Dawning Skye

Chapter 188

188 Tavern Talk

“The day we were meant to fight each other was like an unofficial annual gathering for the masters. Each one brought their three best fighters, then drew lots to see who would fight who first. The lots were random, and there was no redrawing if your own slaves were slated to fight each other. Only one fighter was going to survive anyway.. Alfred and I were scheduled to fight each other in the fifth round, but Tidas showed up right as we were being taken out of our cells..”

Maevis’ expression hardened slightly as she spoke; “What happened to the masters?”

Shasta smirked; “Some were arrested, but those who fought back were killed by their slaves and Tidas.. He doesn’t take kindly to those who abuse their power. He fiercely believes that no one has any right to say they own another person; even when it comes to marriage or regular jobs.”

Alfred smiled in admiration as he added; “Tidas doesn’t hate, per say.. I think it’s more like righteous indignation for those he sees hurting. Employers are responsible for their employees; no matter the business. I’ve seen Tidas react to completely different situations the same way, with the only commonality being the mistreatment of another person.”

Skye smiled like a love-struck teenager; “He’s always been like that. Even when we were children and he was a little hellion, he still looked out for the smaller or underprivileged children around us. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him.”

“That’s sickeningly sweet,” Shasta stated with an unmatching grin.

Alfred narrowed his eyes on Shasta with a smirk; “As I recall: as a ‘thank you’, didn’t you try to sleep with Ti-”

Shasta slapped her hand over Alfred’s mouth, but it was too late. Skye stared at Shasta in shock as a tinge of irrational jealousy poked at the back of her mind, but then chuckled slightly. She could imagine her friend trying to hit on a teenaged Tidas, only to be met with an awkwardly kind refusal.

“Let me guess: he turned ye down?”


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Shasta laughed nervously as she answered Skye; “Oh, yeah.. Then I got a ten-minute-long lecture about how ‘there’s someone special out there for me’. That ‘I should hold myself to a higher standard’, can you believe that?! The Jerk! Then, he went off about you for another ten..”

“It was pretty funny, considering you’re not used to it,” Alfred turned to Skye; “And it was, mostly sweet how the prince when on and on about you.”

Skye blushed as she thought of their younger selves. She would do something similar whenever a boy confessed his feelings to her. She wouldn’t come right out and say that she loved Tidas. Instead, she would explain the contract that her father had made with the king. A few had been brash enough to suggest running away together, which had forced her to reveal budding feelings for the prince. But at that point in her life Skye wasn’t sure what love was.

The princess hadn’t told anyone of her true feelings for Tidas back then. Even with Peggy and Genie, she had never actually said that she loved him. Not until after they had reunited, did she finally say the words out loud. She knew that it was love she’d felt right after Tidas’ supposed death, but it had only caused her pain to acknowledge it, so she buried it for her own survival. Once he came back to her, and their love rekindled; it was now her greatest strength.

As Skye lost herself in her nostalgia, Maevis asked again about the slave masters. Shasta grinned like a happy demon as she chugged her cream, and Alfred went stoic. He poured himself a tumbler of whiskey, downed it, then poured another before he began to speak.

“Only two masters had actually been protected by their slaves. The rest turned on theirs the moment they’d had a chance to, not that I blame them. Many nearly died from injuries, but these were also in the early days of Tidas’ little war. It was specifically that incident that prompted Tidas to create many of the protocols that are in place now.”

Skye quirked and eyebrow; “What protocols?”

“Most of them,” Shasta added.

“That doesn’t help,” Skye replied with slight irritation.

“I meant what I said. Standard safety and training protocols, injury limitations for soldiers, treatment requirements for Anyone asking at hospitals! You name it; your husband has had a hand in it.. If you thought all Tidas did was manage the RMC, you’re Wayyy off..”

Alfred kicked Shasta under the table before he spoke; “I think what Shasta was trying to say is that he’s called the ‘People’s Champion’ for more than just his strength. Tidas single-handedly wrote rights for the commoners into every law Alcon has.. And when he found one he couldn’t fix or get his father to repeal, he’d write a new one, and push at his father’s nobles to support it.. You’re husband really is a hero, princess. To thousands of people, for thousands of reasons..”

Skye smiled broadly as Maevis asked; “And the masters that lived?”

Shasta and Alfred shared a gloomy expression before Alfred replied; “Most were fined huge penalties, but it was before Tidas had the laws changed.”

Maevis scoffed derisively as Skye asked; “What would happen now?”

Shasta smirked; “The bastards get either prison time or death; depending on the number of victims.. Personally I say kill them all, but apparently,” Shasta looked to Alfred; “that’s ‘not being fair’.. Ha! Like enslavement is fair?! I say enslave them! And their families-”

“And what will that solve?! Nothing! I agree with Tidas; some can change, if given the opportunity.. You can’t just write them all off. What about people like the Verdes? They treated Apollo and Vega well-”

Shasta cut Alfred off like he’d just done to her; “Oh?! So it’s ok as long as they ‘give treats and rewards’ to their slaves after a job well done killing, it’s ok?!”

Alfred stood up as his ire reached it’s tipping point; “You know that’s not what I meant! When children are raised a certain way, it takes time to undo the damage! They aren’t born enjoying malice; it’s taught! Some can be-”

Skye stood up and put one of her hands on each of their shoulders. She quickly flushed the majority of alcohol and cream from their systems, surprising both Shasta and Alfred as she did so. After about forty seconds, she took her hands off and said; “No more politics, moral standings, or arguments in general!”

Nearly sober again, Shasta turned to the group and said; “Maybe we should quit for the night? I’m a little surprised Tidas hasn’t come to fetch you.”

Skye huffed, then flashed a cheeky grin; “Oh, it’s a sure thing Ima walkin’ into two lectures when I get back to me room. So, let’s make it worth it!”

“I’ll drink to that! Renee! Grab me another bottle-I mean, Please grab me another bottle?!” Shasta called out in the nearly empty tavern.

It was a little after three o’clock by the time Skye, Shasta, and Maevis left The Cat’s Paw tavern. They talked about everything from the name of the tavern, to who Lawrence was to Shasta. Alfred explained that the tavern was named in honor of Shasta since she fronted the money to him to build it. Renee was surprised to hear the fact, but most things she heard that night had shocked her.

Renee knew that her boss was a former slave, but she had no idea about his tragic past, or Shasta’s. The fact that they would’ve been died without the support of the other made Renee fell indebted to Shasnow, which she hated. But she also didn’t hate Shasta anymore. With her bond and standing with Alfred revealed, Renee didn’t feel like she was a threat to her feelings for Alfred any longer..

Shasta had been hesitant to tell Alfred about Lawrence, but he turned out to be incredibly supportive of her; despite him being a royal human. As the two talked, Skye noticed Maevis sulking slightly. She was usually involved in most discussions around her, but she’d been off tonight. When Skye asked her what was wrong, she had apologized for bringing the party down.

“Don’t mind me, dear.. I just can’t understand why Magnus’ father would change so many of the laws that his father and grandfather had worked so hard to write.. I never knew him, but I still can’t imagine what must’ve happened to cause him to be So different from the other MacArthur men..”

The topic was still on Skye’s mind as they exited the tavern. A small enclosed stable was on the side of the building, to keep horses out of the elements while the customers enjoyed themselves. Right as Skye rounded the corner to get Thoth, two large arms wrapped around her from behind.

Skye gasped and elbowed her would-be attacker in the gut, then pivioted to face them as she backed away. Right as she looked, Tidas was dropping to his knees in pain. Skye instantly yelped and started to partially apologize as she helped him back up onto his feet.

“Tidas?! What the hel-What are ye doin’ here?! Why did ye grab me like that?! Ye scared me halfway out me skin!”

Tidas coughed and grunted before he replied; “Hello to you, too, wife.. I wanted to surprise you.. I think it worked..”

“Aye, it worked ye fool! Yer lucky I didn’t skewer you with me Earth magic! Which is exactly what I was gonna do next!”

Tidas exhaled deeply, then pulled his wife into his arms. He apologized again as he kissed her softly into submission. By the time he pulled away, Skye’s mind was clouded and useless as she sputtered at him.

“Can’t you two wait until you get back to your room?! Gods! It’s like watching two animals try to eat each other,” Shasta stated as snarkily as possible while Maevis hovered next to her with an exhausted expression.

Tidas grinned; “Well that’s hilarious, coming from you.. What did you Try do with Hawkins right after that skirmish with the Sync Kingdom? Until Zas grabbed you any threw you-”

Shasta through her hand up in the air with a haunting motion; “Ok! That’s enough embarrassing stories for the night! Since you’re here, you can escort the princess home. I’m gonna curl up on Alfred’s bar and sleep for a bit before heading back to the barracks.”

“I’m gonna flutter on back to the palace now. It’s much quicker for me to fly than it is for me to ride with you.. And I think your prince would like a bit of alone time with you, lass,” Maevis added as she slowly fluttered higher into the sky.

Skye turned to see an Tidas giving Maevis an appreciative nod. He did want to walk back with Skye alone, but he wasn’t going to outright ask. With the two Fae volunteering to leave, a devilish plan popped into his head.

The note he had sent Skye earlier told her to be waiting naked in their bed from him. He had planned an extended break for himself so he could have a little bit of intimacy with his wife. He’d even gone as far as to tell her some of the things he’d planned on doing to her, to entice her.

When Klaus had tracked him down, he’d immediately subpoenaed the records for the Magistrate harassing the local Fae business owners. He barely had to glance at the records to see the blatant theft. Marco normally handled the kingdom’s finances. The fact that he hadn’t issued a warrant or investigated the magistrate yet set off warning bells in his head. Either Marco was allowing it to happen because he didn’t care, or the more likely scenario: he ordered it to be done..

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