Dawning Skye

Chapter 151

151 Departure Blues

Zazzy seemed to have enjoyed the warm water quite a bit. She softly flicked her tail like a contented house cat as she made little happy noises. It was an adorable sight, and even Peggy was having a hard time keeping a straight face. However, she’d lost it when the baby dragon discovered how to blow bubbles in the water. It took some coaxing to get her out of the tub. When she did, the baby dragon had taken another gallon or so with her.

After all the water had been wiped up and the baby dragon dried off, Skye finally got dressed. Peggy had picked out one of the new dresses for the princess to wear. It was a deep crimson color with gold trim that nearly matched Skye’s hair. She was curious as to how she’d look in red, and was pleasantly surprised to see that her skin didn’t look overly pink or washed out.

The breakfast table was lively; full of talking and laughter. Skye watched as her mother and Peggy talked about Zazzy’s routine, and her father discussed highland-oriented things with Petrie. Tidas and Ralph were discussing possible places to search while heading towards the old capital.

Petrie occasionally put in his two cents. He wouldn’t say exactly why, but warned Ralph to avoid certain places if he didn’t want Murdoc to know he was there. Both men had asked the Nomad why, but he wouldn’t disclose highland secrets. It annoyed Ralph, but Tidas respected him for his resolve. Few people had it nowadays, and he was still doing them the kindness of warning them. Something he knew could get Petrie killed if the Highlanders found out.

Ralph was leaving for his scouting journey, much to his dismay. The guard captain didn’t like leaving the prince’s side. He had a tendency to find himself in tough situations, and usually required help to get out of it. The subject was worsened by Skye’s similar habit of finding trouble in the most random places.

Nearly a decade of watching over the third prince had made him keen on what to expect. As intelligent as he was, Tidas often did stupid things when another person’s life was in danger. He was excellent at making and executing intricate plans on the battlefield, but terrible off of it. Seeing someone treated badly or pained had led to more than his share of precarious situations. Especially when it came to how the nobility treated their servants.

With the prince heading back to the capital, Ralph had no doubts that Tidas would get into trouble. Some select members of his brother’s entourage, not to mention Marco himself, were on the prince’s watch list. Ralph feared that without him around, Tidas’ impulsive habit to play the hero would get him into trouble. Tidas had been reassuring his guard captain for well over fifteen minutes, and was nearing his limit. Skye saw his demeanor and got up to save him.

“Ye need not worry too much, Ralph. I promise to keep me eyes on him. He’s not goin’ or doin’ anything without me,” Skye reached the two men as she finished; “So don’t fret when ye should be paying attention to other things. Don’t need ye dying out there.”

Ralph flashed a nervous smile in response; “I appreciate the sentiment princess, but you’re not exactly known for keeping out of trouble yourself..”


Skye shrugged her shoulders; “I never go lookin’ for it! It just sort of.. finds me.”

“I’ll keep me eyes on ’em for ye Ralphie! They’ll listen to me or find themselves stuck in a hard place,” Peggy yelled from across the room.

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“Does that make you a rock?” Tidas joked.

Peggy stood and squared her shoulders; “Think of me more akin to a mudslide.. And yer a wee sprout of a tree.”

The prince put his arms up defensively; “I was kidding! I’m done! I’m done!”

The group smiled at the two’s banter, then went back to their conversations. Skye stood by Tidas’ side as she looked about the room. Someone was missing, and it had taken until that moment for her to realize it. Confused, Skye asked; “Where’s Nicolas?”

Petrie turned in his seat to face Skye; “He left before the sun was up, I know that. Woke me up by yankin’ on me nose hairs to tell me he was going. Said he was gonna deliver the deed and treaty to his Queen, then he’d head straight back to the capital. And not to worry or wait for him.”

Skye nodded her understanding then replied; “I wish we had more time.. It would’ve been wonderful to see the Fae Sanctuary! I wonder how many kinds of Fae live there? I never thought to ask Nic or Mae.”

“Nic told me hundreds,” Petrie commented.

“Really?!” Skye’s voice practically squeaked with her excitement.

“Aye. He said Fae are just like humans; dozens of different types per category. Like how there’s brownies, but there’s technically house brownies, loch brownies which get confused with silkies quite often, culture brownies; the list goes on.”

Skye contemplated Petrie’s words before she inquired; “What are culture brownies? Never heard of them before.”

“It’s a general term for brownies that exclusively work outside. Just like how house brownies are exclusive to work inside a home or business. They rarely do both types of tasks unless they Really like their masters,” Petrie finished his explanation by popping a piece of fruit in his mouth.

Skye figured that there were multiple kinds of Fae in Warrick Forest, but she didn’t realize the variety that existed. Humans mingled and created hybrids all the time, so why didn’t she realize Fae would be the same? It would also explain why there were so many types.

As Skye’s mind trailed off into her memories of Fae she’d read about, everyone else finished their food. All the fixings for crepes were spread out on the main table for convenience. Various fruits, jams, and a large tub of fresh, sweet whipped cream sat near the thin pancakes. Next to that was bacon, eggs, and hash brown shreddings. In case someone wanted something more savory.

Tidas, Ralph, and Petrie opted for the savory choices, but still wrapped everything in the crepe cakes. The hint of sweetness and vanilla complimented the salty bacon and pungent eggs. There was also loaves of bread set out, but they weren’t touched until Zazzy got curious. Turns out dragons will eat almost anything, or at least Zazzy..

After everyone finished eating, the royal couple double-checked that they had everything before saying their goodbyes. Lidia and Skye both teared up as they hugged, but Lucas flat-out cried. He’d been slightly embarrassed to do it in front of the servants and guards, but hardly cared at the moment.

It would be months before they would be able to make it to the capital again. Lucas had enjoyed his daughter’s company, even if it was just for two days. The castle was far too quiet without her in it. He and Lidia would start up their business trips again soon, but the time until then would be difficult.

Petrie’s visit had been a welcomed coincidence. Lidia was constantly locked away working, leaving Lucas bored and alone. He’d gone hunting with Lord Reinbolt on several occasions, but it wasn’t an option now. The harsh, dry air wasn’t good for his dear old friend’s lungs or leg.

Ryker Reinbolt had been a smoker for most of his life, and was now paying the price for it. He had a stroke a few years ago that affected the left side of his body. It still functioned, but was considerably weaker than his other. As long as he could still hunt and fish, then that was all that mattered to him most. He’d always sworn: “Once my quality of life is done, I’m done,” and Lucas didn’t doubt his resolve on the matter.

It made Lucas sad to know that his friend’s years were numbered, but he couldn’t feel all that bad for Ryker. He had led a good, long life, and accepted his impending fate with a cheeky smirk. His wife and two of his three sons already awaited him in the afterlife. Whether he was alive or dead didn’t particularly matter to him any longer..

Lucas watched his daughter with her pet dragon with a soft smile. He truly regretted missing his daughter grow into the strong, incredible person she was now. Ryker had chided him several times for it, but knew most of the cause for his actions. He knew Lord Moonstone before he became a lord, and knew Skye’s real mother, Sorcha.

Ryker used to yell about how disappointed his beloved would be in him for basically abandoning their daughter. After one night of too much guilting and whiskey, he’d broken down and told his best friend about most of the circumstances. He hardly ever brought up the subject again except when he knew Lucas was simply being a coward about it.

As Lord Moonstone bid his daughter farewell, he looked to Petrie with a smile and said; “Now... Where were we? Murdoc has a proposition for me?”


The capital looked stunning covered in a blanket of snow. It clung to the trees like leaves in the summer, and made a pleasing crunching noise when stepped on. Children threw snowballs at each other from behind make-shift walls that resembled lumps more than walls. Snowmen randomly dotted yards and the corners of businesses.

One thing Skye was surprised to see was that most everyone had their Yuletide decorations down already. It was tradition in the north to keep them up until after Hogmanay was over. It was supposedly done to carry over any good from the previous year into the next. They would’ve looked amazing against the snow, but there was nothing to be done about it.

After their not-so-quick ride through the city, the group finally made it to the palace. It’d taken them longer to reach it this time due to the weather. They had to spend two days at a random inn before the snow had stopped.

Skye and Tidas had spent most of their time either talking, or making love. It had been a nice little retreat for them, and reminded them a bit of their honeymoon. The stop had also given Skye time to finish brushing up on her dragonology.

According to Roland Snare’s journals, Zazzy would be fully grown within five years. Apparently there’s a survival gene in dragons that temporarily speeds their growth until they reach young adulthood. After a year, Zazzy should be about the size of Thoth; so long as she’s properly fed and cared for.

Lucas hadn’t been seeing things; Zazzy visibly grew larger every time she ate. Skye had thought about using her in the Mage Trials next year, but doubted she’d be allowed to. One: Zazzy is a dragon. Two: Skye didn’t have a Tamer trait, and only Tamers could bring companions into the arena.

However, one very important thing had to be done before she could even think about all anything.. Magnus needed to meet, and love Zazzy.

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