Dawning Skye

Chapter 192

192 Behind Closed Windows

Skye rubbed her eyes sleepily as she yawned and looked out her window. She’d used a carriage today instead of riding on Thoth. It allowed her to nap on and off as she traveled from hospital to hospital. It took much longer, but rest was required if she were to use her Shaman trait to it’s full capabilities. Her body was tired, but not her spirit. So long as she ate and slept a bit, she’d regain her magic from this morning.

Zazzy was at the point were she couldn’t fill up on magic anymore. Skye wondered how much food Zazzy was eating now, and made a mental note to ask Peggy specifics once she’d gotten home later. As she drifted off, she could hear Klaus and Ronnie talking as they rode behind her on their horses..

After Skye had made her Shaman rounds, she had Klaus and Ronnie escort her to the Royal Library. She knew that it was attached to the palace, but she was surprised to find that it was next to the RMC Headquarters. As Skye looked up at the windows, she wondered if Tidas was in there; possibly looking down at her as she searched for him..


Marco smirked to himself as he watched the carriage that he knew contained Skye pass under the window. He’d been bored waiting for Tidas, so he’d been looking out at the perfect time. He figured that she was heading to the library, which caused him to grin devilishly as he contemplated visiting her. Since she was a princess, Skye would be given a private room to read in. ‘It would be an excellent chance to be alone with her..’

Right when Marco was trying to decide whether to leave now, or wait a while for her to situate herself; a knock came from the door. He sighed in irritation before taking a seat at his brother’s desk, and granting permission for whomever to enter.

A nervous female corporal apologized as she said; “Pardon me, yer Grace.. I was lookin’ for Commander Tidas.”

Marco smiled charmingly; “It’s perfectly fine, Corporal. This is his office, after all. I thought he’d be here working, but he seems to be elsewhere at the moment. Can I help you, my dear?”

Taken in by his charm, the young Corporal replied; “Oh, umm.. I-It’s just a full background check on a magistrate in charge of one of the business quarters. I think he’s in charge of all the businesses that pertain to beast men in-”


“They’re Fae, not beast men. My father announced the difference, or did you not hear?” Marco got up from his seat, and walked towards the Corporal; “We need to address them properly from now on, just like they were actual people, or it could lead to strife.. Since we don’t want that to happen for any reason, I will look into the matter personally..”

A strong wave of desire washed over the Corporal as the prince approached. She had always found the oldest prince stunningly handsome; in a dark, dangerous kind of way. The vibe he gave off was a mix of charisma and danger, but she’d always liked him regardless. Her breath caught in her throat as he came closer and closer with a look in his eyes that both excited, and frightened her.

‘I suppose I can have a bit of fun with this first, before my main course. She’s just given me some information I’d rather not let Tidas have..Guess I should reward the good little girl..’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Crowned Prince moved to nearly pin her against the wall, next to the door. Panic and need fought within her as the prince neared her. With only two inches or so between them, the door to the office opened. Flooding the Corporal with an odd relief as Prince Tidas walked into the room.

“The Bloody Hell is going on here?! Radcliffe! Get back to your desk right now! You!” Tidas pointed at his brother; “Sit down and start talking! Why are you here?!”

Marco frowned as watched his plaything rush out of the room. He was disappointed that he didn’t get to program her to come to him later, but he at least made her forget about the report she’d intended to give to Tidas; that had been the crucial bit. He didn’t need his brother sniffing around the financial matters of the kingdom.

While he felt confident in his ability to bury the information in numbers and calculations, Marco didn’t want Tidas to go double-checking. It would take him months to unravel his web, but his youngest brother could do it. The amount of patience the man had was irrational to him. With enough time; Tidas would’ve figured out how much, and where the funds were going. If Marco wouldn’t have been in Tidas’ office, or if his brother hadn’t left; his plan would’ve failed right then and there.. ‘Fate truly must be on my side.’

“So?!” Tidas said impatiently as he sat down behind his desk; “What did you want? I already sent you that revised-What?! Wher-YOU...You were sitting at my desk, weren’t you?! All my papers are messed up! Damn it, Marco!”

“I did nothing of the sort.. It’s not my fault you leave your office unlocked,” Marco replied in a monotone.

“I was only gone a few hours,” Tidas stated testily.

“Ahh, aye. And, how is Skye? I was thinking of inviting her to my quarters..for dinner. I think Karena would like it,” Tidas glared at Marco as he continued; “And I suppose you could come as well, if you want.”

Tidas’ rage flared; “Do NOT go near my wife, Marco, or I swear-”

“Oh.. What will you do, little brother? What do you swear? What did father teach us about swearing?” Marco spoke to Tidas placidly, but his eyes dared him to speak.

Taking a deep, certain breath; Tidas replied in a hard voice: “If you ever touch my wife without her consent, I will kill you.”

Marco’s eyes flared in surprised amusement. Tidas was always very cautious with how he worded himself, but this was a flat-out threat. It wasn’t a general one, so anyone who might’ve heard it would think of it as a mostly benign thing to say.. But not to the future king. He decided to see if he could push his brother into the ultimate stupidity; especially with so many RMC members outside the door..

Marco could’ve tortured his brother with that, but Tidas had given him much better ammunition; “And what if Skye Wants my affections? Will you allow her to come to my bed if she chooses to?”

Tidas could see small dots of red beginning to spread out, and take over his vision. It was similar to what had happened to him on the battlefield, and in Skye room in the Medical Ward. The realization hit him hard, which gave Tidas a decent foothold against his brother’s power.

With determination in his eyes, Tidas replied; “Skye is bound to me by mutual love and respect; of her Own choosing. If she were to Choose to leave me, she has every right to it. It’s even in our contract. No One can bend her to their will; father, Lucas, and I took care of that in the marriage contract.. So even if I’m gone, it will Always Be Her Choice.”

Marco was taken aback a moment by his brother’s words. He didn’t know that the two had pushed the king’s authority to such a length. It angered Marco that he couldn’t force her to be his second wife now, but once his plan had started; nothing would matter anymore except whatever he wanted..

“Touché, brother.. Now, male posturing aside; I came to tell you that I need you to set a watch on a magistrate from the business district in the south-”

“How do you know about that?! Is that why my desk is messed up?! Did you find a report on my desk?!” Tidas’ voice raised as he searched through his papers.

“I was just coming to ask you to help me catch an embezzler. I noticed discrepancies between the owners and the collector’s numbers, and I thought mister hero could help me.. Or do you not care?”

Tidas wanted to kill his brother, but instead he took three deep breaths and said; “I will put a Water mage that specializes in tracking on him.. I would like to see the report you plan to file against him as well. I have information I can add to it.”

“I’ll go find it and make a copy. It might take some time; busy with running the kingdom and all, but I’ll do what I can,” Marco replied as he slipped out the doorway.

Tidas sighed a breath of relief at his brother’s leaving. Marco grinned and nodded mechanically at the mages that he passed; lost in his thoughts as he walked. Skye was something he’d always wanted, but she wasn’t necessary to him, only her power was. If he couldn’t play with her now, he’d simply wait until he could. It wouldn’t be much longer now.. Until the cogs of fate began to turn in his favor..


As Skye stepped out of the carriage, her foot landed on the MacArthur family crest. They’d been the royal family of Alcon for centuries, and most of the records from before they took power were lost. Ancient tomes had been discovered throughout the years that referred to the old capital, but the language it was in couldn’t be translated.

Tidas didn’t know it, but Skye had never come across something she couldn’t read. She’d realized she had an affinity for it while reading with her father. At age four, she could pick up any book in her father’s library and read it. Lucas Moonstone could speak the Star language, bits of the Fire Nation’s language, the Nomadic dialect, and two of the ancient languages. But Skye could read anything..

After the first time Lucas had read to Skye, he’d gone on a business trip shortly afterwards. She ransacked his study to find their next book for when he returned. An hour of flipping later, Skye realized that there wasn’t a single book she couldn’t read. Even the ones her father had mentioned barely being able to read himself. After that, Skye read whatever she could get her hands on. As she walked up the steps of the library, a shiver of anticipation ran up her spine..

The entrance had multiple, enormous archways stacked together. They were tall enough for a giant to walk through, and the doors matched. They were only open halfway, but it was wide enough for two comfortable lines going in and out. Guards checked everyone going in and out for unregistered books, weapons, etc..

Once Skye passed the doorway checkpoint, she came to stand on top of a small staircase that led down to the main floor of the library. Two thin, but elegant stairways on either side of her went up to the second floor. The entire inside of the building looked like it was made of polished marble. The outside was a cement-like product, but slightly harder; just like the arena. Stained-glass windows with the MacArthur family crest in the center of intricate designs lined the walls above the bookshelves.

Skye marveled at the building, then nearly squeaked out loud in delight at the rows upon rows of books in front of her. She so badly wanted to run to the nearest shelf, and just start reading until she had consumed every book in the building.. But she had goals to fulfill, and not much time to waste.

The Mage Trials were approaching quickly, and Ralph could be back any day now with information on Tidas’ uncle. She needed to study, train in her sword skills, fighting skills, and basic survival skill. Not to mention the extra research she was doing on the Legend of the Catalyst; which was he goal today. The moment she’d stepped foot outside Tidas’ secret memorial, Skye had decided to learn whatever she could about the Catalyst.

‘If I can save everyone from the dark man by bein’ this Catalyst thing, I’ll do it. Whatever it takes to save Tidas...’

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