Dawning Skye

Chapter 166

166 Anger Management

Tidas stared at his wife with deepened affection. He always hated the part of himself that loved to fight. It’d been there his whole life; an impulse to cause mischief and violence. He controlled it well most of the time, but what had just happened reminded him of his youth.

When Tidas was a child he played pranks on everyone. It escalated to fights with anyone who crossed him as he grew older. It was generally nobles mistreating their servants, but some had simply been people that got in his way.

Most didn’t say anything to the young prince when he got caught, and his father was too busy to ‘properly discipline’ him. The only one he behaved around, for the most part, was Skye.

She and Peggy were like buffers to his surly, pre-pubescent attitude, but he visited her more often than she came to the capital. He’d be fine for the first few days, but then he’d go back to his chaotic ways..

Ralph was a member of the RMC at the time. He didn’t know what Tidas looked like; he was a simple Squad Captain. All he knew was a wee noble-looking lad played a messy, irritating prank on him right before he had an audience with the king.

Tidas had rigged up and attached a large pouch full of water, and one large bucket full of fresh grass clippings to the men’s restroom doorway.

When Ralph opened it and walked in, the water came down on top of him; the pouch landing on his head and face. Grabbing it and throwing it with chagrin, he didn’t see the other string attached to it. When he automatically tossed it, the bucket full of itchy grass clippings dumped onto his head, and fell all over and inside his armor.

It was attached to the ledge that protruded out above the door. The angle at which the door opened, and the narrow width of the doorframe, limited how Tidas could set up his props. He had to make sure that they wouldn’t technically hurt someone when they fell. The pouch he didn’t worry about, but the metal bucket could hurt someone if it actually fell on them.

Ralph fumed at the prank, but was surprised by it’s simple extravagance. He generally had a good sense of humor, but he was about to see the king. His anger peaked as he grabbed the young noble by his shirt collar. He twisted it for a good grip, then raised the lad up to his eye level.


Tidas gasped with fear at the unexpected repercussion. No one had ever done anything about his pranks except his father, Skye, and Peggy. A shriek escaped the young prince as his feet dangled in the air. He kicked his legs, and smacked at Ralph’s arm, trying to free himself in a panic.

Ralph carried the lad into the throne room as he was. Magnus was surprised to see his wiley son in such a position, but had no doubts that the brat had earned it. He watched as the man he’d requested to train his son was already proving he could handle the job.

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General Zas was currently on a mission, and unavailable to train the boy. So he had asked the General for his recommendation. Ralph bowed deeply to the king, then requested to speak freely with him.

Magnus stared at the mage a moment before he allowed him to speak. He held up the lad in his hand a moment, lowered it slightly, then indelicately dropped him on his arse before he began to speak.

“Forgive my rudeness your majesty, but this child NEEDS to be taught a lesson. I have grass clippings rubbing-well, let’s just say it’s nowhere pleasant. I don’t know who he is, but he needs a good smack to his behind, if you ask me! His parents, too!”

Magnus stared at the man before him, trying to maintain his stoic appearance. He had no idea who Tidas was, so had no fear of royal reprisal. No one else in their right mind would dare touch a noble, let alone a royal. Magnus hadn’t thought to find anything out about Ralph other than his skill set. He must be a noble, based on his attitude.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Magus replied; “Would you be willing to be the one to teach him?”

Ralph stared at the king in confusion while he scratched at his neck; “This brat? Why? Who is he, ah-err, your majesty?”

“...He’s Prince Tidas, my third son. He needs a firm hand to train and guide him, and General Zas recommended you during his absences.. And if you do it, I promise to forget that little comment about your king being in need of a spanking.”

All color drained from Ralph’s face as he stared at the waving prince. If anyone else had been in the throne room at the time, the king most likely would’ve had to have him beaten for his ignorance. Magnus alone, however, was a more understanding person.

Grinning and chuckling at the man’s innocent mistake, Magnus told Ralph not to worry. He did lecture him for not knowing the royal family’s appearances, but it’d been a short one. He then explained his duties of training and guarding the prince.


Ralph had been taking care of and guiding Tidas ever since. He taught him to channel his angst into learning to fight. It was tradition for all royalty to know how to defend themselves. Most didn’t keep up with their training as they got older, like Lawrence.

Tidas kept up with it not because he’s the Commander of the RMC, but because he enjoyed it. The rush from sparring with Shasta and Zas, the thrill of finding a recruit with potential.. If Skye weren’t Skye, he’d be pushing her to spar with him.. But he never wanted her to see that side of him in the first place.

Tidas feared that his wife would reject him if he wasn’t the ‘Perfect Prince’. Good, honest, kind to everyone, and pure; that’s how he wanted Skye to see him. Being kind was natural to him, but the part about him being pure was a sham.

When swords clashed and metal sparked was when Tidas felt most alive. Not the carnage of it, but the feeling of wavering between life and death with every swing of his sword. Would he block the strike in time? Would he kill, or be killed? These were the things that sent his blood rushing and his senses reeling.. That, and one other: Skye.

Battle was the prince’s greatest pleasure until he had married the love of his life. She had always been on his mind, except when he was fighting. Now, he could barely get her out of his head. Even during his training, or while he did menial paperwork; Skye was there in his mind’s eye.

Her smile, her laugh, the feel of her skin on his calloused hands.. Everything about her provoked him. Skye’s wit and charm had ensnared him long ago, but he could still focus on what he needed to. Now that he had a taste of her, she was his favorite addiction.

Tidas constantly craved Skye like she was a drug. The high he felt from being around her made him clearer and foggier at the same time. He felt strong and weak under her touch. He wanted to keep her all to himself; not even allowing his family to see her.

All of these dark, ugly feelings were what the corruption on his soul was made from. He normally buried them deep down, but whatever had just invaded him flushed every depraved desire he’d ever felt to the surface. Wicked desires he would never willingly voice to his wife.

Seeing the far off look in his eyes again as he held her, Skye cupped Tidas’ cheek and said; “Talk to me, love. That’s how we get through this.. What are ye thinkin’ about?”

Tidas scoffed; “Mostly about you.. Wondering what you’re thinking.”

“Ima thinkin’ that I want four things right now: first is to get dressed. The second is to eat. The third is to play with Zazzy, and the forth is to have me husband make love to me.. In that order.”

Tidas chuckled at his wife’s honesty. Skye rarely minced her words. She had always felt honesty was the best policy. The older she got, the more she realized that the world was hardly ever black and white. That there was a difference between malicious lies and private matters.

Tidas wasn’t being truthful with Skye, but he wasn’t lying, either. He simply had feelings and thoughts he wished to keep private. It wasn’t wrong of him. Skye had plenty of things she kept to herself. What bothered her is that Tidas could even think that she wouldn’t love him over his imperfections.

Not thinking before she spoke, Skye huffed and said; “No one is perfect, husband. If they were, I wouldn’t trust them. I know what ye have done for this kingdom, for it’s people. And I learned today how satisfyin’ a good fight can be.”

Tidas cocked his head at his wife in astounded confusion; “You thought your fight with Shasta was good?! What happened?!”

Skye grinned; “Oh, she beat the hell out of me, haha. But I learned a lot, and I even managed to get a hit in on her! Ye should’ve seen her face! She was stic-”

Dr. Gohan opened the door, cutting off the couple’s discussion; “Sorry to interrupt you two, but we need to clean and prep this room for it’s next use.”

“Sorry bout that, doc. I’ll dress now,” Skye replied with a smile.

The doctor nodded in acknowledgement, then closed the door for their privacy. As Skye looked up at her husband, he grinned mischievously. Before she could say or do anything, Tidas dropped her on the bed. She giggled at his playfulness, but chided him for treating her like a sack of potatoes. After a wee bit more banter, Skye dressed quickly.

Since Peggy had gone through and altered all her dresses to have zippers instead of pull strings, it took the princess minutes to dress. Tidas decided to wait outside while she put her stockings and shoes on. As soon as he closed the door, Skye sat down in the chair, and got to work putting on her stockings.

After she’d gotten the first one on, Skye noticed something shiny on the floor. It looked like a jewel to a necklace or something as she bent to grab it. As her fingers neared it, a hint of the strange, chaotic magic from before emanated from it. She hesitated a moment before she picked it up. Looking at it in her hand, Skye recognized the material: it was a shard from Marco’s amulet...

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