn’t flat out tell her he was buying them. She’ll simply find them on her bed with a note explaining their specific use. She seemed the type to handle subtlety better, and might become embarrassed if he mentioned them, or gave them to her in front of Skye.

To end the discussion without an argument, Tidas stated; “I swear we will try to control ourselves while here.”

Peggy eyed him critically before she commented; “Ye better.. Ima tired of havin’ a partial heart attack thinkin’ she’s bein’ attacked again!”

Their issues resolved, Peggy left to make Skye her requested sandwich while she bathed. Tidas tried to join her, but she had refused. Getting him involved was nearly a guarantee of her day being shot, and she had far too much to do with her limited sunlight. It got dark at about four-thirty now, and didn’t come up again until after seven-thirty.

It was already near ten in the morning, and the day was slipping away quickly.

After fending off her husband, Skye scrubbed, rinsed, and lotioned faster than she ever had before. It took her twenty minutes to do what normally took her an hour to do. Instead of Peggy drying and brushing her hair out, Skye mostly dried it, got rid of her few knots, then threw it up into a low bun. She had a blue and white Santa hat she’d worn every year in place of a red one.

When her hair was red, Skye avoided most reds, oranges, and yellows. They made her skin look pink or washed out, and her hair to seem orange. With her new gold color, most colors were a possibility now. A sudden realization hit her then that made her quirk an eyebrow at herself in response: she was beginning to become interested in clothes and fashion.

Marie and Mei had treated her like their personal doll already. She got a nervous chill thinking about how they would react if she actually asked for their opinions and help. ‘They’d probably take over me wardrobe for the rest of me life..’ The words echoed in her mind as she mechanically ate her sandwich.

Tidas noticed his wife’s state and said; “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Skye snapped back automatically at their pet phrase for each other. Whenever either of them became lost in their thoughts for too long, they’d say the phrase to pull each other back. Both she and Tidas were overthinkers. It did more harm than good sometimes for them to stay within their heads. Sometimes there were things going on that they ought not be distracted from: like now.

In a flurry; Skye and Peggy were wearing their thick wool cloaks, and headed for the door. They stopped just before existing, turning about to respond to Lidia and Nicolas’ calls as they rushed down the hall to join them. The children would go crazy over seeing Nicolas. But it was odd to Skye that her mother wanted to join.

Seeing the confusion on her daughter’s face, Lidia explained; “You won’t be home for the next few Yuletides, so it’s probably best that I learn how you do things now. So I can keep up your traditions.. I’m sorry that the castle wasn’t finished before you came home.”

Skye’s heart filled with love for her mother. She was sad that her mother never wanted to help before, but it didn’t matter now. She wanted to keep up the tradition that she and Peggy had started, and that meant more to her at the moment.

Skye had been worried about the coming years, and how she and Peggy were going to be able to ensure that everyone still received a gift. If her mother was going to take over, then her worries would be greatly diminished. Lidia liked to do everything with elegance, and the princess knew that her mother would do right by their people.

After double-checking that everything was in order, the group loaded a cart that the servants used for many tasks. Peggy had it cleaned out and decorated every year to add a touch more Yuletide to their delivery. Seeing the decorations gave Nicolas a wonderful idea. He promised he’d be back in about two hours, and to gather the children.

Skye had been confused, but agreed to go along without too many questions. Once everything was squared away; Nicolas took off into the castle, and the three women headed towards the cotter’s village...

As they came down the road, the group could already see crowds of people lining up along the entrance to the little village. The road was half a mile from the castle, so it took little time to reach. It was always the sorting and chatting that took the longest, so the princess knew Nicolas would have plenty of time to do.. Whatever he was doing.

Skye and Peggy knew the names of most of the two-hundred and seventy-three people that occupied the cotter’s village. She’d grown up with them; played with their children, create and administered medicines to them whenever there was an outbreak. Skye was akin to a goddess to them long before she earned the title at Dragonhorn. Her gentle nature and kindness had won them all over years ago, and most would give everything they owned to help their sweet lass.

Until that Yuletide, Lidia had no idea how much of an impact Skye had made on others. She’d barely spent time with her daughter since she was a young child. Skye would light up any room she entered, but her mother had no idea of how that light brightened the lives of those around her.

Upon entering the village; the group was met with cheers, applause, and Yuletide greetings. Everyone seemed to be calling out to Skye and Peggy all at once. Lidia could barely tell one voice from another, but her daughter handled it nearly effortlessly.

Person after person came up to claim their gift bags. Most were standard, but some had been specialized for specific people with allergies or intolerances. An old man Lidia had seen tending her garden couldn’t have certain foods because it inflamed his arthritis. A child couldn’t have anything that came into contact with nuts. Lidia was astonished by her daughter’s memory and diplomacy. Skye knew details of almost every person she spoke to, and everyone was ecstatic to see her.

“Ah! Wallace! Good to see you! I hope that gout cleared up nicely; did ye try those meatless recipes from Genie I suggested?”

“Lori! How are the grandbairns? I heard there’s a third on the way! I already sent a care package to Miranda! She’ll be fine, come the birthing!”

“Malcolm! How are ye, laddie?! Bein’ good for yer mum? Good! A dear friend of mine has a special treat for ye and the other children! Gather ’em up, and meet me in the field after the gifting, alright?!”

Lidia watched as every person left with a smile on their face. The gift was nice, but most were just happy that Skye came to see them on her holiday. Many had been disappointed that the prince stayed at the castle, but were.. mostly happy to see their Lady visit. Most figured it was for the first time.

Skye explained that her mother had volunteered to do the gifting for the foreseeable future. Many of the servants and commoners were a little weary about Lady Drummond coming down to their village, and their sentiments were made obvious by their expressions.

Seeing their hesitation, Lidia addressed their concerns; “I see how special my daughter is to all of you. It warms my heart to see she is so loved. I do not know your names or families like Skye, but I love her deeply, as you all do. I may not connect with you how she does, but maybe we can connect with each other, through our love of her!”

The crowds cheered for their lady boisterously, which was another first. Lady Drummond kept to herself mostly; only interacting with a few specific servants. She and the lord were not ones to ‘get to know’ their servants often; only with special cases or occasions. The lord was friendly with everyone, but the lady kept a distance from almost everyone. For her to come out of her shell like this was truly a Yuletide miracle to them.

After they finished distributing all the gifts, the children were ready for their surprise. Everyone had gathered to see what it was. As they waited, facing the empty field; jingle bells could be heard getting louder and louder. The children squirmed and chattered on about their theories; the general thought being Santa the Claws.

Right as Skye began to piece a picture together in her head; Nicolas came out of a patch of woods riding a sleigh, being pulled by several reindeer. Skye was beaming with joy, then began to laugh hysterically when she realized who was with him.. And dressed in adult-sized elf costumes....

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