Dawning Skye

Chapter 149

149 Long Awaited Win

“Zazzy would Never hurt another person! I know she wouldn’t,” Skye’s voice was slightly shrill as she defended the baby dragon that was happily munching away on the floor next to her.

Tidas spoke in a calm, even tone; “I’m not saying she would choose to do it, Skye. Her instincts would drive her to do it.. As intelligent as she is, she’s still an animal; just like you and me. If I was starving and saw a ham hock walking around in front of me, I’d be hard pressed to not bite.”

Skye stared hard at her husband before she rebutted; “Do ye not remember the loneliness Zazzy felt before she came to us? Do ye really think she wouldn’t hold herself back knowing she’d be locked away forever?!”

Tidas looked from Skye, to the baby dragon, then back to his wife. He remembered the extreme pain that nearly made his heart shatter in the cave. Zazzy looked up at the prince with soulful eyes, got up, walked over to him, and rubbed against him like a cat. She trilled at him in a way that sounded like she was trying to say ‘I know’.

“How could a wee baby dragon Know anything? Tis a baby! And doesn’t exactly speak our language,” Lucas more stated out loud than asked, but Skye answered him anyway.

“Ima not sure how, but I can understand her. It’s like I can feel her emotions.. I don’t know how to describe it.. All I know is that she’s a baby, and needs to have a family,” Skye bent and pet Zazzy as she finished speaking; earning herself a loving trill from the dragon.

Lucas looked to Lidia with apprehension before he asked his daughter; “Do ye think it’s a Tamer trait coming in?”

Skye huffed; “Me magic isn’t like a tooth, Da. I don’t think it’s a Tamer trait; I think it’s just that Zazzy is a dragon. We know that Dragon Riders communicated with their dragons, and many weren’t Tamers. Snare wasn’t a Tamer, and he was a rider.. Albeit the last,” Skye spoke as she piled her plate high with a bit from every dish on the table.

“You told us some details about that cottage you found everything in, but not the whole story.. Now, I think, would be a good time to do so,” Lidia stated while looking at her daughter.


The couple exchanged a look of concern. Skye and Tidas hadn’t wanted her parents knowing the entirety of it. Technically what they did was Illegal. Any thing of historical value was supposed to be reported to, and turned over to the capital. One could still buy ancient tomes in most bookshops, but they were generally cultural in nature. Books like the journals would’ve been locked away.

The princess didn’t like how restrictive the capital was about knowledge. Educating people was the first step to a generally better society. At the same time; smart people asked questions.. They would realize the everyday injustices they dealt with, and most likely try to do something about it. Keeping the population dumbed down made it easier to control them. At least that was Skye’s theory.

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Skye explained the whole of the DragonSnare Cottage story; minus the naughty bits. Petrie was surprised that they didn’t ask him to leave or the like. Skye and her family weren’t like anyone else he’d ever met. Knowing who he was, they still accepted him. Lucas had invited him into his home and treated him with respect as a person. Lidia spoke to him without reservations or fear. Even among his own people, he’d never experienced such kindness.

Murdoc was the only one to treat him kindly throughout his entire life. The fact that his father was a southerner had made it difficult, even though he had no idea whom his father was. Murdoc told him that he knew, and would tell him on his 21st birthday, but that was in two years. The wait was stupid to him.

Petrie had always secretly hoped Murdoc was his father, but knew it wasn’t true. His mother had suffered greatly and in many ways due to his conception. It infuriated him to know that she was a victim, yet the tribe treated her like a pariah. Like she had chosen to be raped by the southerner.

As the Nomad watched the family before him banter, he couldn’t help but feel the sting of missing his family. He’d never been away from them on Yuletide before today, and knew how worried they must be feeling. Pushing the thought aside, Petrie refocused on Skye’s tale. All the while thinking of how much his mother and sister would love to have been there.

As the meal came to a close, the servants holding the dessert dishes began to make their rounds about the table. Pecan, cinnamon and apple, pumpkin, and a mixed berry pie were offered. Skye’s favorite was pumpkin, so she took two slices. Tidas and Lucas split the pecan while Nicolas attacked the mixed berry pie. Skye grinned as she watched him pop a nearly whole blueberry into his mouth.

Petrie had nearly jumped at the apple pie. Skye was surprised he could eat so much and not be a mage. The newlyweds had eaten the most, but Petrie gave them a run for their money. He ate half the pie before he offered anyone else a piece. His expression had drawn laughter from the group, filling the banquet room with mirth.

Once the meal was over, everyone gathered around the tree to open their gifts to each other. Skye had gotten books, a few new dresses with zippers, and a box of zippers so Peggy could replace all of the strings on Skye’s dresses. She hadn’t been thrilled with the extra work usually reserved for a seamstress, but if anyone was going to alter her lass’ clothes, it would be her.

Tidas had gotten a sword and shield set from Lucas, and a neck pillow from Lidia. It wasn’t his dragon armor and sword, but the quality was top-notch, and obviously made at Helms Smitty. After holding up the pillow, Skye and Tidas smiled at each other as the memories from their coach ride played through their minds.

Even Petrie and Nicolas had presents. Petrie got a set of formal clothes, a set of casual clothes, and a voucher for clothes from the shop Skye bought from. Lucas told Petrie To get his mother and sister’s sizes, and have the seamstress make them clothes. That way, they could come visit as well without worry. After several minutes to collect himself; Petrie thanked the Moonstones for their generosity with a strained voice.

Nicolas was actually brought to tears as he opened and skimmed his gift. One paper was the certified deed to Warrick Forest; complete with Magnus’ signature. The other was a trade agreement with the Fae Nation, also signed by the king. Centuries of effort for the two little papers in his hands.. All of the pain and loss had finally paid off, and tears of joy streamed down the tiny Santa’s face.

Choking back some of his emotion, Nicolas thanked the prince and the Moonstones: “I.. I have no words that could possibly express my gratitude for these. Centuries of.. I can’t believe this day is finally here.. I MUST tell my Queen! Oh, this is amazing! I can’t believe we did it! We did it! Our people are safe!”

Everyone present smiled and laughed at the old Fae as he spontaneously fluttered around the tree. His cheeks were rosy and his eyes sparkled with his overflowing joy. He suddenly stopped mid-flight to sharply turn, and hug the side of Skye’s head.

“You! You, my sweet lass, were sent by the gods! If not for you, none of this would’ve been possible.. I can Never thank you enough,” Nicolas had pulled away half-way through speaking.

“All I did was assault yer Queen. Tis yer self and Mae I should be thankin’ instead. Without you two, I probably would’ve died already.. Tidas as well,” Skye locked hands with her husband as she spoke his name.

The gifts were opened, and their traditional hot spiced wine called Glu Wine was served. Lucas got multiple bottles of his favorite whiskey, and Lidia got rare stones, gems, and most of the shards from Zazzy’s egg to make jewelry with. She’d been particularly excited about the shell shards, and squeezed her daughter for the unexpected gift.

Peggy received a voucher for the clothing shop as well, but preferred to buy materials to make things with. The only clothes she required or even wanted, were her work clothes. At her age, she didn’t care for pretty dresses, but loved to see and knit. One of Skye’s favorite blankets came from Peggy, and she was happy to see her servant loved the gift she’d picked. This way she could stock up tomorrow morning before they left to go back to the capital.

Everyone present wished the royal couple could stay longer, but Tidas had work to do, and Skye had training to start. Shasta would be difficult, and the princess did Not look forward to the eventual confrontation. She still had no clue as to why the VC didn’t like her, but would deal with it. Skye would go through whatever she had to, to stay by Tidas’ side...


Skye awoke in the morning to a sharp, intense pain emanating from her arms; especially her left hand. She nearly cried out as she attempted to flex her hand, but it was locked up tight. Focusing on her Shaman trait, Skye used her magic to heal herself the best she could. It took the edge off, but a dull, nagging pain still remained. She wondered if she’d slept on it wrong, but lost the thought as Peggy entered the room with a large basket and Zazzy.

The baby dragon hopped up onto Skye’s bed to nuzzle her as Peggy spoke; “Ah, we have a wee bit of a problem.. Turns out baby dragons can breathe a wee bit of fire when worked up...”

Skye stared wide-eyes at Peggy; “What?! FIRE?!”

The old maid shifted on her feet; “Aye.. And not normal fire, either..”

“Well, yeah. Every book ever with a dragon in it states that.. Why? What happened? Is the castle on fire?” Skye joked at the end, but became a little nervous at Peggy’s hesitation.

“Well, not the castle, but something yer not gonna be too happy about,” Peggy had begun grabbing the things she normally needed for Skye’s bath, and began putting them into the overgrown basket.

The combination of her new state of consciousness, and the pain from her arms had Skye speaking with an irritated tone; “Spit it out, Peg. Tis too early for guessing games, and I need me bath.”

Peggy stopped to square her hips at her sassy bairn; “That be the problem: ye can’t bathe in yer quarters for some time now.”

Skye shot up in bed; “What?! Why?! NO! Not the tub-”

“No! That’s not the issue. Just come look!” Peggy sputtered as she turned around and went into the closet.

With a sigh of frustration, the princess got out of her snug bed, and walked over to her closet. A blast of cold air from Peggy opening the courtyard door sent Skye’s teeth chattering at rapids speeds. A strong burnt smell filled her nostrils as the air whipped around inside.

As Skye approached the doorway, she realized that the smell was most likely coming from the firepit used to heat her bath water. As she turned her head slightly, expecting to see water boiling, a loud gasp escaped her. The stones, metal grate, all of it; was melted down into a smoldering mass.

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