Dawning Skye

Chapter 158

158 First Sparring


Skye fumed as she and Shasta stared each other down. The urge to punch the snarky cat woman was growing, and the nervousness she’d felt before was replaced by feisty determination. The princess knew that she wasn’t nearly as strong as the Vice Commander of the RMC. She understood and accepted the gap between them. With her place at Tidas’ side precarious at best, Skye decided that she had to land at least one hit on Shasta by the end of their match. Failure was Not an option any longer...

Their footfalls echoed off of the cement walls as Shasta guided the princess up the slanted hall that connected to the arena. As they stepped out onto the field, Skye was surprised to see there was no snow on the ground. Everywhere else still had at least half a foot or so on it.

The arena was used as a training area whenever the trials weren’t being prepared for or done. Three large rings filled the center of the field, and track lines were set all the way around the boarder of it. At one end, there were weight sets and racks of other weight training related equipment.

On the other side, closest to the two women, sat target practice equipment. Everything from archery, to gun practice was set out and at the ready. Skye was impressed by what she saw, but what shocked her to see was vibrant green grass covering the entire field. Curious; the princess asked how it was all done and maintained.

Shasta smirked cockily as she replied; “Mages primarily use these grounds for training; of course there’s no snow. The Water mages use clearing it out as control practice. And the Earth mages created hybrid grass that grows in cold temperatures.”

“That’s amazing! I can’t believe they’ve done that!” Skye beamed as she bent down to touch a blade of the grass.

Shasta turned and looked over the field as she spoke with a serious voice; “It is.. Too bad the Nomads won’t benefit from it. But then again, if they weren’t traitors, they might’ve-”

“How are they traitors? Because they won’t send their children off to be indoctrinated? I hardly see that as traitorous,” Skye tone was firm as she’d responded.


Shasta turned towards the princess with a half-glare; “And how do you know That’s the only reason?”

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Skye sputtered a second before she said; “Ahh, it-me, me father told me! He’s got diplomatic status when it comes to the Nomads..Ye know, because of the boundary?”

Shasta stared flatly at Skye as she continued; “The Boarderlands?! The only way into the Highlands that doesn’t require climbin’ a mountain? Me father and Lord Reinbolt are the two that own it? They fight with Murdoc constantly over it?! What?! Why are ye staring at me like that?!”

Shasta shrugged nonchalantly as she sauntered towards one of the rings; “Just waiting for you to shut up so we can start..”

Skye’s anger was nearing it’s tipping point. Shasta didn’t know it, but the princess had been working hard to gain strength. Ever since she and Tidas survived the Nomads in Warrick Forest, the princess had been working out a little bit each day. It was at random times, and in random amounts, but it was enough for her to begin to see results.

After her bout with Shasta, Skye began doubling her efforts. Pushing her body to the point of pain, then healing the fatigue to maximize the workout. She considered it somewhat cheating, but it was a silly notion. Her power was her own; it was Skye’s duty to herself, and everyone around her to use it to her fullest capacity. And that was exactly what she planned to do against Shasta..

The Vice Commander of the RMC was known as the fastest person in the kingdom, and possibly the world. Tidas could beat Shasta in a fight, and be temporarily faster than her, but not for an extended period of time. If it came down to a foot race longer than a hundred meter dash, Shasta would take the gold.

The two women approached the medium-sized ring. It sat back closer to the wall of the arena. There were a few recruits down by the weight sets, but they left as soon as they recognized Shasta. She had a habit of forcing recruits to spar with her if her previous challengers didn’t satisfy her. They couldn’t tell who was with her, all they could tell was Skye’s stature. Seeing the size of her opponent, and going off of previous experience; the muscular men ran.

Shasta scoffed as she saw them exit through the other tunnel hall, on the opposite side of the field. ‘And people call me a pussycat..”

“Wonder why they left,” Skye asked out loud sarcastically.

Shasta answered her anyway; “Probably scared..they’re smart.”

“Guess Ima genius then,” Skye stated as she took her position in the ring.

Shasta quirked an eyebrow and scoffed; “How so?! You’re staying And fighting me! If anything, that makes you a dumbass.”

Skye didn’t reply. She acknowledged the fact that Shasta intimidated her. The thought of fighting her nearly terrified her, but it had to be done. She didn’t need to just get stronger; Skye needed to be a better fighter. And Shasta training her was the best way to do it.

In a defensive manner; Skye held her arms up vertically, but bent at the elbows with her palms partially open. Her knees were slightly bent, and her lead foot was edged forward. Shasta approved of her stance; for the most part. Only a small correction, then they could start.

“Bring your elbows down a bit more-”

“I know, I know.. And only leave me palms open like this if Ima gonna go on the defensive. Me teacher taught me well. I hold me arms up a bit more because Ima so bloody short. Most times, the extra distance saves me.”

Shasta was a little taken aback by Skye having any real knowledge of fighting. Her strategies during their first little tussle were impressive, but her lack of physical engagement left Shasta to believe that she’s solely dependent upon her powers to defend herself. Any female with half a brain knows to learn at least a little bit of self defense, but Shasta clearly hadn’t given her opponent enough credit.

The familiar itch began to beg to be scratched as realization dawned upon Shasta. Well she left hand to hand combat experience, the princess is quite capable of defending herself. Making their match quite possibly, entertaining. At least for a little while..


The air was heavy with anticipation as Skye and Shasta circled and stared each other down.

In a flash, Shasta was in from of Skye. She kicked at Skye’s side, but the princess blocked. She then tried to break her guard with a slam of her right elbow, but Skye caught it between her forearms. She turned her body and extended her leg to kick Shasta, but was easily blocked. As soon as Skye turned her head to look at her opponent, her face was met with Shasta’s fist; sending her toppling to the ground.

Skye lunged at Shasta. She kept one arm up for defense as she swung with her left. The VC wasn’t expecting a swing from that side, and barely dodged the hit. Most people were right-handed, so that was the fist she’d expected. Making a mental note, Shasta jumped backwards with a mocking grin; infuriating the princess further.

Stepping forward and abandoning her defense; Skye swung with blurred focus. She knew her anger was beginning to cloud her judgement, but couldn’t help it at the moment.

Shasta grabbed her fist, twisted it, grabbed her arm, and flipped her as she said; “If this is all you have to show me, then you might as well forget the Trials.. Pathetic.”

Skye immediately scurried up to her feet, expecting her opponent to be on the attack, but she just stood smiling.. snickering at her. An odd mix of indignation, anger, and fear made the last of Skye’s focus disappear; leaving only blank darkness.

Skye’s shoulders relaxed, and her entire demeanor shifted. Suddenly; she was running at Shasta. She avoided the princess’ punches easily as Skye swung blindly. Her form was good, and her swing was strong. But without a Tank trait to be able to keep up with Shasta, there was hardly a challenge for her.

In a flash; Shasta knocked Skye flat on her ass with one good hit. As she looked about dazed, Shasta grabbed her by the collar of her armor, and hoisted her to her feet. She slapped Skye in her face four times; two on each side. Skye’s lip and nose were bleeding, and felt the beginnings of a bruise on her cheek.

Shasta glared at her with sharp yellow-green eyes as she said; “Geez, I didn’t think you’d be this pathetic... Just use your powers already. At least then there’ll be a small challenge for me.”

Only once had Skye felt such hopelessness and anger; when she thought Tidas had died. She couldn’t blame Shasta for looking at her with such distain; she felt as pathetic as she’d fought..

The rage she felt towards Shasta was just a cover for the anger she felt towards herself. Skye understood that she had much more work to do on herself, but she thought she was better than her current level.

As the warm, fresh blood dripped down her chin, Skye replied; “No..”

Shasta intensified her glare; “Well.. Guess I’ll just beat on you until you feel like I’m about to kill you..”

As soon as Shasta quit speaking, she began to beat Skye mercilessly. She punched the princess in the face a few times, then hit her in the stomach several times before she let Skye drop. As Shasta began to kick the princess at her feet, she finally snapped at her.

“You know, I get why Tidas married you. The Moonstone fortune is world famous. But.. I don’t understand how he could love someone so.. So fucking pitiful..”

Shasta stopped kicking Skye, and lifted her up by the collar again; “And now Lawrence.. You know what? I’m not wasting my time on someone who isn’t even fucking strong enough to stand on their own. You depend on everyone for everything! Your servant to get you dressed, your husband to secure your own fucking rights; you probably don’t even know how to cook fucking bacon right!”

Skye focused her one open eye on Shasta as she finished speaking; “What arrogance! What, exactly makes you think you’re worthy enough to stand by the his side?!”

As Shasta’s words hit Skye, an odd feeling began to build within her. Tidas himself was the reason she thought she could stand by his side. He told her he loved her, and that he never wanted to be apart from her. Maevis and Nicolas assured her of her strength, and she’d proved herself against not only Nomads, but an assassin as well. She made herself strong already, and would continue to get stronger. And no bloody house cat was going to make her believe she was weak..

The odd feeling bloomed within Skye; spreading throughout her entire being. Her body trembled and spasmed as a new magic filled every corner, of every cell of her existence. The pain that coursed through her hand in hand with the magic nearly overwhelmed her as Shasta released her grip on the collar of her armor.

Skye’s eyes and body began to glow golden yellow as her magic soared. Her wounds began to heal rapidly, and the ground beneath their feet began to tremble. Shasta took a hesitant step back as the meek little princess from before was replaced by a fierce goddess.

Skye glared at Shasta as she bent her knees, and dug her foot into the concrete. She sprung forward so fast that Shasta didn’t even see her move. She didn’t feel the punch that she was hit with either; until her back was slamming into the concrete wall nearly eighty feet behind her.

Blood sputtered from the Vice Commander’s mouth as she coughed, attempting to catch her breath. Skye had done more than just knock the wind out of her; she’d hit Shasta so hard that she was stuck in the wall. She looked at the wee princess with utter shock. The glow that had emanated from Skye before was gone. She stood smiling as her body began to shake.

“One hit, right? Now you have.. have to train.. Me..” was the last thing Skye said before she crumbled to the ground; unconscious.

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