Dawning Skye

Chapter 196

196 Don’t Want To Go

*****Language Warning*****

After a bit more time discussing the Catalyst and the Thrice Hermes Legend, Skye and Maevis decided it was time for them to head back to the palace. The stairway was terrible for everyone except Maevis. She’d told them all in a smug manner that she’d meet them at the top, then flew straight up.

Skye huffed as she carried the box up the stairs. Dr. Lyberth had offered to carry it for her, but she was being stubborn about it. The thought kept popping into her head, ‘At least if I am the Catalyst, that means I’ll get Wind magic at some point! That’ll make things like this much easier.. Oh! Maybe I can be the one to teach Zazzy to fly?!’

The box wasn’t heavy, but the bulk of it made it difficult to walk in her dress properly.

Skye had contemplated wearing her riding clothes today. She would much rather wear her pants and shirts everyday, but Skye was a princess now. She didn’t want her appearance to reflect badly upon Tidas. She didn’t think he actually cared about what she wore, but the nobles seemed to; Karena in particular.

After seeing Skye in her ‘man’s outfit’ the day before, she’d ranted to her noble friends about it. They went along with Karena’s mockery, but most secretly wished that they could wear something comfortable like pants, on occasion. All the military uniforms had pants, regardless of gender; and many of the noble women liked the fit of it.

Ancient fashions showed women in many different types of pants similar to men’s. A few had tried to reinvent the fashion, but Karena had said that they all looked like ‘commoner harlots’ to her. Implying that anyone caught wearing such fashions would be labeled one as well. None of the women at court had a high enough status to go against her.. Except Skye.

King Magnus obviously favored her. Every time Skye and Tidas ate in the banquet room, they were the center of attention. They matched in temperament, kindness, and looks; complimenting each other in every way. Magnus wasn’t their only fan; many of the nobles were slowly being won over by Skye’s generosity as well. To the point of donating more than once to the local hospitals and orphanages.

Skye didn’t differentiate when making her Shaman rounds. If she saw someone hurting, she either helped them, or healed them herself. Every day she was helping more and more people; generating more donations for the public care services.


The hospitals had received so many donations that they had pulled together, and opened up a general charity fund. They named it ‘The Eir’s Blessing Fund’, and used it to pay for everything from new equipment, to patient treatments. With so much money saved, the general population was spending more money; building up their economy..

Exiting the stairway, the box nearly slipped from Skye’s hands as she ran into someone while talking with Nora. She was about to thank the person who had stopped the box from falling, but gasped in horrified shock instead. Marco had an unnerving grin plastered on his face as fear traversed Skye’s. She quickly recovered as courage found her, and she pulled the box back from his hands.

Skye kept her face neutral after her slip, but Maevis flew in between them with obvious animosity. She openly glared at the Crowned Prince as those closest to the scene watched and listened. Seeing the makings of an international incident brewing, Skye quickly tried to cover:

“Ima sorry I broke yer glasses earlier, Mae! Prince Marco be the one in front of us! Ima sorry, yer Grace. Maevis can hardly see without them.. That’s why she’s straining to look at ye.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Skye grabbed Maevis similarly to how Shasta had grabbed her when they were tailing Skye. Maevis hated that she was the size of a doll, and anyone who treated her as such. She now glared at Skye as the princess spoke in an airy, but stern tone; “How about ye let me heal yer eyes later so ye don’t have to bother with yer specks anymore?”

Maevis’ face covered a range of emotions before she replied; “Ah, umm.. I guess I can’t refuse you any longer, can I?”

Skye released the elder fairy, who immediately went to her shoulder and continued; “I need to keep my eyes sharp; never know who’s going to sneak up..”

Maevis had been staring hard at Marco when she’d spoken, eliciting a cold chuckle from him. It was the hollow, fake kind one used mockingly. His countenance went back to it’s standard placidity, but his voice was playful as he commented to Skye in a whisper; “Good save.. You’d make an excellent diplomat without that snippy thing accompanying you.”

Straightening his posture, Marco began to speak; “I saw your two guards in the foyer by the front. I was hoping to speak to you in private-”

“Not happening,” Maevis said low so only the immediate group could hear.

“Easy there, Deva. No need to have a tantrum.. Or are you a Brownie?” Marco was obviously taunting her.

Maevis went back to openly glaring at the prince as she said; “I am Not a Deva, Nor a Brownie...I am a Pixie, and ye damn-well know it..”

Marco smirked as he watched the old Fae’s ire rise; “Ah, well, you’re all just variations of fairies, aren’t you? Does it even matter? All Fae are equal, aren’t they? ...Except, of course, your royalty?”

Skye could feel Maevis building her magic. To the untrained ear, it sounded like an offhanded, but neutral thing to ask and say. The way Marco had looked, and the way he’d said it had not been netrual.. Not-so-well masked contempt radiated from him as he and Maevis stared each other down.

Skye was internally panicking. Maevis would literally be killed if she moved even an inch in hostility towards Marco. She couldn’t see them, but Skye could feel his personal guards nearby. She knew one of them was the new Water mage, and another was a Manic. He had others as well, but those were the two she saw trailing after him and Karena most often.

“Umm, good evening your Grace. Is there something I can help you find? I’d be more than happy to help,” Dr. Lyberth said, trying to defuse the situation.

Marco flashed his courtier grin and replied; “I’m fine, thank you Doctor.. I really would like to speak with Skye in private.”

“Not Happening,” Maevis stated in a low, vehement tone.

Marco was now glaring at Maevis; “It’s not up to you.”

Marco’s voice was icy as he spoke, sending a biting chill through Nora’s body. She had always made it a point to avoid the Crowned Prince. He gave her an ominous feeling, one that many of the servants had been ensnared by. She knew some of them had disappeared...afterwards. It wasn’t something anyone talked about openly, for fear of being the next to vanish.

Skye was torn between her fear for her friends, and her fear for herself. She knew better than to be alone with Marco, but he wasn’t giving her a choice. The look in his eyes combined with the attention they were receiving from bystanders was forcing her hand.

“What is it you wished to speak to me about? Is it something truly so important that the Crowned Prince himself had to come to the library to speak directly with me?”

Marco locked eyes with Skye, sending a rush of instinctual unease up her back as he replied; “Very few things are more important to me.”

His honeyed words and tone sent some of the spectators into a gossiping frenzy. The word ‘lovers’ was muttered several times, making Skye’s group the growing center of attention. Marco grinned devilishly as he and Skye warred silently.

Knowing she would have to give, Marco laughed inwardly. ‘This visit is turning out better than I expected. Not only are these crowds forcing her hand to be alone with me, they’ll also torment my idiotic brother. With what I said to him in his office, and now these building rumors.. He’ll slowly go insane from questioning his faith in her.. And shove her into my arms himself..’

With smug satisfaction written all over his face, Marco extended his hand out to Skye. Maevis’ wings fluttered rapidly in irritation, prompting the princess to grab her, and hand her to Nora. The expression they both had was one of fierce concern for her, but Skye subtly shook her head; telling them not to act.

Putting her hand in his, Skye immediately felt Marco’s magic attempting to influence her. She wanted to pull her hand away, but he was squeezing it to prevent her from doing so without making a scene. Her head felt clouded, and her thoughts jumbled and melded.

Skye felt like the Grim Reaper gripped her hand, leading her towards the valley of death. Her panic and fear threatened to overtake her, but she took a deep, shaky breath to calm herself. As they took a step to walk away, Skye felt akin to being drunk. Her senses and coordination were blurred and woozy. It was similar to the time he had tried to walk away with her after the Victor’s Banquet.

Adrenaline and trepidation fueling her thoughts, the similarities sparked an idea. ‘I almost feel sick, like I drank too much.. WAIT. Drank too much.. Drunk.. Heal.. I can heal me self! Like I did before Marco found me outside that night, and at Alfred’s! I know what to do!’

Focusing on her Shaman trait, Skye began to use her magic to treat herself. She focused on her brain chemistry, liver, kidneys; any and everything that helped cleanse the body. She even bolstered both types of her blood cells to help the entire process move along faster. As her mind began to clear, Marco stopped mid-stride.

He stared at Skye with genuine surprise on his face as she reclaimed her senses, and stated loudly and clearly; “I think we should find my husband and include him in your debriefing.”

Marco felt both amused, and very angry. No one had ever completely broken his hold on them before. He couldn’t help but to be impressed by her, but it didn’t negate his fury. He’d been trying for months to be alone with her so he could imbed a small piece of his amulet in her, but Skye was never alone. Tidas had been very vigilant about it. If he wouldn’t have come in through the back entrance, they might’ve seen him, and intervened.

Since Klaus and Ronnie hadn’t seen him, Marco figured she’d be in one of the back rooms studying privately. His plan was to catch her off guard, and shove a piece of the amulet into her neck or the like; anywhere really. After that, it would’ve only been a short matter of time before she came to him herself.. Gave herself and her powers over to him..

Irritation crossed his features a moment before he said; “I can tell Tidas all about it later. Come with me now.”

Marco’s voice was stern and hard as he squeezed Skye’s hand forcefully in an attempt to get her to start walking. She squeezed his hand back just as hard, and spoke with defiance in her eyes; “I would Really feel better if Tidas were there as well.”

“I think so, too.. What did you need my wife and I for, brother?”

Turning their heads, Skye and Marco watched as Tidas, Klaus, and Ronnie cross the room with long strides. All three looked irate, but only to those who knew them; like Skye. She could feel their fury as they approached, and noticeably felt Tidas’ magic spike when his eyes fell on their clasped hands.

Walking up to his brother, Tidas spoke in a low, threatening voice that only Skye, Marco, and himself could hear; “If I ever see you touch my wife again, I will cut your fucking hands off..”

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