Dawning Skye

Chapter 172

172 Risk Of Injury

“Zazzy! How did ye get out of the room? Cleaver wee dragon..” Skye spoke in a gentle tone as she leaned down to pet Zazzy.

The baby dragon instantly flopped on the bench to have her belly rubbed, nearly knocking it over in her efforts. Skye rubbed her belly, then offered Shasta and Lawrence the chance. After exchanging a look between themselves, Lawrence let Shasta down from his arms so the two could pet the legendary creature.

Her belly was so smooth it felt soft, but Zazzy’s scales were harder than tempered steel. She reminded Shasta of a salamander with longer legs, and a longer, thinner mouth and snout. The medium-sized stubs that stuck out of her head were the beginnings of some impressive-looking horns. Her wings weren’t stubs, but they were basically attached to her sides until they were developed enough for her to learn to fly.

Shasta smiled gently as she pet the baby dragon. She’d wanted to do it back in Skye’s room, but was too embarrassed to ask. As she finished her turn, Lawrence rubbed at Zazzy’s belly a bit more before he apologized for disturbing everyone.

Peggy laughed loudly; “I’d scream too if I saw that beastie with none around to explain her. If anythin’, we’re sorry for interrupting you two..”

Lawrence grinned broadly at Peggy’s words before he replied; “I guess we’re even then.”

Skye leaned towards Shasta and spoke in a low voice so Lawrence couldn’t hear her; “Ima So Happy For You!”

Shasta flashed a sincere, happy smile at the princess. Little by little, she was beginning to like Skye. She wasn’t sure if it was her buzz from the milkshake, or her high from Lawrence, but the thought of Skye becoming her friend seemed like an actual possibility now. She had already helped Shasta while having no reason to. In fact if their situations would’ve been reversed; Shasta would’ve made Skye’s life a living hell as much as she could’ve.

She knew she’d crossed a line when she and Skye had fought in the area. Shasta still hadn’t gotten to apologize to her for it yet. Thinking on it now; she felt terrible that the first thing she’d done upon seeing Skye afterwards was snap at her over her horse.


Looking at Skye with a hesitant smile, Shasta asked; “Would you like to train together tomorrow? I promise I won’t be so rough, and.. I’m s-sorry, about earlier.”

Skye’s smile grew wider as she felt a barrier between them crumbling; “Aye! Please! I would love that! What time? I assume after Lawrence leaves?”

Shasta’s smile was replaced with hard shock. Her eyes jumped between shock, sorrow, and rage; all directed at Lawrence. He hadn’t told her he was leaving tomorrow, and the realization of it hit him like a slap to the face. He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly, like he was in pain. Shasta’s ears went back as she funneled her fury of mixed feelings into one: anger.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“You’re leaving tomorrow?! And it didn’t occur to you to tell me?! Or did I simply not matter enough to be told?!”

Lawrence floundered; “I thoought I said-I didn’t? I didn’t tell-you’re right, I didn’t. I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry.. Shasta I didn’t mean to forget-”

“How do you forget something like that?!” Shasta threw her arms up in exasperation; “I can’t believe you’d kiss me, then turn around and leave the next day!”

Lawrence took a step towards Shasta; “I swear I was going to tell you.. But we had a moment, a-and then the kiss, and then a freakin’ Dragon was there! A lot happened all at once! I didn’t get the time to tell-”

Shasta took a step back from Lawrence; “The time to tell me would’ve been Before the kiss!”

‘Did he truly feel something for me, or did he just want a little bit of fun before he went home? Duh, Shasta.. Fun. He wanted fun.. It’s one of the few things he’s said to me often: I ‘seem like a fun person’.. Gods! I’m so Stupid! Why would He want me for longer than a night? I’m shocked he’d even want that.. I’m just a beast..’

Shasta’s mind became a cesspool of self-pity and doubt. Every negative thing she’d ever been told came bubbling up to the surface. The Fae villagers, the slavers, and even people she simply passed by on the street all said the same things: Animal. Monster. Loner. Unloved. Beast. Unwanted..

Lawrence took another step towards Shasta, only to have her take another away from him. He could see the happiness in her eyes dying as she lost herself in her thoughts; unable to hear him. He was beginning to panic on the inside; afraid Shasta thought he was treating her like every other woman he’d ever been with.

Lawrence openly admitted he was an unattached philanderer, but he didn’t want that anymore. He had children and a home, but no one to share it all with. For the first time since Anastasia, Lawrence wanted a family again.. And he wanted it with the woman walking away from him.

Fearing losing her more than a beating, Lawrence reached out to grab Shasta. The moment his hand touched her arm, she turned and punched him in the nose. It was a reflex she hadn’t meant to allow happen, but it did. Lawrence instantly fell backwards; his upper body landing on the snow and flowerbeds.

It was then Tidas, Skye, and Marie rushed over to Lawrence’s side. The two had completely forgotten that the others were watching them the entire time. Peggy ran into the gazebo and came out with a towel from the servant’s area. Skye had instantly healed his bloody nose, but he still needed to wipe the blood that had leaked down to his chin. If Skye hadn’t of been there, Lawrence would’ve had to have had his nose set.

“What the Hell Shasta?! He’s my brother! And a King! Are you trying to start a war?!” Tidas yelled at his VC as he stood up from checking his brother.

“Violent beast..” Peggy muttered.

Shasta was about to both take off running and cry at the same time when Skye stood up and spoke: “Peggy! Don’t say such terrible things! She’s no beast, she’s Fae. And ye damn well know it. Tidas! Twas a matter between Shasta and Lawrence, not the King of Ruscovic and yer Vice Commander of the RMC.”

Skye turned back towards Lawrence; “Ye should have told her sooner, and ye know it. Apologize properly and own up to it like a man. She’s already hit ye, anyways.”

Skye turned around to her other side to address Shasta; “Ye have known Lawrence long enough to know he’s a bit of a space case when it comes to these sorts of things. That’s why he’s always late to everything-”

“You’re one to talk,” Tidas said under his breath, but Skye had heard him some how.

“Shut it, husband. I’ll deal with you later,” Skye stated at she maintained eye contact with Shasta.

“I know he’s an inconsiderate asshat for not tellin’ ye, but it wasn’t intended.. I think ye know that, but yer scared of it,” Skye stepped closer to Shasta as she spoke; “I get why ye would be hesitant to trust him, but I think Lawrence genuinely cares for ye. I know ye do for him, so what’s the real issue here?”

Shasta tensed slightly; “What do you mean? What else could-”

“I mean it’s not like ye didn’t know he was goin’ back to Ruscovic sooner rather than later anyways. People have been running around for the past two days preparing for it, so ye knew it was comin’.. So why are ye really upset?”

Shasta crossed her arms over her chest in a defensive manner. Her eyes shifted around the courtyard at anything but the princess. ‘Damn you Skye; just shut up Already! I don’t want to talk about it!’ She didn’t say the words out loud, but Skye understood them.

“Don’t go anywhere, alright? Ima gonna get everyone back to the gazebo so you two can talk in private,” Skye said aloud, then turned to herd everyone in the right direction.

Shasta rubbed at her arm as she spoke hesitantly; “I don’t think he-”

“No, I definitely want to talk this out with you,” Lawrence stood up as he spoke; “Even if I have to get hit again, I don’t care. I want to talk this out, Shasta.. I want a chance to see if this can work.”

Shasta’s heart began to fill again at Lawrence’s proclamation, and Skye’s intervention. If she wouldn’t have stopped her from leaving, Shasta had planned on leaving Alcon altogether. She was going to either head for the Highlands, or the Fire Nation if she had to. She’d thought about seeking asylum from the Fae Nation, but doubted Tatiana would’ve ever allowed her back.

Shasta nodded in agreement, causing a smile to light up Lawrence’s face. Tidas didn’t want to leave the two alone, but Skye wasn’t giving him a choice on the matter. She was literally pushing him towards the gazebo with a surprisingly good amount of force behind her. He thought it was strange a moment, but pushed it aside. He knew his wife had been building her strength since her first time facing off against Shasta. Plus, Skye had always been unnaturally strong for her size.

The group left the two alone; dragon and all. Maevis and Nicolas hadn’t said anything the entire time. They simply watched the Bakeneko as she nearly ruined her life.. Again. Maevis knew of her life leading up to Alcon, but said nothing about it. She was tempted to tell Skye, but decided against it unless Shasta became a problem..


Shasta and Lawrence were sitting on the bench together again. They didn’t speak much at first; just sitting in amiable silence. Lawrence was honestly a little scared to speak around her at the moment. He was a king, but had sounded like an invalid.

Seeing his hesitation, Shasta started; “I’m sorry about before.. About the punch and all.. l know you can’t stay, and I know I can’t go with you. We both have roles to play in our kingdoms.. But promise me one thing? Please?”

Lawrence watched and listened to Shasta’s responses attentively. Anything to make her feel secure about his intentions towards her. He was done with his random flings, so long as he knew he’d have Shasta. Keeping eye contact, Lawrence smiled and replied; “I’ll promise you my entire kingdom if you’ll not be mad at me anymore.”

Shasta softly chuckled; “No, I’d make a terrible queen. Less ‘talk it out’, and more ‘off with their heads’, most likely..”

“I don’t think so.. I think you’d make an excellent queen some day,” Lawrence kissed the top of her head as they sat cuddling on the bench.

Shasta giggled nervously; “If that’s an offer, it’s a piss-poor one.. Please listen, I’m trying to be serious here..”

Lawrence apologized again, then locked eyes with Shasta so she knew she had his full attention. She huffed uneasily then asked; “Will you spend the night with me tonight Knowing sex is off the table?”

Lawrence grinned warmly as he replied; “Aye, I can handle that.. But just so you know; there are many other things we could do-”

“Shut up and let’s go! Both our ears are pink, and it’s much warmer in my room,” Shasta stated as she got up from the bench.

“You mean my room,” Lawrence retorted as he stood up as well.

As the two walked away, they bantered about who’s room they would use until they were standing at the conjunction of the two hallways. Shasta stopped Lawrence right before they went to turn into the main hallway. She poked her head around the corner and looked to see if any servants or guests were coming their way.

When Lawrence asked what she was doing, Shasta replied with, “Making sure the coast was clear.”

It upset Lawrence that she thought he would hide her. After thinking on it more, it was probably how she was used to being treated by lovers. Alcon wasn’t even half as understanding as Ruscovic. He figured she was afraid to ‘damage his reputation’ by being seen with her. It infuriated him that men had treated her in such a way.

Stepping out into the hallway, Lawrence extended his hand out for Shasta to take. Her head flipped back and forth as she checked to see if anyone else could see them before hesitantly taking it. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her right as two servants were exiting another hallway. She tried to pull away but Lawrence kept her pinned to him.

The women smiled and nodded as they passed by the couple. Shasta could hear them instantly whispering about seeing them together before they were out of normal earshot. They were talking at high speeds about ‘the lovey-dovey couple’.

She looked up to Lawrence with panic, but he simply smiled at her and said; “I won’t ever hide you away, Shasta.. I’m proud of who you are.. I’m not like other men.”

Shasta grinned while taking his hand and replied; “Or the women..”

Lawrence smiled broadly; “Women? There were women?!”

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