Dawning Skye

Chapter 169

169 Not A Date

“I’m not the one who’s rude! That damn horse tried to Kill Me! First, he wouldn’t let me on him. Then we he finally did, it was just so he could buck me off! Then I had to run him here!” Shasta’s fur was frayed as she yelled.

“Run him?” Skye asked, surprise in her tone.

“You mean walk him, right?” Peggy added.

“No...” Shasta balled her fists as she tried to calm herself; “No, I don’t. That psychotic horse waited until I wrapped my hand up in it’s reins, then took off like a soul outta hell! If I wasn’t me, that horse would’ve Killed me! I had to run beside him the whole way here!”

Peggy looked Shasta dead in her eyes and said; “I must remember to give that beast some special oat cakes later.”

Shasta narrowed her eyes at the old woman; “What was that?”

Shasta’s appearance was hostile and intimidating, but Peggy couldn’t care less. She was too old and busy to deal with entitled little snots and house cats. She squared her shoulders, and placed her hands on her hips; ready to give the arrogant cat woman a piece of her mind. Skye gave her a pleading look, but it was too late.

“Listen here, ye surly furball; Ima tired of ye bein’ disrespectful to me bairn! She’s a good lass, and has always been so! Everyone else may tip-toe about ye, but ye’ll get No special treatment from me!”

Shasta had stepped directly in front of Peggy as soon as she had called her a ‘furball’. Their eyes were locked as they took measure of each other’s will. Peggy was old enough to have little fear, and it was only for the safety of her loved ones. She reminded Shasta of an old woman from her past. Their no-nonsense attitudes were the same, and so was the love behind it.


The old servant had called Skye ‘her bairn’, which was strange to Shasta for a princess to allow. But the expression on Skye’s face led Shasta to believe that the bond was reciprocal. She looked genuinely concerned for the old woman who was obviously just a servant, based on her dress. No way she could be Lady Drummond.

Shasta knew of Skye and her family from years of ramblings by Tidas. Every time he visited or got a letter from her, he acted like a fool for the following week. Being overly nice, and blubbering to anyone who’d listen about his red-headed lass got annoying by day three. But a familiar name always came up in turn; Peggy.

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“I know you; you’re the princess’ servant. Awful ballsy of you to talk to me like that..” Shasta replied with a satisfied smirk.

“Why? Because ye be a Pillar? The Vice Commander? Hmph; Queen of the Barbarians ought to be yer title, if ye ask me,” Peggy slowly leaned in as she spoke.

“Would you like to see how barbaric I can be?” Shasta threatened with a creepy smile on her face.

“Ima not scared of a flee-bitten stray like you!” Peggy bellowed back.

“Ack! Enough from ye two! I will Not have ye startin’ a fight in me room! Peggy, yer being hypocritical. Shasta has Earned her title, and the respect that goes with it. Ye yell at her for not respectin’ me, but ye would turn around and do the same?”

“She could’ve-”

Peggy had started to speak, but Skye cut her off; “No excuses. There are tens of other ways ye could broached the subject, but ye didn’t. Yer in the wrong for that.”

Shasta snickered, which drew Skye attention to her; “Shasta, Peggy is right. Since day one ye have had some issue with me. I’d like to know what and why.”

Scoffing, Shasta replied; “I don’t like anyone.”

“Ye like the prince,” Peggy stated snarkily.

Shasta’s ears perked up, then flattened slightly as she sputtered; “W-What?! I don’t like him! He’s a king-”

“I think she meant Tidas, but, do you like Lawrence?!” Skye questioned with enthusiasm.

“No! I just said I don’t!”

“No, ye said he was a king,” Peggy added with a snarky tone, causing Shasta to glare at her.

Zazzy had been sleeping under Skye and Tidas’ pillows and blanket when everyone had showed up. She had heard them, but it wasn’t loud enough to bother her. The combination of a completely new type of smell and a new voice had finally pulled the baby dragon from her slumber.

She crawled off of the bed lazily, and headed straight for Skye. When Shasta saw her at first, she made a deep, throaty hissing noise. Zazzy merely glanced and snorted derisively at Shasta before resuming her trek to her mother. Not sure what was happening; Shasta stood dumbfounded as she watched the baby dragon waddle up to the princess.

Skye beamed as she pet Zazzy, and scratched her chin; “There’s me wee bairn! Hiya sweetheart! Did ye have a good day? Did ye sleep well? Are ye hungry?”

Zazzy had instantly flopped like a dog wanting it’s belly rubbed. She made happy little trill noises, and snorted occasionally as Skye poured out her affection for her. When she found the right spot, Zazzy began to kick her foot with her tongue handing out in bliss.

“How did you get a dragon?”

Skye looked at Shasta as the question left her lips. She told her the same story she’d told Magnus; Zazzy was a gift from the Fae. She explained the deals, treaties, and exactly why Nicolas and Maevis were there. Shasta knew that the Fae had revealed themselves, and that there was a trade deal in place, but she didn’t know the particulars, or that Tidas and Skye were the reason for it. The parade had made it seem as though the Crowned Price and Princess were responsible for the miracle.

“So you’ve believed in Fae your whole life, huh? Is that how you knew?” Shasta asked cryptically.

“Of what ye are? Aye.. Peggy and Marie are just as versed in the ways of Fae as I be. They’re the ones that taught me. And a wee bit of my actual mother,” Skye replied with a nostalgic grin.

Shasta was considering the things she heard about Skye, but she still felt she was spoiled. Everything had been handed to her, or done for her. She’d never known hunger or real cold. ‘She’s never had true heartbreak before...’

The thought stung at Shasta’s heart, causing her ears to flinch. Skye had seen it as she continued to pet Zazzy. Finally stopping, the princess stood up, then turned to her side to face Peggy. Her expression had shifted to motivated as she told Peggy to get the extra bottle of shampoo from their trunk, that they would be needing it.

When Peggy asked why, Skye turned to Shasta and said; “Because she’ll be needin’ a shower before her date.”

Heat filled Shasta’s face as she replied; “It’s Just dinner! It’s not a date!”

Skye smiled as she retorted; “Ok, but do ye really want to go out into that tiny gazebo and stink up the place? With Lawrence in it?”

Shasta looked down at her clothes and sniffed. There was nothing pleasant about how she looked right now, but there wasn’t anything she could do. All of her clothes were back in her quarters. When she mentioned as much, Skye told her she could borrow some of her clothes.

“I’m Not wearing a dress!” Shasta stated with her ears bent back.

“Do ye not remember the clothes I was wearing when we first met up? I don’t only own dresses,” Skye replied as she walked out of her bedroom, into the hall, then into her clothes and storage closet.

She came back with a solid-white shirt, a pair of dark-green pants, and a pair of brown leather boots that nearly matched her head hair color. After a bit more fussing, Shasta finally got in to take a quick shower. She hated water, but knew it was necessary. She was pleasantly surprised by Skye’s products. The shampoo didn’t feel drying on her fur, and the conditioner made it feel soft.

Once out of the shower, Shasta was shocked to see that Peggy had hastily added a tail hole to the pants. She smiled at the kind gesture, then shook her head as the memories of the old woman’s attitude came back to her. She wasn’t sure how to handle the kindness the two were showing her, but decided to simply go with it for now.

Lawrence was waiting for her, and Shasta didn’t want to miss spending any time she could with him. She knew he’d be leaving for Ruscovic soon, and knew she wouldn’t see him again until the summertime, if that. It all depended on Ralph’s return and subsequent reports..

As Shasta looked at herself in the mirror, she was surprised by what she saw. It had been so long since she wore anything other than her uniform. The green of the pants made her eyes stand out, and her fur had a nice shine to it. Peggy had insisted on putting her hair up with intricate braids that she and Skye had both done. For the first time in a long time, she liked how she looked.

Right as they were finishing up, Marie came into the room; “Hello Everton-Shasta? Oh! You look lovely dear! Your hair looks beautiful! Did you dress up for Lawrence?”

Shasta felt her face growing hot again; “N-No! Why would you even say that? Were you eavesdropping?!”

Marie chuckled; “Oh, sweetie no. I’ve known how you two felt about each other for a while now. Everyone else may not notice, but I see everything, my dear,” Marie replied with a confident grin.

“Each other? Does that mean Lawrence likes her too?” Skye asked excitedly.

“From what I can tell, aye. They watch each other constantly. It’s rather adorable,” Marie stated with a smile at Shasta.

If her hands weren’t covering her face, everyone would see a beet red color. Her heart jumped at the thought that Lawrence felt akin to what she did, but it didn’t matter. He was a king from another country, and she was a beast woman.

Seeing the dip in her spirits, Skye asked what was wrong. Not knowing why; Shasta was honest. She told the three women that even if she did have feelings for him, he’d never love her..

“Even if by some miracle he did, it wouldn’t matter! No noble in their right mind would allow their king to be with a beast woman!” Shasta nearly yelled as her true feelings began to break through.

Marie grabbed Shasta’s hand gently, then spoke softly; “I understand why you’d think that dear, but Ruscovic isn’t the same as Alcon. Many nobles and high ranking officials have open relationships with Fae. If something did bloom between you and my nephew, you would not only have my blessing, but the majority of his kingdom’s as well.. Haha! I don’t imagine many arguments to be had either way.”

Shasta quirked her eyebrow; “Why do you say that?”

Marie laughed louder as she replied; “I don’t see anyone getting mad at Lawrence for bringing home a Pillar of Alcon! Except maybe Magnus, but he’s a big softy. If he were to see you two happy, he’d allow you to go.”

Shasta felt like she could explode with happiness. Her tail swayed back and forth as a giant smile spread across her face. She couldn’t believe that Ruscovic could be that tolerant, but then again; Lawrence was their king. He was a good man that understood that love wasn’t something you judged a person for; only their actions.

After the women tidied up for the servants, they headed for the door leading out into the courtyard. Shasta’s heart pounded in her chest as Marie’s words played over and over in her head. As they stepped through the threshold, Shasta became determined that by the end of their night: she would know Lawrence’s true feelings...

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